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adnan umar

adnan umar

Adnan Umar

Motivation and Self Improvement

52 - Advertisements that Leave an impact
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  • 52 - Advertisements that Leave an impact

    What are the importance of advertisement in business and how to get the audience and make them customer

    Fri, 23 Oct 2020 - 02min
  • 51 - The integrity of execution

    Do you know the importance of implementation. What are the steps required to execute your idea

    Thu, 22 Oct 2020 - 02min
  • 50 - The art of hiring wisely

    How to improve your business by hiring the perfect person for your work. It’s the art of hiring to get the work done by perfect person.

    Wed, 21 Oct 2020 - 02min
  • 49 - The cautious use of budget

    It’s important to know about the use of budget and what is budget how much it’s important for any business

    Tue, 20 Oct 2020 - 02min
  • 48 - The golden rule “who not how”

    To understand the rule who not how every business should only focus on who will do the right job and find the right person to complete the job but not how it will

    Mon, 19 Oct 2020 - 03min
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