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Christian Parent, Crazy World

Christian Parent, Crazy World

Catherine Segars - Christian Culture Author and Speaker on Christian Apologetics for Parents

The Christian Parent, Crazy World podcast with Catherine Segars is dedicated to helping you be a godly parent in an ungodly world. Catherine is an expert in Christian Apologetics for parents and every episode helps moms and dads understand what is going on in our current culture and how Christians can and should respond.

Topics covered on this podcast include:

  • What to Do If Your Child Walks Away from the Faith
  • Can Our Words Change the Future?
  • Why Are So Many Kids Falling Away from The Faith?
  • 13 Ways To Be a Better Parent This Year
  • 5 Things Every Parent Needs to Know About Gen Z
  • What Critical Foundation Do Many Parents Miss When Discipling Their Kids?
  • How To Teach Your Kids the Christian Worldview 
  • Hope and Strategy for Parents of Prodigal Children

Want to read some of Catherine's most popular Christian parenting articles? Check them out here:

108 - The #1 Factor in Maintaining a Lifelong Faith - Ep. 100
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  • 108 - The #1 Factor in Maintaining a Lifelong Faith - Ep. 100

    Catherine offers a powerful message worthy of CP/CW’s 100th episode by revealing the #1 factor in maintaining a vibrant, lifelong faith, which corresponds perfectly with the #1 prayer every parent should pray over their kids. The answer to this question should interest us as followers of Christ personally and as parents.


    In her apologetic studies, Catherine discovered one defense of the faith that every believer is qualified to employ. She begins by summarizing the five primary approaches for defending the Christian faith. They are the:


    1. Classic Method – a 2-step approach that begins with natural theology (the knowledge we acquire about God without Scripture or special revelation) to prove Intelligent Design and then proceeds to establish God as that intelligent being.


    2. Evidential Method – 1-step approach that relies heavily on evidence, in particular miracles, to prove the existence of God.


    3. Cumulative Method – a flexible method that utilizes various arguments and approaches to present an overwhelming case for the existence of God.


    4. Presuppositional Method – a method that presupposes God’s existence due to the effect that sin has on our capacity to think and reason.


    5. Reformed Epistemological Method –a method that de-emphasizes proof or evidence and focusses on the way that people actually acquire beliefs.


    These approaches vary quite a bit, but they all agree on one very important factor—that is experience. Having an experience with God is reason enough for believing in Him. Every believer can have a rational, justified faith by experience alone. And every follower of Christ can offer a powerful apologetic by simply sharing their experience with God.


    So what is the #1 factor in maintaining a lifelong faith?


    Experiencing God.


    And what is the most important prayer every parent should pray over their kids?


    “Lord, please help my child to have a powerful encounter with You.”


    Tune in next when Catherine offers 10 practical ways that you and your kids can experience God.




    Five Views on Apologetics,Steven B. Cohen ed.

    Signature in the Cellby Dr. Stephen Meyers

    C.S. Lewis Quote

    Richard Dawkins Quote

    John 9 – Jesus heals the man born blind

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    Mon, 29 Apr 2024
  • 107 - Is Christianity Just a Religion of Do's and Don'ts? - BEST OF Ep. 4

    Many people look at the Christian faith as just a religion of do’s and don’ts.


    Is it?


    This is a question we need to be very clear on as parents., for ourselves and for our kids. If our children think that the faith is just about all the things we can’t do and all the things we have to do, then they don’t really understand what Christianity is all about. And they probably won’t stick around. They will become a part of the majority of kids who are leaving the faith when they leave the nest.


    God never intended for our relationship with Him to be a labor-intensive checklist that is more of a burden than a delight. If this is how your kids approach the faith, chances are at some point they will chuck it for a belief system that doesn’t make them feel like they must constantly perform to be acceptable. 


    So what are all those do’s and don’ts about in Scripture?


    Catherine explains that the do’s and don’t are about protecting us, not making us acceptable to our heavenly Father. Christ’s atoning work on the cross makes us acceptable to God. The don’t list isn’t comprised of a bunch of good stuff that God inexplicably doesn't want us to do—it contains what leads us to bondage. And God’s overwhelming heart is not to condemn us; it is to free us.


    Scripture shows how Christ is the Good Shepherd who leaves the 99 sheep who are doing the do’s to go after the one sheep being wounded by the don’ts. The Gospel of John depicts God as a passionate father who longs for his lost, don’t-doing child to come home. The list of do's and don'ts in Scripture are an expression of God's love for his children, his concern to protect his children, and his desire for them to thrive.


