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News Bites

560 - Voice Samples and Loch Ness Monster
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  • 560 - Voice Samples and Loch Ness Monster

    Hi there. It's time for an all-new episode of News Bites. I'm Jacob Ingram. And I'm Nany Sun. In today's news: Rumors about voice samples being collected during phone calls, and NASA has been asked to help search for the Loch Ness Monster. And in today's Tasty Tidbit: Have you ever wondered what causes most colds? Stay tuned for those stories, coming up next. ________________________________ 不必擔心 有人用LINE收集你的聲音 Voice Sample Rumors on LINE Messaging APP You know those random calls you sometimes get from out of the blue? The calls from unknown numbers? Rumor has it some of these numbers are collecting voice samples (語音樣本). A voice sample is a bit of someone's voice that's recorded (錄音). It's like when you take a small piece of a song to get a feel for how it goes. Voice samples allow you to hear what someone else's voice sounds like, and get an idea for how that person talks and expresses themselves. So why would someone want to collect voice samples? Well, it's for training AI to simulate the voices of real people. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It's like a smart computer program which can do things that normally only humans can do. 人工智慧現在可以做很多以前真人才能做的事。 For example, telling jokes, writing stories, drawing pictures or even carrying out a conversation. In this case, some people are using voice samples to train AI how to mimic their voices. 據說有些人使用語音樣本訓練AI模仿人的聲音。 So why would anyone want to train AI to mimic people's voices? Well, some shady folks out there are looking to scam others. They want to make AI sound like relatives, parents or friends, to trick you into giving them money. So that's why some are advising not to speak over the phone when answering calls from unknown numbers. But is there any need to be so cautious? 接到不知道誰打來的電話時,需要很小心嗎? Well, according to the Taiwan Fact-Checking Center, the answer is no! 那是不需要的。 The Fact-Checking Center explained that AI struggles to produce high-quality voices with just a few greeting sentences. Cybersecurity experts agree. 網路安全專家同意。 They said that while AI can simulate human voices, it needs longer speech samples to do so effectively. Plus, AI being used for voice fraud is still relatively rare compared to other scams. So, what's the bottom line? There's no need to freak out and stay silent on the phone. But if you suspect a call might be a scam, it's still a good idea to hang up as soon as possible. ________________________________ 有人呼籲美國太空總署 協助尋找尼斯湖水怪 NASA Urged to Help in New Search for Loch Ness Monster Nestled in the Scottish Highlands lies Loch Ness. 蘇格蘭高地中隱藏著尼斯湖。 It's a picturesque freshwater lake shrouded in mystery and folklore. 它是一個風景如畫的淡水湖,籠罩著神秘和民間傳說。 What is it most famous for? … The legend of the Loch Ness Monster. Locals affectionately call the monster Nessie. It's described as a large aquatic creature resembling a plesiosaur (蛇頸龍). That's a type of dinosaur that swims in the ocean. Nessie has been the subject of many sightings and debates. The modern legend of the Loch Ness Monster dates back to the early 1900s. There have been reported sightings and photographs showing a dark, elongated shape (狹長的形狀) emerging from the waters. People have been searching for the monster for many years. In 1936, a chap called Sir Edward Mountain led the first organized expedition (探險遠征隊) to Loch Ness to search for the monster. He took 20 men with him. Together, they placed binoculars (望遠鏡) and cameras (照相機) around the loch, and took many photographs. But still, they couldn't prove whether there really was a monster lurking in the waters. Now, with the 90th anniversary of Sir Edward Mountain's exhibition approaching, there's going to be another search for the monster, and NASA is being asked to help out! The Loch Ness Centre said it's organizing another search for the monster from May 30th to June 2nd. It says it has asked experts to help, including scientists and universities. It has also asked NASA to help out. It hopes NASA can provide equipment and expertise. Maybe with cutting-edge equipment (尖端設備) and expert help, we might finally be able to uncover the mystery of Loch Ness! ________________________________ So in today's News Bites, Rumors claim unknown callers are gathering voice samples for training AI to mimic voices, possibly for scams. Experts say AI struggles to learn from short samples, so there's no need to be silent when answering the calls. But if you suspect a call is a scam, hang up as soon as possible. _______________________________ And, Loch Ness is a large freshwater lake located in the Scottish Highlands. It's famous for the legend of the Loch Ness Monster, which the locals call "Nessie". Despite lots reported sightings and searches over the years, there's no proof there really is a monster there. The Loch Ness Centre is organizing another expedition and has asked experts to help, including NASA. It hopes to uncover the truth behind the legend. _______________________________ 趣味小點 Tasty Tidbit And in today's Tasty Tidbit, Did you know that rhinoviruses are the most common cause of colds? Rhinoviruses cause symptoms like sneezing, runny noses, and sore throats. They're responsible for a large portion of the colds people get each year. So, if you catch a cold, chances are it's because of rhinoviruses! And that's it for today's episode of News Bites! If you have a fun fact, a joke or interesting news story you'd like to share with us, record your message and send us your Tasty Tidbit, and you might hear it at the end of an episode. We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!

