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Running: A FEVER

Running: A FEVER

Michael Davis

Running: A FEVER is a podcast about fitness, diet, and medicine. The goal is to live a long, happy, healthy, active life right up to the very end. The host is not an expert but a fellow traveler on the journey to a physically fit lifestyle. Do you love your life enough to make it last as long as possible?

360 - RAF359: Generations of Time
0:00 / 0:00
  • 360 - RAF359: Generations of Time

    I kind of wanted to talk about time today. I also wanted to mention that I saw a news article about "Long COVID" and some new information about it, so hopefully, that will show up in a future episode. I've wanted to learn something new about that for a long time. I know there is a study I've checked on a couple of times and have not seen anything new. A long-term study on COVID.

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    Image by Gerd Altmann



    Wed, 12 Jun 2024 - 07min
  • 359 - RAF358: Undepressed

    And we're walking! A couple is trying to fly a kite in this crazy Arkansas wind. It's beautiful, even if it's not working very well for them. Many people are out here today, but I'm still close to the parking lot. It's a beautiful day. I think the temperature is at about the high point of the day, 82 degrees. I'm wearing my fitness watch today, so I'' be able to give you a good step count. I will probably do a similar distance as we usually do, about a mile and a half or so.

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    Photo by Jonathan Sebastiao:


    Wed, 05 Jun 2024 - 12min
  • 358 - RAF357: Arkansas' High Point

    Today it is a beautiful day at Mount Magazine State Park, where I am spending my vacation. I'll have some extra pictures this time. They'll be on the website at in the blog post of this episode. It's been a good trip so far. It's a really nice cabin. It's better than the ones I've stayed in in terms of amenities, not necessarily in terms of quaintness. But there is a bigger fridge (even in this one-bedroom cabin), dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer. And, of course, a beautiful view across the valley.

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    Wed, 15 May 2024 - 26min
  • 357 - RAF356: Shattering the Yo-Yo - Ease Into It

    Welcome to the 75th episode of our Shattering the Yoyo series, which looks back at episode 103 from December 12th, 2018.

    The original title of this episode is, Am I Too Healthy? Spoiler alert: the answer was no. But as I listened to it, I was so impressed by all the positivity along with details of the strategy I was using and some of my daily routine. Granted, I was jacked up on a bodybuilder's energy drink, but it is still inspiring. And it's easier to follow a plan when it's all laid out step-by-step, as I alluded to in the clip.

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    Photo by Magda Ehlers:


    Wed, 24 Apr 2024 - 05min
  • 356 - RAF355: Laughter is Healthy

    I'm at the Running: A FEVER world headquarters and about to head down to the Lake Fayetteville trail. It's cloudy, and I'm getting some drops, but do you know what? I've been wimpy about the weather for too long. I'm just going to go and fight through it. They say, 'Are you a man or a mouse?' It doesn't take a ton of courage to walk in the rain. I'm worried about my shoes that don't have a lot of mileage on them getting a little muddy or dirty, but you know what? If I use them enough, they will get that way anyway. Not that big a deal.

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    Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:


    Wed, 17 Apr 2024 - 19min
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