    Enjoy the re-airing of this favorite early episode of CP/CW and tune in next week for a very special 100th episode of the show!




    The tree of knowledge of good and evil: Genesis 2:15-17

    Church of the Highlands: Freedom Curriculum

    The Parable of the Lost Sheep: Luke 15:1-7

    The Parable of the Lost Son: Luke 15:11-32

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    Mon, 22 Apr 2024
  • 106 - How To Parent a Prodigal Child (w/ Laurie Christine) - Ep. 99

    The youth exodus is a very real concern for Christian parents. Much of CP/CW’s content is aimed at assuaging this falling away from the faith in our youth.


    But what does a parent do when they have a child who is questioning or has left the faith? How do you parent the prodigal child?


    Catherine answers these questions with hard-earned, first-hand experience by offering these vital guidelines:


    1. Love your child unconditionally, regardless of what they think, say, or do.

    2. Rid the obstacles in your child's life in prayer.

    3. Recognize and respect what stage of parenting you are in: Caregiver, Cop, Coach, or Counselor.

    4. Prayerfully establish Godly boundaries. Blessings come from boundaries.

    5. Apologize for mistakes. Humility is a bridge builder.

    6. Do not try to convince or convict your child. That is the Holy Spirit’s job.

    7. Do not coerce or controlyour child. That is how the enemy works. 

    8. Remember that your child does not need a sermon. They need an encounter with God.


    Laced throughout this advice are keen insights and critical direction on how to build a strong relationship with a teen or adult child who is on the prodigal path. There are things that can help to draw a child closer to God, and there are things that may seem right but are, in fact, counterproductive. They may push a child further from God.


    When a child questions the faith, we must patiently answer their questions. If they leave the faith, we must love them with no strings attached and fervently pray for them to have an encounter with God. Loving our kids like Christ while not compromising truth is the most important way we can minister to them in a place of wandering or doubt.


    Joining Catherine in the hosting chair is Laurie Christine, an author, podcast host, Biblical Parenting Coach, wife, and mom of four loud, adventurous boys. Her podcast, Redeeming the Chaos, invites moms of boys to join her on the wild, wonderful adventure of raising courageous boys and connecting them with Christ Her new devotional book for boys, Rise of the Enemy, was released on Amazon last year.




    EPISODE 14: How To Battle for Your Kids in Prayer


    Get Catherine’s Prodigal Bundle including a Scripture Prayer List for Children Who Have Left the Faith: Subscribe HERE

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    Mon, 15 Apr 2024
  • 105 - The 7 Biggest Reasons Gen Z is Leaving the Faith (w/ Laurie Christine) - Ep. 98

    Studies show that a majority of kids raised in Christian homes are leaving the faith when they leave the nest. It is vital that we understand the primary reasons why young people no longer believe if we want to help them return to the faith.


    In this episode, Catherine airs an important conversation she had recently on the Redeeming the Chaos Podcastwith Laurie Christine. Catherine and Laurie discuss new research which tells us why young people are bailing on Christianity. Highlighted are the 7 most prominent reasons Gen Zrs cite for walking away from the Christian faith. They are:


    1. I have a hard time believing that a good God would allow so much evil or suffering in the world (29%):see EPISODE 66 w/ Dr. Douglas Groothuis

    2. Christians are hypocrites(23%)

    3. I believe science refutes too much of the Bible(20%) See Dr. Stephen Meyer: Signature in the Cell, The Return of the God Hypothesis, and Darwin’s Doubt; also see Dr. John Lennox (The “God Delusion “ Debate with Richard Dawkins)

    4. I don’t believe in fairy tales(19%) see The Case for Christ” & “The Case for Christ for Kids” by Lee Strobel

    5. There are too many injustices in the history of Christianity (15%) see Episode 9: How Does Christian Worldview Creates the World We all Want to Live”, see Episodes 93, 94, & 95 w/ Os Guinness

    6. I used to go to church, but it’s just not important to me anymore(12%)

    7. I had a bad experience in church/with a Christian(6%)see Episodes 39, 40, 41, & 42; see “When Narcissism Comes to Church: Healing Your Community from Emotional & Spiritual Abuse” by Dr. Chuck DeGroat


    Catherine offers some helpful resources to consult if a child you know has embraced one of these claims about Christianity, and she and Laurie also offer some helpful resources for discipling younger kids in the faith.