    Tue, 30 Apr 2024
  • 559 - Nymphia Wind Wins and Octopus Pet Surprise

    Hi everyone, welcome to a new episode of News Bites! I'm Kelly Kimura… And I'm Jacob Ingram. Coming up next in today's news: A Taiwanese queen wins a race and an octopus surprises a family! And in today's Tasty Tidbit… Taiwan's baby nurses are heroes! Stay tuned for more on those stories! ___________________________________________________________ 台灣變裝皇后贏得變裝比賽冠軍 Taiwanese Queen Wins Drag Race There are many ways of making Taiwan proud. One person did this with love, creativity (創造力), and courage (勇氣). Nymphia Wind (妮妃雅瘋) won a big contest (比賽) on American TV in April. She became the first Taiwanese and the first East Asian to win! She won $200,000 US dollars. But the money wasn't what she was thinking about. Taiwan was! When she was introduced (介紹) on the show, she said, "Hello Taiwan!" When she won the contest, she said, "Taiwan, this is for you!" During the contest, she celebrated traditional (傳統的) and modern Taiwanese and Asian culture (文化) with beautiful clothes and makeup (妝容). She blew everyone away (她給大家留下了深刻的印象) when she dressed as a boba tea drink! She said, "I hope I can help Taiwan shine (閃耀) bright." Nymphia Wind was in a famous drag queen (變裝皇后) contest called RuPaul's Drag Race. Drag queens are people, usually men, who wear dramatic feminine (明豔女性化的) clothes and exotic (異情的) makeup, usually for performances (表演). Every year, RuPaul looks for a new drag queen superstar. This superstar must have "charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent." (魅力、獨特性、勇氣和才華) So who is Nymphia Wind? She's famous in Taiwan's drag world. She loves bright yellow and bananas and often wears them. She's a fierce (強烈的) but fun (有趣的) Asian woman. And she's the drag persona (變裝角色) of Leo Tsao (曹米駬). Who is Leo? Leo was born in the U.S., and he grew up in Hong Kong and Taiwan. He was very shy and verbally bullied (言語霸凌) in school. He's very close to his mom. She says drag has made him more confident (自信的). After his military service (兵役), he performed drag in Taipei. He went to New York in 2022. He said, "I just wanted to come … and show a rich (豐富的), rich Asian culture in my drag." When Nymphia Wind won, she also said, "To those who feel like they don't belong (屬於), just remember to live fearlessly and have courage to live your truth (活出最真實的自己)." Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen said on social media, "Congratulations to you, Nymphia Wind, for being so accomplished (有才藝的) in the difficult art form of drag, and for being the first Taiwanese to take the stage (登上舞台) and win on RuPaul's Drag Race." She added, "Taiwan thanks you for living fearlessly." 