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Brain Health Podcast

Brain Health Podcast

Kim & Alessia

The Brain Health podcast is for brain health enthusiasts, patients, caregivers, and health care professionals, who want to learn the latest insights and science of brain health.

11 - S01E11 Brain healthy lifestyle - how everyday choices affect brain health
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  • 11 - S01E11 Brain healthy lifestyle - how everyday choices affect brain health

    Is health the absence of sickness, or is there more to it? This question is crucial in today’s healthcare, and nowhere more relevant than in the area of brain health. So it is no wonder that Kim and Alessia have picked to discuss it as the conclusion of this journey called BrainHealth podcast. As a co-founder and CEO of Brain+, Kim has a lot to share about the topic. The app-based cognitive rehabilitation platform his company makes is equally concerned with developing healthy habits...

    Thu, 12 Sep 2019
  • 10 - S01E10 The science of brain training? Issues and challenges in brain health

    What does it mean to have a healthy brain? Is brain training possible and how?Instead of focusing on a particular topic, in this episode Kim and Alessia discuss brain health in general - how we know if we possess it, what we need to protect it from, and most importantly, how to take good care of it. A long-time brain health enthusiast and an entrepreneur in the domain of digital healthcare for brain disorders, Kim has a lot to share regarding the topic - current statistics on most common...

    Mon, 03 Jun 2019
  • 9 - S01E09 Neuroscience research for a better future

    How is the neuroscience research community responding to its increasing societal importance? Why is international cooperation essential to its progress? What can an aspiring neuroscientist hope for? FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) is an organization trying to offer answers to questions like those. Founded in 1998, FENS has since then grown into a huge network representing 22 000 scientists in 33 European countries. They facilitate knowledge exchange and application, ...

    Mon, 06 May 2019
  • 8 - S01E08 “Use your brain”: On depression and neuroplasticity

    What does depression do to our brain and can antidepressants help? This topic, abound with misconceptions and controversy, is becoming more relevant as depressive disorder climbs on the list of greatest health burdens.To find out what current research is showing, Kim and Alessia talk to Eero Castren, a professor at the University of Helsinki and a principal investigator at the Neuroscience Center there. A trained medical doctor with a PhD in neuropharmacology, our guest has a remarkable...

    Mon, 08 Apr 2019
  • 7 - S01E07 “People don’t see them ill”: Stigma and invisibility of neurological disorders

    1 in 3 people will at some point in their life suffer from a brain disorder, according to the Global Burden of Disease report and this number might be growing. Understanding these conditions has, therefore, become more important than ever.Donna Walsh, a patient advocate, tells us about daily challenges of people suffering from brain diseases and neurological conditions, including productivity issues and mental illness stigma. She also discusses the broader socioeconomic implications, and the ...

    Mon, 25 Mar 2019
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