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Blackout's Box Podcast - Consciousness & Comedy - Pranks & Parody - Silliness & Spirituality

Blackout's Box Podcast - Consciousness & Comedy - Pranks & Parody - Silliness & Spirituality

Blackout AKA Michael Biggins - HOST - Stacey Curletto - Executive Producer

All new insanity from an INsane man with a hat in an OUTsane world. THE old school original live streamer & podcaster before it was even called podcasting! From prank / crank / improvisation calls & comedy bits to long philosophical and spiritual rants on the nature of reality, life , death, the Law of Attraction and your grandma at a strip club - this is Blackout's Box, old and new - remastered classics and all new audio gold. SPIRITUALITY & STUPIDITY - COMEDY CULTURE ART MUSIC PHILOSOPHY FILM RANDOMNESS LOVE LIGHT LAUGHTER KINDNESS CREATIVITY & ABUNDANCE FOR ALL WAYS - ALWAYS!

26 - Season 2 - Episode 26 - Operation TURBO BOOST! (prank / crank call)
0:00 / 0:00
  • 26 - Season 2 - Episode 26 - Operation TURBO BOOST! (prank / crank call)

    I have been very sick my friends with bad black mold poisoning and am going through a lot, but I am determined to remaster the classic material I have made and bring all new soon as I recover my voice and health (hopefully - pray to the Thrice Great Okapi that I heal-eth). 

    For now, enjoy the first of season two - Operation Turbo Boost. What happens when you bring your old 1989 Honda Civic into the Blackout's Box garage to fix a small scratch.  Some 007 Spy Hunter very extremely expensive & unnecessary repairs stealth & weapon additions - that's what!

    NOTE: Even though I am doing seasons, I am keeping the episode numbers so that each season will still continue from the episode number where last season left off. Why am i doing this? To know which podcast you are actually up to? To learn how to count past 1 digit? i don't know - you figure it out.

    PLEAE - If you get any enjoyment and want to keep this going, please show your support at or$BlackoutsBox

    All other links can be found here:

    Sun, 30 May 2021 - 16min
  • 25 - Ep 25 - The Adventures of Auntie Danny & Gladys Ridgeford! - BEYOND BIPOLAR

    Grab a six pack, or six six  packs, or hell an entire TRUCK of Coors light and get ready for one of the most ridiculous Blackout's Box Podcast episodes ever - as I walk into a small bodega while recording and the owner of the store JESS is already on the phone with a very colorful character (to say the least)  - Auntie Danny. This prank call was fate, it was destiny I say, I walked into it and it walked into me, and of course Gladys Ridgeford showed up and all hell broke loose!


    The Great Auntie Danny & Gladys Ridgeford

    PART I

    0:00 -Introduction to Jess (24 convienence store owner) & her bi-polar Auntie Danny & her 6 pack a day Coors beer habbit. Also Malik - Jess's boyfriend.

    2 minutes in - Malik starts playing a youtube video about how the coronavirus is bacterial not viral, auntie Danny gets a little annoyed

    4min - Jess talks about 5G in Long Island New York

    5 min - Auntie Danny says "I\m Auntie - I'm 66 & a half.

    5:30 min - Auntie changes from 6 beers a day to 6 "packs" of 6 beers a day of Coors beer

    6:30 - Aunty Danny has never had a Bloody Mary

    8:30 - Aunty Danny talks about her favorite time during the 80s.

    13:00 - Auntie Danny calls me Blackout and asks if she's ok?

    14:30 - weirdness competition - 6 pack mentioned again

    15:00 - Auntie Danny talks about Idaho

    16:00 - Auntie Danny is a California Girl & we discuss rental prices

    18:30 - I start talking as a surfer dude with my surfer days in Cali - Auntie Danny Loves it

    21:30 - We start talking about being bipolar

    22:00 - BAT ATTACK!

    25:20 - Ride the waves BRO (Aunty Danny starts to turn & become combative BRO!)

    27:40 - Auntie Danny's secret to a long marriage & Woodstock stories

    29:20 - Auntie Danny birthed children while at Woodstock

    31:55 - Auntie Danny tells me how to date and get it on with a girl.

    35:00 - Dating in Idaho

    36:00 - Jess (the niece in the store - sleeps me a piece of paper that says "SHE'S BIPOLAR!!!!"


    37:09 - Surfer Bro tells Auntie Danny he want to introduce her to his grandma Gladys Ridgeford (Gladys enters the conversation) Aunti Danny ALMOST picks up on me changing voices!

    38:38 - Gladys starts hitting the bourbon! Wooooof!

    43:04 - Auntie Danny telles her tale of hard hard work and no free rides or discounts and 

    begins to get angry about her rich mean priviledged mom

    45:00 - Share & Cher & Money - Auntie Danny starts to turn even darker about money & starts to get confrontatinal 'bro!'

    49:10 - The benefits out having your own house & not having fishy roomates

    50:00 - NEWSCAST - Aunty Danny becomes unhinged

    53:30 - Fight between Gladys & Auntie Danny

    58:40 - Auntie Danny & Gladys make up - Gladys talks abut Tripod. BOOM!

    If you enjoy this content / channel, please subscribe & hit the bell (you know the drill.. lol) &  consider checking out the "Blackout's Box Podcast" on apple podcasts or any major podcast platform / software.  Also if you want to keep this content, both comedy & consciousness coming, and you have a few extra bucks consider supporting the channel! Any support is immensely appreciated and valued! - (YOU ARE HERE!) 