    BIO: Laurie Christine is an author, podcast host, Biblical Parenting Coach, wife, and mom of four loud, adventurous boys. Her podcast, Redeeming the Chaos, invites moms of boys to join her on the wild, wonderful adventure of raising courageous boys and connecting them with Christ Her new devotional book for boys, Rise of the Enemy, was released on Amazon last year.




    Emerging Gen Z may deliver huge blow to religion in U.S.” by Jeff Brumley (June 8, 2018)

    The American Worldview Inventory in 2022highlights worldview beliefs of American pastors.

    Only Half of Evangelical Pastors Possess a Christian Worldview: Incidence Even Lower for Most Denominations” (Cultural Research Cente::ACU)

    ACU Cultural Research Center Worldview Inventory 2020-current

    Foundation Worldview Curriculum (use “CPCW10” code for 10% discount)

    Apologia: What We Believe (4 volume set)



    Episode 57: “How To Teach Your Kids the Christian Worldview” w/ Elizabeth Urbanowicz

    Episode 58: “7 Lies Culture is Selling Our Kids: Are They Buying?” w/ Elizabeth Urbanowicz

    Episode 72: “What Do People Leaving the Faith often Get Wrong about God?” w/ Elizabeth Urbanowics

    Episode 84: “How To Learn More Scripture in 2024 Than You Ever Have Before” w/ Zac Fitzsimmons




    Psalm 78:1-8

    Hebrews 10:25

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    Mon, 08 Apr 2024
  • 104 - When You Raise Your Child Biblically and They Leave the Faith (w/ DJ Harry) - Ep. 97

    There is no formula for raising a child to be a lifelong follower of Christ. There is no 5 or 10 or even 20-step program to raising godly kids. Parents have a vital part to play as we commit to raise our children biblically, but we cannot choose the faith for our kids.


    So what happens when you do your part as parents. You are diligent about training your kids biblically, and the spiritual formation of your children is first and foremost in your mind. You have gone to church but didn’t leave the responsibility of teaching your kids up to the church.  You have done the devotionals, taught the Bible stories, memorized the Scriptures, and you’ve had the deep conversations…


    And you get a different result than you were expecting.


    Your child doubts. Your child wanders. Your child takes a different path, perhaps the prodigal path.

    What then?


    Catherine and her guest DJ Harry cover this tear-jerking territory as they continue to glean parenting wisdom from the book of Daniel. Pastor Harry shares the following powerful parenting lessons from the first chapter of Daniel:


      We don't get to choose when or how our children's faith will be tested. (Daniel 1:1) A well-rounded education is a necessary part of significant influence. (Daniel 1:4) There was an intentional transfer of faith from Daniel's parents to Daniel. (Daniel 1:8) Daniel knew how to appeal to his ungodly authorities Daniel. (Daniel 1:11-13)


    But even when we parent biblically to the best of our ability, even when we apply all these lessons, some kids will choose to wander. That does not absolve parents from our responsibility to train our children in the way they should go, which includes taking to heart these incredible lessons we can learn from the book of Daniel.


    But the results are not up to us.


    Parents must remember that we are not judged by God for our results. We are judged by God for our faithfulness. And our faithfulness in standing our ground, in maintaining that godly witness as our kids go out on their own, and our faithfulness to pray over our kids every day—that work will not return void.


    DJ HARRY’S BIO:DJ and Lorrie Harry have been spent their entire lives ministering to others. Their early years were spent in the classroom where they developed a love for teaching and building relationships. In recent years, DJ has served as the Senior Pastor at Needham’s Grove Baptist Church in Seagrove, NC. Together, they currently host the Better Together podcast and love speaking at couples retreats and parenting conferences. DJ and Lorrie have a desire to encourage and equip young couples as they walk down the road of marriage and parenting. 




    Episode 96: Raising Kids To Stand Strong in a Godless Culture




    Episode 55 – Better Together: Tools To Empower Your Kids against Cultural Pressures




    DJ Harry’s website

    The Better Together Podcast

    To receive a free copy of The Prodigal Bundle,subscribe HERE.

    Alliance Defending Freedom




    Daniel 1:1, 4, 8, 11-13

    Proverbs 22:6

    Ecclesiastes 8:14

    Galatians 6:9

    Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at

    Mon, 01 Apr 2024
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