受到啟發,找到自己的方式照亮台灣! ___________________________________________________________ 章魚帶給家人驚喜 An Octopus Surprises a Family A boy has loved octopuses since he was three. He always asked for an octopus for his birthday and Christmas. His family gave him octopus toys, octopus t-shirts, and other octopus things. But he wanted a REAL octopus. He finally got one for his ninth birthday! The boy named the octopus "Terrance." That's a nice name for a male (男性). He kept Terrance in a big aquarium (水族箱) in his room. The family loved Terrance. They fed him live food (活食), petted (摸摸) him, and really enjoyed him. But two months later, Terrance started to act (行為) strangely. He hid under a rock all the time. Then eggs appeared in Terrance's hiding place! Terrance was a female (女性)! To the family, the eggs were just… eggs. They'd had Terrance for two months, so there wouldn't be any octopus babies. They were sad because making eggs meant that Terrance would stop eating and die soon. But Terrance ate ALL the food they gave her. One day the boy's dad was cleaning the aquarium. An egg floated (漂浮) up. He picked it up to look at it and POP! A tiny (微小的) octopus came out! The dad was very surprised! In the next week, FORTY-NINE more octopus babies were born! Baby octopuses will eat each other, so each time a new baby was born, they put it in a jar (罐) by itself. The tiny babies ate tiny, tiny live shrimp (小蝦). The family was very busy keeping Terrance and her babies alive (活)! What a surprise Terrance brought to the family! 章魚很難照顧,所以這個家庭做得很好! ___________________________________________________________ So in today's News Bites: A Taiwanese drag queen won a big drag queen contest on American TV in April. Nymphia Wind showed the world how rich Taiwanese culture is. Taiwan's president, Tsai Ing-Wen congratulated Nymphia Wind. She said, "Taiwan thanks you for living fearlessly." ___________________________________________________________ And… A boy who loves octopuses got one for his birthday. His family thought it was a male, but then eggs appeared. Soon they were busy with 50 octopus babies! ___________________________________________________________ 趣味小點 Tasty Tidbit And in today's Tasty Tidbit… It's been almost a month since the big earthquake. Did you see the video of baby nurses keeping many babies safe that day? Baby beds have wheels so the babies can go to and from their mothers' rooms and the nurses' room. The earthquake made the beds move in the nurses' room! The nurses held the beds so babies wouldn't be hurt. The video was in the news a lot - and not just in Taiwan! People around the world saw it. They were very surprised! The nurses thought of the babies first. People thought the nurses were great! Many earthquakes have followed. Some are not so small. Baby nurses do the same thing - keep the babies safe! Thank you, nurses! You are heroes! And that's it for today's episode of News Bites! If you have a fun fact, a joke, or interesting news you'd like to share with us, record your message and send your Tasty Tidbit to us at You might hear it at the end of an episode! We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!

