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Cosmic Rock Radio

Cosmic Rock Radio

Afrodeity Stone

Higher Vibrational Living, Manifesting your desires, Overcoming Our Past to move delightfully towards our future, Healthy eating, Guided Meditation, Intuitive Consults..with your hostess, student/teacher big sister Afrodeity Stone

233 - Melanated People w/ Blood Ties to Freemasonry
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  • 233 - Melanated People w/ Blood Ties to Freemasonry

    Many of us may have bloodline ties to Freemasonry and don't even know it.  Why is it when we hear the word "Mason" the first thing we think of is "Illuminati"?  Why don't most religious groups condemn the beliefs and practices of Freemasonry as devil worship?  Does Freemasonry have its roots in Egypt?  Lets talk a little about this and share our thoughts on the Youtube upload page.  Choose with your own mind ho to feel on this very sensitive subject.

    Sat, 17 Jun 2017 - 32min
  • 232 - STONED LOVE: Interracial Relationship Issues Part 2

    Last week we spoke about the ups and downs of being in an interracial relationship, and the ins and outs of being a bi racial child.  Last weeks discussion was more about black and white, however this week we want to look a little into the different mixes of cultural blends.  How do other cultures feel about dating or marrying Black people, or Americans?  Why is there so much cultural bias against the Melanated American?  Join us as we dig even deeper into this topic.  The call in number is 714-583-6887.

    Sat, 15 Apr 2017 - 1h 17min
  • 231 - STONED LOVE: Interracial Relationship Issues

    Nobody can tell you who and how to love. But sometimes there are more differences than there are similarities.  In a world where lines can't be defined by black and white as easily as in the past, can there be a true love connection?  What about the children who may or may not experience issues with identity?  Would you date a person outside of your ethnic group, please share your experiences.

    Sat, 08 Apr 2017 - 2h 02min
  • 230 - STONED LOVE: Stages Of A New Relationship

    Call it love struck, smitten, or whether it be love at first sight, there are stages that any new relationship goes through that have you believeing that it could last forever.  But when the newness fades and you begin to see what you have manifested, are you happy with your choice or do you want to throw in the old model for a newer shinier one?  These are the things that we must consider when dating and considering marriage.  We must also periodically reevaluate our own positions in our current relationships, if we want them to last...

    Sat, 25 Mar 2017 - 1h 53min
  • 229 - STONED LOVE: How Do I Trust Again?

    Men lie, women lie...everybody lies!!  It seems like everybody cheats and you can't seem to meet anyone with substance, anyone who will cherish you and treat you like the king or queen that you are.  You're afraid of being hurt, therefore you shut down.  In doing so, you shut out all hopes of ever finding true love.  What is it about people?  What is it about you?  These are the questions we ask ourselves over and over.  At the end of the day, we remain guarded and ever so watchful of those that are lurking...those that are just waiting to catch us slipping.

    Sat, 18 Mar 2017 - 2h 01min
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