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1010 Thrive

1010 Thrive

1010 Thrive -- Home of the 1010 Podcast

A daily podcast each weekday sharing Biblical truth designed to help listeners find hope, meaning and fulfillment in life. Each weekday we will air a new episode that features a devotional grounded in our 10-10 principles.

871 - Episode 899: The Last Prophet
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  • 871 - Episode 899: The Last Prophet

    As the last prophet in the Old Testament period, Malachi courageously challenges his people to return to God and live lives of integrity and faithfulness. His prophecies point towards the coming Messiah, offering hope and preparing the way for the New Covenant. His message continues to resonate today, reminding us of God's unchanging love, calling us to authentic faith and obedience, warning against hypocrisy and complacency, and offering hope in the face of judgment. He urges believers to live lives that honor God and reflect divine love and justice.

    Thu, 16 May 2024 - 10min
  • 870 - Episode 898: Rebuilding Broken Walls

    Malachi, the last of the twelve minor prophets in the Hebrew Bible, is a somewhat enigmatic figure about whom very little personal information is known. His book, comprising just four chapters, marks the end of prophetic authorship in the Old Testament.    Malachi means “My Messenger” in Hebrew. There is debate among scholars as to whether “Malachi” is the prophet's actual name or a title derived from the book's content, especially given the first verse of chapter 3, in which God says, “I will send my messenger.”   Malachi likely ministers around 450 to 430 BC, after the return from Babylonian exile and the rebuilding of the Temple. This is a time of social and religious reformation under leaders like Nehemiah and Ezra. Through Malachi’s words and Nehemiah’s actions, we are called to a higher standard of spiritual and communal life.

    Wed, 15 May 2024 - 10min
  • 869 - Epiode 897: The Minor Prophets

    The twelve minor prophets of the Old Testament were active from the 8th to the 5th century BC, addressing both the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Their writings were gathered and recognized as scripture gradually.   Each of these prophets claimed to convey messages from God, which is a primary criterion for the inclusion of texts in the biblical canon. Their messages often contained both forewarnings about impending judgments due to social injustices and idolatry, as well as promises of restoration and future hope.   The minor prophets use vivid imagery and poetic language to convey their messages, making their prophecies not only warnings but also powerful visions of hope and future restoration. The creative and vivid expressions found in these books inspire believers to envision a better world and use their creativity to communicate and enact God's truth in engaging ways.   Despite often grim messages, the minor prophets conclude with a note of hope, promising restoration, divine presence, and blessing for those who return to God. This enduring hope underscores the biblical message that God's love and purpose ultimately triumph over adversity. It is buoyed by this hope that we can face the challenges and crises of modern life.

    Tue, 14 May 2024 - 10min
  • 868 - Episode 896: Zechariah the Prophet

    Zechariah, a post-exilic prophet during the reign of Darius the Great around 520 BC, played a pivotal role in the spiritual and physical restoration of Jerusalem. Descended from a respected priestly family, Zechariah’s ministry emphasized repentance and rebuilding, paralleling the efforts of his contemporaries, Haggai and Nehemiah. His prophecies, filled with vivid apocalyptic visions and messianic predictions, were instrumental in motivating the Israelites to complete the reconstruction of the Temple. Zechariah's messages transcended his time, pointing to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises through Jesus Christ. He presented images of Jesus as the Branch, the Humble King entering Jerusalem, and the Pierced Son, illustrating the depth of Christ's sacrifice and the breadth of His kingdom. The prophetic work of Zechariah encapsulates the themes of judgment, hope, and salvation, which are realized in the New Testament through Jesus, marking him as a significant bridge between the two Testaments. His legacy, preserved within the canon of the Minor Prophets, continues to offer profound insights into the nature of God’s covenant and the universal scope of redemption offered through Christ.

    Mon, 13 May 2024 - 10min
  • 867 - Episode 895: The Lord's Signet Ring

    As the appointed governor of Judah, Zerubbabel had the monumental task of leading the effort to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple after the return from exile. This project symbolized the restoration of the Jewish people and their covenant relationship with God. His leadership was marked by his dedication to this cause, despite significant external opposition and internal discouragement among the people.   Achievements: Under Zerubbabel's guidance, and despite initial setbacks and a halt caused by political and social challenges, the foundation of the Second Temple was laid. His leadership saw the resumption and completion of the temple in 516 BC, an act that revitalized the Jewish community both spiritually and culturally. Zerubbabel’s role in the temple’s reconstruction earned him prophetic recognition and messianic associations from prophets like Haggai and Zechariah, who saw him as a signet ring— a symbol of God’s authority and promise.

    Fri, 10 May 2024 - 10min
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