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iMEdD Podcasts

People, stories, interviews and topics that go beyond statistical analysis per se, but touch on data journalism, a new field that combines journalism, computer science, statistics, and design. At Data on the Record, the iMEdD Lab team presents stories and conclusions drawn from their investigations, without insisting on analytical methodologies and number crunching, shares best practices from the world of data journalism, and hosts panelists with expertise in the field.

3 - 3. The story behind the Pandora Papers
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  • 3 - 3. The story behind the Pandora Papers

    Emilia Diaz Strack, research editor at ICIJ, explains to data journalist & iMEdD Lab project manager Thanasis Troboukis how to turn millions of documents and terabytes of data into the largest journalistic investigation of all time.

    Tue, 15 Feb 2022
  • 2 - 1. What we never knew about the pandemic in Greece

    At a critical time worldwide, when trust in science and "hard" data is the only way out of the crisis, the authorities involved in the management of the pandemic are publishing not only incomplete data, but in such a form that further analysis is almost impossible. Why is this happening?

    Tue, 01 Jun 2021
  • 1 - 2. How do auctions change Athens?

    How many auctions have taken place in recent years, who are affected and which of them are being accelerated? The concept of debt, the role of companies, developments in the housing market and the new "data" in the neighbourhoods of Athens.

    Thu, 01 Jul 2021