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How to tips to live L.E.A.N .

How to tips to live L.E.A.N .

Shelly Houska

Get the latest scientific information on health and wellness strategies, tips and tools through on how to live L.E.A.N— L = lifestyle - how we live, E = exercise - how we move, A = attitude - how we think and N = nutrition - how we eat. These are the 4 dimensions of LEAN program. You’ll learn a new healthy, sustainable and realistic way of living from a Dr. Sears Wellness Institute Master Certified LE.A.N coach so you get real long-term results from eating real foods!

20 - Completing the Vegan Lifestyle with Exercise and Proper Hydration
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  • 20 - Completing the Vegan Lifestyle with Exercise and Proper Hydration

    In this episode I talk about the most important aspect of the vegan lifestyle.

    Sat, 10 Apr 2021 - 10min
  • 19 - Living Vegan Beyond the Food You Eat

    In this episode you will learn of an unethical practice used by some businesses. Greenwashing is a term used by companies in order to sell products for a greater value than they’re worth by claiming that they are defined as green and ethically and environmentally friendly without meeting the actual requirements to be labeled as such.

    Tue, 06 Apr 2021 - 11min
  • 18 - Identifying your values in sticking to them.

    If someone looked at you and ask you what you believe in this world and what are you doing to back up those believes what would you tell them?

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  • 17 - Old Habits Die Hard, Here’s How

    Building new habits is probably one of the hardest parts about beginning any new lifestyle. In the stepson, I discuss Steps he can take to make going vegan much easier.

    Fri, 16 Oct 2020 - 23min
  • 16 - Staying healthy while live in vegan.

    In this episode we talk about the most important vitamins and nutrients for vegans to pay attention to you.

    Fri, 09 Oct 2020 - 09min
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