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Alcohol Across America – A Project of the RRForum

Alcohol Across America – A Project of the RRForum

Dr. Brad Krevor with Dr. William DeJong, Kathie Durbin, Major Mark Willingham, Scott Wexler, Charles Curie

Alcohol Across America, hosted by Dr. Brad Krevor, examines trends and issues on the impact of beverage alcohol on economy, health, safety, and American culture. Each week, AAA focuses on one issue. Alcohol and community: Kathie Durbin, Montgomery County Liquor Control explores how communities balance a vibrant hospitality industry with public health and safety. Maj. Mark Willingham, Alcohol Solutions, explores how alcohol liability litigation impacts over-service and over-consumption. College drinking: William DeJong, Boston University, explores trends in student alcohol use and abuse with leading colleges and universities. The changing alcohol industry: Scott Wexler, The Empire State Restaurant and Tavern Association, explores how the alcohol marketplace is changing and how the industry itself might be part of the solution. Alcohol and health: Charles Curie, former Administrator of SAMHSA, explores innovations in understanding alcohol and health.

39 - Grappling with Alcohol in College Communities
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  • 39 - Grappling with Alcohol in College Communities

    Brad Krevor will be joined by Joel Grube, PhD of the Prevention Research Center/PIRE to examine new approaches for reducing underage and binge drinking.

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  • 38 - Civil Litigation, Restorative Justice for Alcohol-Related Harms

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  • 37 - College Student Drinking: Reducing Campus Alcohol Problems

    Dr. Brad Krevor is joined by co-host Dr. William DeJong of the Boston University School of Public Health to discuss programs and policies that can successfully reduce alcohol problems on America's college campuses with Dr.

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  • 36 - Alcohol Responsibility Programming - from Birth to Maturity

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  • 35 - Alcohol Addiction: The Latest Science and New Medical Treatments

    Host Brad Krevor and co-host Charles Curie will be joined by Dr. Hal Urschel, author and Addictions Psychiatrist to discuss his book "Healing the Addicted Brain.

    Mon, 16 Oct 2017
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