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Sisu Lab

Sisu Lab

Emilia Elisabet Lahti

Sisu is an ancient Finnish word for determination and courage in the face of adversity. However, sisu is also an entire life philosophy and a path to refine one’s character. Sisu Lab podcast is where we unearth and explore inner fortitude in its higher expression to become more focused, courageous, loving, and free. Join your host, Emilia Elisabet Lahti, PhD, the author of Gentle Power: A Revolution in How We Think, Lead and Succeed Using the Finnish Art of Sisu for an inquiry into inner fortitude through a combination of research, stories, and practice. Elisabet has pioneered the research into the ancient construct of sisu since 2012 and has completed several endurance feats in her personal quest for a deeper insight into inner fortitude. This podcast is her spoken diary that entails an invitation to get up and close with your own sisu.You can find information about Elisabet, her books, and links to research at Welcome to walk the way of gentle power!

13 - Endurance from inside out: Dr. Phil Maffetone on optimal performance and building a healthy planet
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  • 13 - Endurance from inside out: Dr. Phil Maffetone on optimal performance and building a healthy planet

    This episode is about the paradox of putting healing and performance in the same sentence. Join me for an inspiring conversation with Dr. Phil Maffetone, a visionary in endurance sports for over four decades, an author, musician, and coach. Known for his MAF Method, which emphasizes aerobic training and fat-burning, Phil’s approach has helped athletes achieve world class level of performance. However this method applies to every-body out there to create more sovereignty, health and happiness....

    Sun, 02 Jun 2024
  • 12 - Sovereignty and calm power with Dr. Emma Seppälä

    Welcome to a new season of the Sisu Lab podcast! In this episode, I got heart to heart with emotional intelligence and wellbeing expert, Dr. Emma Seppälä. We dove into the mortal mortar life, took a dip the river of life force and finally, circled into the gentle powers we all possess within to elevate our humans condition: We talked about sovereignty.Big word.It will change and challenge your world.Sovereignty is also the primary topic (and name) of Emma's book that comes out next week....

    Tue, 16 Apr 2024
  • 11 - Systems Intelligence: Path to Sisu as Heart and Leadership in Tough Times

    In the spirit of the season, here's a true gift from Aalto University in Finland in the form of an introduction to a framework called systems intelligence (SI). While the name might feel a even a bit cerebral, this work has deeply changed my personal overlook on life and relationships some ten years ago. It's also the practice to which I root my sisu to raise it from only a quality of surviving hardship to an expression of leadership with a hope of creating something of higher good around us....

    Fri, 22 Dec 2023
  • 10 - The Lore of Life Force: Words and Constructs Around the Breath of Being

    By now researchers have made wonderful strides in mapping the mental and physiological side of human capacity. We understand how muscles grow and endure, how fatigue plays into our vitality, and we also have a plethora of concepts (such as resilience, perseverance, mental toughness, grit and so on) to help us describe the curious landscape of what makes humans endure. What we know less about is the life energy behind this enduring and persevering that becomes visible usually only when we are ...

    Sun, 03 Dec 2023
  • 9 - Constructive Sisu and the Perils of Mindless Sisu

    Sisu speaks of the extra reserves within individuals everywhere to endure challenges and take action against slim odds. However, while sisu denotes extraordinary power to overcome the extraordinary and do the extraordinary, it can also end up creating extraordinary problems. This would most likely happen with mindless sisu that is out of balance, is done at all cost, and happens usually when we are out of touch with our blind spots.The possible negative outcomes of unbalanced or hard sisu inc...

    Mon, 21 Aug 2023
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