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sorry! not sorry

sorry! not sorry

Hi, this is Sharleen and Monica! We’re going to talk, share, and discuss about things that we find interesting such as: mental health, personal development, relationships, and more! Please join us in this journey together.

28 - s2 talk #6 - stay adventurous growing up in a protective family (ft. Joanika J)
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  • 28 - s2 talk #6 - stay adventurous growing up in a protective family (ft. Joanika J)

    Halo semuanya, kami kembali setelah sekian lama tydak upload. Akhir-akhir ini kasus Covid-19 malah makin meningkat lagi. So, everyone please stay safe ya, dan stay at home kalo gak perlu-perlu amat ke luar rumah. Talk kali ini, kami mengundang Joanika utk share pengalaman bagaimana cara dia stay adventurous dalam keluarga yg protektif. Kebetulan kami bertiga adalah putri tunggal di keluarga masing-masing. Jadi bisa di bayangkan lah ya, seprotektif apa kira-kira. Without any further adieu, please go listen till the very end of our podcast. Thank you!

    Please follow our IG story to show your support:


    Sharleen: @sharleenlee

    Monica: @monicaasatya

    Joanika: @joanikaj

    Sun, 27 Jun 2021 - 56min
  • 27 - s2 talk #5 (part two) - berkenalan dengan ODGJ (ft. Rismadhani Chaniago)

    Hello guys. Melanjutkan percakapan kita minggu kemarin dgn Mba Dhani, skrg kita bertanya lebih lanjut mengenai apa sih yg di maksud dengan penyakit skizofrenia? Apa yang bisa kita lakukan utk membantu ODGJ? Bagaimana sih cara menanggulangi perasaan stress di kehidupan kita sehari2, especially during pandemi dimana orang tidak bisa keluar rumah dengan mudah, socializing juga susah, dll. Simak lebih lanjut podcast kami sampai akhir ya! Terimakasih!

    Please follow our IG story to show your support:


    Sharleen: @sharleenlee

    Monica: @monicaasatya

    Mba Dhani: @sidhancrut Kopi Panas Foundation: @kopipanasfoundation

    Sat, 01 May 2021 - 41min
  • 26 - s2 talk #5 (part one) - berkenalan dengan ODGJ (ft. Rismadhani Chaniago)

    Hello guys. Apakah kalian pernah mendengar ttg sebutan ODGJ? Mungkin banyak dari kalian yg belum familiar dengan singkatan ini ya. Nah di episode kali ini, kami ingin memperkenalkan ttg apa sih ODGJ itu. Disini, kami berkesempatan utk ngobrol-ngobrol dengan ex Executive Director dari Kopi Panas Foundation. Disini beliau bercerita lebih lanjut mengenai non-profit organization dan tentunya pengalaman beliau berhadapan dgn ODGJ. Yuk dengerin sampai habis.

    Please follow our IG story to show your support:


    Sharleen: @sharleenlee

    Monica: @monicaasatya

    Mba Dhani: @sidhancrut

    Kopi Panas Foundation: @kopipanasfoundation

    Sat, 17 Apr 2021 - 41min
  • 25 - s2 talk #4 - debunking fitness myths (ft. Coach Bene)

    Hello guys, we're back again with Ben. We thought that it's a pity if we don't have a discussion about fitness/wellness since our guest speaker is the master of it right? So here we go again, welcoming Ben to debunk some fitness myth. Share it with your friend who thinks of going for a new diet, a new slimming procedure, etc. So that you guys have a clear understanding of it. Please follow our IG story to show your support: @srynotsrypodcast Sharleen: @sharleenlee Monica: @monicaasatya Ben: @coach.bene Wefitness: @wefitnessjakarta

    Fri, 02 Apr 2021 - 52min
  • 24 - s2 talk #3 - finding passion and life purpose (ft. Coach Bene)

    Hello guys, so sorry we missed the timing again to post. Anyways, in this episode, we would like to share a story of our coach friend Ben, on how he found his passion and life purpose. I hope this talk can inspire you, and somewhat brings you another perspective of life. We're super excited to discuss this with Ben because he's very passionate about what he's doing. 

    In this episode, we also mention this video from Kerwin Rae. I'll share the link down below. Please feel free to watch it.

    How To Find Your Purpose:

    Please follow our IG story to show your support:


    Sharleen: @sharleenlee

    Monica: @monicaasatya

    Ben: @coach.bene

    Wefitness: @wefitnessjakarta

    Fri, 19 Mar 2021 - 49min
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