    Mon, 27 Jul 2020 - 1h 19min
  • 24 - Crazy Covid Continues! No Holds Barred w Libertarian Larry Sharpe (Joe Rogan EP#1167) on increased world craziness

    SHOW NOTES: Opening w Larry handsome man prince story - 1999 censorship on big platforms youtube and facebook zero tolerance origin of internet bbs systems mainframes huge monopolies oligarchies -giant corporations are facebook and youtube platforms or publishers advantages of the covid lockdown larry's daughter & planets the cons of the internet & wikipedia knowledge wikipedia robots school teaches obedience and not good thinking hating high school college was better than high school but degrees are old school why bother you should start thinking about your future by middle school "adulting" the balance between keeping the child life force and curiosity and adult responsibilities structured 9 to 5 vs the new gig economy government = politicians we are no longer in an industrial society those jobs will become automated by machines minimum wage laws self checkout & the first signs of automation mega corporations ensure small guys can't compete why did certain stores get the special pass and small stores were all shut during covid? how tech has messed our memories up, who remembers phone numbers anymore? technology is making people want to be monitored and chipped for convenience how far tech has come in less than a lifespan the death of physical media & "the cloud" - someone eles's hard drive Twitter - will they go full censorship too? Larry and the problems of parenting in a super tech connected world how crazy pornography has gotten - my little pony porny! The Documentary Idiocracy - We're living it! The massive changes in the 6 weeks from being on Larry's show till today from covid to police brutality & black lives matter the hatred towards all lives matter ignorance comes in all colors people have forgotten how to debate - everything is personal how we went from covid concern to racism and police brutality are there higher forces above government playing their cards and using this covid - to move towards global tracking / golbal government / cabal and if so how are they doing? why do we still have king and queens in the modern world? & inbreeding why are their egyptian symbols on are money and in front of all the soviern power city states the wealth gap / fractional reserve banking Blackout state trooper story - dad & corrupt cops and a child first learning about money "money rules the world" my search to understand who is the ultimate authority / who controls the issuing of currency the rabbit hole of money  we didn't have income tax for over 100 years --COMMERCIAL BREAK -- Elmhurst hospital The Epicenter Nurse - documentary that shows doctors & nurses putting people who they knew were not covid on massive drugs and then killing them by damaging their lungs with ventilators All hospitals could only make money off covid patients - so corruption occured in a corrupt system -  Covid burnout / crisis fatique, lets change up and burn things down!  Rascism is really culuralism & markers  Lesson's from Larry's Dad Larry's view on spirituality Blackout talks about his near death experience Will there be a phase 2 of covid - is it planned? worse case scenario - Darth Vader Storm Troopers at his door - what would he do? We talk about qualified immunity - the one congressmen who introduced a bill against it - Congressman Amash http::// - for all social media links SUBSCRIBE & SUPPORT at

    Wed, 24 Jun 2020 - 1h 36min
  • 23 - Addiction, Dependency, Habits - What's the Difference? A Mortuary Cosmetician & Chaos Magician + Sapiosexuality & Keanu Reeves Prank!

    What's the difference between an addiction, a dependency,  or a habit?   Can an addiction ever be positive? How do you know and how do you grow / change?  Are there even differences? If so what are they?  How can you tell the difference? When may you need help, and when may you just need to give up and make sure that you still look so sweet and sexy in a coffin by getting yourself a good mortuary cosmetician!!  Toxica Acid  (a mortician cosmologist - see see's dead people, plus SO much more on this enhanced 3 hour long extended Blackout's Box Live flashback edition! 

    "Blackout's Box Podcast" on apple podcasts or any major podcast platform / software.  Also if you want to keep this content, both comedy & consciousness coming, and you have a few extra bucks consider supporting the channel! Any support is immensely appreciated and valued!

    Host - Blackout / Michael Biggins
    CoHost- Dingo / Georgio Repetti
    Executive Producer - Stacey Curletto

    Thu, 28 May 2020 - 2h 59min
  • 22 - Covid-19 P2 - Vice President & NYC Governor Libertarian candidate Larry Sharpe & Blackout discuss the EROSION of FREEDOM under the guise of pandemic & what to do about it!

    Covid-19 P2 - Vice President & NYC Governor Libertarian candidate Larry Sharpe & Blackout discuss the erosion of freedom under the guise of pandemic & what to do about it!

    I was a guest on "The Sharp Way" on 4/17/2020, a libertarian show hosted  by Larry Sharpe, an American business consultant, entrepreneur,  political activist, and internet broadcaster. He was a candidate for the  Libertarian Party nomination for Vice President of the United States in  2016, losing narrowly to former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld.  Sharpe was also the Libertarian nominee for Governor of New York in the  2018 gubernatorial election. Sharpe is the founder and managing director  of the online business training company Neo-Sage Group, Inc. He also  appeared in a full episode interview on the Joe Rogan Podcast Episode  1167.   We discuss the current situation of covid19 and how it has been  massively over exaggerated and used as a weapon of control to further the grips of government power gone wild in a big push for citizens to give up even more freedom and the move towards global governance as well as  cults, psychology, propaganda,  big pharma, medicine, the invisible  rainbow, Dana Ashlie, corporatism, religion,  mind control, Bill Gates,   Event201, id2020, quantum dot tattoo, tracking and control systems,  face recognition, government abuse, digital certificates, human rights  infringements, the constitution, bill of rights, the W.H.O. (WHO) world  Health Organization, Apple, Microsoft, Military, The United Nations,  world wide abuses, economic damage vs sickness damage, immune systems,  quarantine, over reaching of police and military forces, and possible  solutions - all while remaining calm and non fear based looking for  SOLUTIONS!

    Sun, 19 Apr 2020 - 1h 03min
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