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The Project Sleep Podcast

The Project Sleep Podcast

Project Sleep

Project Sleep is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and advocating for sleep health, sleep equity, and sleep disorders. The Project Sleep Podcast is hosted by our President.& CEO, Julie Flygare. We’re glad you’re here as we work together toward making sleep cool!

61 - La Historia de Grisel Con la Narcolepsia - Rising Voices Ep. 20
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  • 61 - La Historia de Grisel Con la Narcolepsia - Rising Voices Ep. 20

    This episode is spoken in Spanish. Grisel Pantoja fue diagnosticada con narcolepsia tipo 1 con cataplejía en 2016 pero esto no le impidió cumplir sus sueños. Grisel recibió su Licenciatura en psicología en FIU (Universidad Internacional de la Florida) con una especialización en educación en el 2017. Actualmente está cursando su maestría de psicología en consejería con especialización en salud mental.   Grisel quiere crear conciencia de lo que es la narcolepsia compartiendo su experiencia como oradora en el programa Rising Voices de Project Sleep. Grisel también disfruta en su tiempo libre de tocar el violín, escribir, le gusta la fotografía y pasar tiempo con su familia.   Rising Voices es el programa de capacitación de liderazgo de Project Sleep para crear conciencia sobre la narcolepsia y al mismo tiempo ayudar a nuevas generaciones de pacientes que compartan su historia a través de escribirlas y comunicarlas a otros. Aprende más: Please note: this audio was originally recorded in 2020. For up-to-date facts about narcolepsy treatment options:

    Tue, 04 Jun 2024 - 40min
  • 60 - L'Histoire d'Anne-Claude Avec la Narcolepsie - Rising Voices Ep. 19

    This episode is spoken in French. Anne-Claude Foucault est associée aux opérations et à la mobilité des talents pour une agence de publicité pancanadienne. Elle est mère à temps plein et adore l'activité physique, en particulier le jogging et l'escalade. Elle a vécu sans le savoir avec une narcolepsie de type 1 avec cataplexie pendant 25 ans avant de recevoir son diagnostic en 2018. Aujourd'hui, en tant que conférencière pour Rising Voices of Narcolepsy, elle espère faire prendre conscience du vrai visage de ce trouble neurologique souvent mal compris. et entouré de clichés.   Rising Voices℠ est un programme de formation au leadership de Project Sleep  qui vise à sensibiliser aux troubles du sommeil tout en permettant à une nouvelle génération de défenseurs des patients de partager leurs histoires par l'écriture et la parole. Apprendre encore plus: Please note: this audio was originally recorded in 2020. For up-to-date facts about narcolepsy treatment options:

    Wed, 29 May 2024 - 37min
  • 59 - Montreal Mother: Anne-Claude’s Story With Narcolepsy - Rising Voices Ep. 18

    Anne-Claude Foucault is a Traffic Manager & Operation Partner in a Montreal-based marketing agency, a full-time mother, and a woman who loves physical activity, especially jogging and climbing. She lived with symptoms for 25 years before receiving her diagnosis of type 1 narcolepsy with cataplexy in 2018. Now, as a Rising Voices speaker, she hopes to deconstruct the preconceptions and clichés that surround this neurological disorder.   The Rising Voices Series features a variety of first-hand stories from people living with sleep disorders around the world. At Project Sleep, we believe in the power of storytelling to raise awareness and break down stigma. This is why we train people with sleep disorders on how to share their stories through the Rising Voices training program. To request a Rising Voices speaker for your conference or apply for an upcoming training program, visit:

    Mon, 13 May 2024 - 37min
  • 58 - Future Scientist: Stephanie Manuli’s Story with Narcolepsy - Rising Voices Ep. 17

    Stephanie Manuli is an undergraduate student at North Carolina State University, where she is studying Biochemistry. Stephanie was diagnosed with type 2 narcolepsy without cataplexy in 2014 and is now a trained speaker with Project Sleep’s Rising Voices leadership program. Stephanie shares her story with the goal to raise awareness of this misunderstood condition.   The Rising Voices Series features a variety of first-hand stories from people living with sleep disorders around the world. At Project Sleep, we believe in the power of storytelling to raise awareness and break down stigma. This is why we train people with sleep disorders on how to share their stories through the Rising Voices training program. To request a Rising Voices speaker for your conference or apply for an upcoming training program, visit:   Please note: this audio was originally recorded in 2020. For up-to-date facts about narcolepsy treatment options:

    Tue, 07 May 2024 - 41min
  • 57 - Real Life Superhero: Rachel Nesmith’s Story With Narcolepsy - Rising Voices Ep. 16

    Rachel Nesmith is a wife, mother, and speaker. She was diagnosed with type 1 narcolepsy with cataplexy in February 2002 and considers herself a real Superhero. As a Rising Voices trained speaker, she shares her story to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of this misunderstood neurological condition.   The Rising Voices Series features a variety of first-hand stories from people living with sleep disorders around the world. At Project Sleep, we believe in the power of storytelling to raise awareness and break down stigma. This is why we train people with sleep disorders on how to share their stories through the Rising Voices training program. To request a Rising Voices speaker for your conference or apply for an upcoming training program, visit:   Please note: this audio was originally recorded in 2020. For up-to-date facts about narcolepsy treatment options:

    Tue, 30 Apr 2024 - 28min
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