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Our Changing World

Our Changing World


Dr Claire Concannon follows scientists into the bush, over rivers, back to their labs and many places in-between to cover the most fascinating research being done in Aotearoa New Zealand.

1899 - The teamwork that solved a life-and-death puzzle
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  • 1899 - The teamwork that solved a life-and-death puzzle

    It’s been almost 30 years since a team joined forces to investigate a particularly aggressive form of stomach cancer that was afflicting one Tauranga whānau. Kimi Hauora Health and Research Clinic in Tauranga and University of Otago geneticists together found the cancer-causing genetic change, helping save thousands of lives worldwide. Justine Murray is at Mangatawa Marae with Maybelle McLeod and Erin Gardiner to reflect on that time, and Professor Parry Guilford discusses those first formative years.

    Wed, 18 Sep 2024 - 26min
  • 1898 - Some of the light we cannot see

    This week, we’re hanging out in the terahertz area of the light spectrum. Sandwiched between infrared light and microwaves, terahertz has been the long-forgotten cousin of the light family. But no longer! At the Australian Synchrotron, intense and focused beams of terahertz light are used to test new materials for carbon capture, clean energy applications, and the next generation of computing.

    Wed, 11 Sep 2024 - 26min
  • 1897 - The fate of the West Antarctic ice sheet in a warming world

    How fast - and how completely - could Antarctica's smaller western ice sheet melt in a warming world? An international science team, led by Aotearoa New Zealand, set out to investigate whether two degrees of warming could already be a tipping point for the frozen continent.

    Wed, 07 Feb 2024 - 28min
  • 1896 - The 'science shed' across the ditch

    Electrons! High speeds! Intense beams of light! Claire Concannon takes a tour of our nearest particle accelerator – the Australian Synchrotron in Melbourne. Designed to create high-energy x-ray light useful for science, the synchrotron enables an incredible diversity of research. And, because of long-standing funding support, New Zealand scientists can also use it. Claire finds out what interesting research questions some visiting New Zealanders are shining a light on.

    Wed, 04 Sep 2024 - 28min
  • 1895 - Our Changing World for 22 April 2021

    In this week's retrospective, Alison Ballance revisits an ocean acidification special feature called The Acid Test.

    Thu, 22 Apr 2021 - 31min
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