    Tue, 30 Apr 2024
  • 558 - Tree Climbing and Reef Sounds

    What’s up everybody, get ready for a new episode of News Bites… I'm Jacob Ingram. And I’m Kelly Kimura. In today’s stories: People race to climb trees quickly, and scientists play interesting sounds underwater. And in today’s Tasty Tidbit: the shortest war in history. Let’s check it out. ________________________________ 爬樹冠軍來到台中 Tree Climbing Champions Come to Taichung Have you ever climbed a tree (爬樹)? It can be a lot of fun. First, you find a good climbing tree that has a sturdy trunk (樹幹), and strong limbs (樹枝) to grab on to. Next, you pull yourself up, one limb at a time. When you get high enough, you can enjoy an amazing view (美麗風景). You’ll be able to see what the birds and squirrels see. If you’re really good at climbing trees, you can even join a tree climbing contest. That’s what happened in Taichung recently. The 2024 Taiwan Tree Climbing International Championship brought together tree climbers from around the world. 2024年台灣攀樹國際錦標賽匯集了來自世界各地的爬樹高手。 They came from 9 different countries. Many of them were professional climbers. That means their job is to climb trees, to take care of them or to study them. For example, if a tree’s limb breaks in a storm, a professional may need to climb up and saw the limb off (鋸掉樹枝). They may need to prune trees (修剪樹木) to make room for power lines, or to protect other trees. Plus, there are tree researchers that need to climb trees to learn more about them. Many of Taiwan’s tallest trees were measured by tree-climbers. All of these climbers wear safety equipment, and use special ropes. 專業爬樹者穿戴安全裝備,並使用專用繩索。 One climber’s gear can cost more than 100,000 NT. Climbers need a lot of special skills. Those were the skills tested for the contest in Taichung. Climbers competed against each other in different categories. One category was “ascent” (速度攀爬). That tests how fast they can climb up and ring a bell. The bell may be 12 to 25 meters up the tree. Another category was “aerial rescue” (空中救援). That tests their ability to rescue another climber who is injured. There’s a third category, called “work climb” (工作攀爬). It tests how well a climber can move around in a tree and do certain tasks, such as sawing a branch or balancing on a limb. Does any of that sound like fun to you? It’s a serious job, but many climbers love what they do. If it’s something you’re interested in, maybe “tree climber” is the career (職業) for you. ________________________________ 科學家利用珊瑚礁的聲音來幫助珊瑚 Scientists Use Reef Sounds to Help Coral In the place where you live, what can you usually hear? The sounds of the street, your neighbors chatting, your family working or relaxing … pets playing, birds singing, or the wind in the trees. These sounds (聲音) we hear every day are a part of our home. They can let us know we are safe, and everything is as usual. 我們每天在家聽到的熟悉聲音,帶給我們安全感。 But people are not the only ones who get used to the sound of home. Underwater (水下) communities have their own special sounds. These are the sounds made by the fish, the plants, and the water in coral reefs (珊瑚礁). Scientists have found that these coral reef sounds are important for the well-being of the coral (對珊瑚礁的健康很重要). What’s more, they found that playing these sounds can help to heal damaged coral reefs. How can this be? Let’s start with what we know. Coral reefs are an important part of the ocean ecosystem (海洋生態系統). They are a hotspot for biodiversity (生物多樣性), providing homes for a huge number of species. They are a source of food for many fish, and those fish are a source of food for many other animals, including people. But coral reefs around the world are in danger. 世界各地的珊瑚礁正面臨危險。 Climate change is causing the ocean to heat up, which damages coral reefs. Human activities like overfishing and pollution also harm the reefs. Since the 1950s, the world has lost half of its coral reefs. That’s why scientists now are looking for ways to protect and heal the reefs. 科學家現在尋找保護和修復珊瑚礁的方法。 In their research, they discovered something interesting. Coral larvae, which are like baby coral, swing toward reef sounds. They found that if they played reef sounds on underwater speakers (水下揚聲器), they could attract more coral to settle there. Scientists think they can use this method to help rebuild coral reefs. On top of that, this research shows that, for many species, the sound of home is important. And ultimately, we all share the same home: Planet Earth. ________________________________ So, in today’s News Bites… There was a tree-climbing contest in Taichung. It tested climber’s skills, and their climbing speed. ________________________________ And, Scientists are trying to rebuild coral reefs. They play reef sounds on underwater speakers to attract coral. ________________________________ And in today’s Tasty Tidbit, Did you know that the shortest war in history lasted between 38 and 45 minutes? It was between Britain and Zanzibar on August 27th, 1896. ________________________________ And that's today's episode of News Bites! If you have a fun fact, a joke or interesting news story you'd like to share with us, record your message and send us your Tasty tidbit to, and you might hear it at the end of an episode. We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!

    Mon, 29 Apr 2024
  • 557 - Lai in TIMES, and Fe/Male Hippo

    Hi there. It's time for an all-new episode of News Bites. I'm Nancy Sun. And I'm Brody Halverson. In today's news: Changing times for the next president, and changing genders for a surprising hippo. And in today's Tasty Tidbit: We've got students ready to give you a major case of the giggles! Stay tuned for all that, coming up next. ________________________________ 賴清德獲選時代雜誌百大影響力人物 President-elect Makes TIME's 100 Most Influential People List Taiwan's incoming president has landed on a special list. Lai Ching-te is one of TIME magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World". 美國TIME雜誌將總統當選人賴清德列為2024年百大最具影響力人物。 TIME is an American news magazine. Every year, the company puts together a list. It chooses 100 people for this list. They are people that are changing the world. The magazine thinks these are the 100 people who were the most influential that year. If someone is "influential", it means they have the power to make a big difference. And Taiwan's next president Lai Ching-te is on the list for 2024! An introduction is written for every person on the list. Lai's introduction was written by Jon Huntsman. He is a former U.S. ambassador to China, and was also the governor of Utah. 美國前駐中國及駐俄羅斯大使、前猶他州長Jon Huntsman寫了推薦撰文。 Huntsman described Lai as a public-health expert who was trained at Harvard. He says Lai cares about trust, and solving problems. But he says Lai is also facing a lot of pressure. Huntsman says Lai's choices will be important. And they will change the future of democracy in Asia. Lai Ching-te is not the only Taiwanese person to make the list. President Tsai Ing-wen was on the list in 2016 when she was first elected, and again in 2020 when she was re-elected. Award-winning director Ang Lee was also on the list for his work in cinema. And basketball star Jeremy Lin and golfer Yani Tseng have also been on the list before. ________________________________ 日本動物園公河馬變女兒身 Japan Zoo's Male Hippo is Ahem…a Female Gen-chan was just an ordinary hippo. He lives in Japan, at Osaka Tennoji Zoo. Living at the zoo, Gen-chan did hippo things. He swims in his pool… He eats grass… He poops…. But something was off… Something about Gen-chan left zookeepers scratching their heads. 12-year-old Gen-chan did not do some of the things that male hippos usually do. He didn't make the special sounds that male hippos use to attract (吸引) females. Gen-chan also didn't scatter ((撒,分散) ) his poop. This is something that male hippos do. They poop in the water. Then they spin their tail like a fan. This makes their poop fly out all over the place! This sounds a little gross. But male hippos do this for a reason. Their poop marks their territory (領土). And it's also important for the environment. That poop can help plants in the water grow. But keepers at Tennoji Zoo never saw Gen-chan do this. 飼養員發現Gen-chan從來沒有發出求偶叫聲,也沒有甩尾巴把排泄物噴到處標出地盤。 What's going on here? Gen-chan came to Tennoji Zoo from Mexico, when he was just 5 years old. At that time, paperwork for Gen-chan said he was male. Gen-chan 2017年從墨西哥進口的時候,文件上說它是一隻公河馬。 But now zookeepers wondered if there might be a mistake (錯誤). So they tested Gen-chan's DNA. And he is actually a SHE! The zoo says knowing that Gen-chan is female, is very important. They say this will help them take better care of her. And they do not want to make this mistake again. But they say that Gen-chan will not be getting a name change. ________________________________ So in today's News Bites, Lai Ching-te is one of TIME magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World". Lai's introduction was written by former U.S. ambassador to China and former governor of Utah Jon Huntsman. Huntsman says Lai's choices will be important. And they will change the future of democracy in Asia. ________________________________ And Something about 12-year old hippo Gen-chan left keepers at Tennoji Zoo scratching their heads. He did not do some of the things that male hippos usually do. They tested Gen-chan's DNA, and found out that he is actually a SHE! The zoo says knowing that Gen-chan is female will help them take better care of her. ________________________________ 趣味小點 Tasty Tidbit In today's Tasty Tidbit, Where do cows go on Friday nights? They go to the "moo-vies"! And boy oh boy… Today, we've got a school from Yunlin County, with all the jokes. These teens from Wen-chang Elementary School had us in stitches! Here's one from 6th graders 劉睿辰 and 李奇恩. You ready? … And here's another zinger from 6th graders 柳羽捷 and 林品秀 … And that's it for today's episode of News Bites! If you have a fun fact, a joke or interesting news story you'd like to share with us, record your message and send us your Tasty Tidbit to, and you might hear it at the end of an episode. We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!

    Sun, 28 Apr 2024
  • 556 - Even More Pets and Animals During Eclipse

    Hello! You're listening to an all-new episode of News Bites. I'm Paz Bueno. And I'm Nancy Sun. Today's stories… More pets than babies in Taiwan, animals behave strangely during an eclipse, and how much energy can you save by recycling? Are you ready to find out more? Here we go! ________________________________ 寵物超越新生兒的數量 Pets Outnumber Babies in Taiwan Last semester (上學期), we shared surprising news that pets outnumbered babies in Hsinchu County. Now, this trend (趨勢) has spread across Taiwan! More people registered their pet dogs and cats than there were babies born in 2023. 2023年,寵物狗和貓的數量超過了新生兒的數目。 Last year, there were 232,196 new registrations for pets compared to only 135,571 babies. Among these pets, cats were especially popular (特別受歡迎), with their numbers even higher than newborn babies. Taiwan is becoming a "super-aged society" (超高齡社會) where the number of older people is very high compared to younger people. This change is affecting many things, including the jobs people do. For example, there are now more doctors who specialize in taking care of pets (專門照顧寵物的獸醫) than there are pediatricians (小兒科醫生). In 2023, there were 1,880 doctors for young children in Taiwan. They worked in 1,048 places that provide medical care for kids. Meanwhile, the number of veterinarians, or vets, (獸醫) has increased. There are 5,773 vets in Taiwan, and many of them, about 69%, focus on treating pets (治療寵物). Most veterinarians work in big cities. This shows that in cities, more people are choosing to have pets, and they need doctors for them. Yang Hsiao-po (楊孝柏), who has been a vet for 22 years, says pets are very important for people. They help make their owners happier and healthier. He noticed that these days, he mostly treats pets for serious health issues like diabetes (糖尿病) and heart disease (心臟病). As more people in Taiwan prefer having pets, the number of animal hospitals is expected to grow. 隨著越來越多的台灣人喜歡飼養寵物,動物醫院的數量預計也會增加。 By the end of this year, there might be around 2,000 animal hospitals across the country. This tells us that pets are becoming a big part of many people's lives in Taiwan! ________________________________ 當動物遇到日全食 How Animals React to a Solar Eclipse On April 8th, 2024, North America experienced a total solar eclipse (日全食). This means the moon moved in front of the sun, making it dark during the day for a few minutes. During an eclipse, not only do people find it exciting… …but animals also behave in strange ways (出現奇怪的行為) because it suddenly becomes dark. Long ago, people noticed that animals seemed scared or confused (害怕或困惑) when this happened. For example, cows might go back to their barns (穀倉), thinking it's bedtime (以為睡覺時間到了). And birds might stop singing and fall silent (寂靜無聲). Many different animals act in their own unique ways. Some get very quiet, like bees that stop buzzing (嗡嗡聲). Others, like frogs, start making noise, thinking it's night time. Even big animals like giraffes (長頸鹿) start running around, and then calm down when the light comes back. Scientists are trying to learn more about how animals react to eclipses. 科學家想了解更多動物對日食的反應。 In a project called Eclipse Soundscapes, they asked people to help by watching and reporting what animals did during the April 8th eclipse. More than 3,000 people sent their reports! This will help scientists understand animal behavior better. In some places, zoos also watched how their animals reacted. They've found that animals can be quite confused by the sudden darkness. They might start doing their night-time activities, like settling down to sleep, because they think it's night. This unusual event (不尋常的事件) gave people a chance to see how nature reacts to changes in light and temperature. And it teaches us more about the world around us! ________________________________ So, in today's News Bites… In Taiwan, more people registered their pet dogs and cats than there were babies born in 2023. Last year, there were 232,196 new registrations for pets compared to only 135,571 babies. And there are now more doctors who specialize in taking care of pets than there are pediatricians. ________________________________ And, During an eclipse, animals behave in strange ways because it suddenly becomes dark. Scientists are trying to learn more about how animals react to eclipses. On April 8th, 2024, North America experienced a total solar eclipse. Scientists asked people to help by watching and reporting what animals did during the eclipse. And more than 3,000 people sent their reports! ________________________________ 趣味小點 Tasty Tidbit When you recycle just one plastic bottle, you save enough energy to keep a light bulb on for 3 hours. Isn't that amazing? Recycling doesn't just save energy; it also helps our planet by reducing harmful gases that can change the weather. So, let's make sure we recycle as much as we can! If you have a fun fact, a joke, or interesting news you'd like to share with us, record your message and send us your Tasty Tidbit to, and you might hear it at the end of an episode! We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!

    Thu, 25 Apr 2024
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