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The Quash

The Quash

The Quash Productions, LLC

Forget left v right. This is the truth about the system from a man who knows. The Quash, is hosted by a lawyer with 30 years of experience. He unmasks the absurd false narratives we've been immersed in 24/7 since birth and laughs at them. There's a reason nothing about the system ever makes any sense. You've been lied to your whole life. But that ends now. (Become a Patron!) The Quash comes out on Sundays. Subscribe and listen to them all. Share them. They're available on all podcast platforms like Apple and Spotify etc. Bonus episodes come out most weeks on Thursday. AH (After Hours) episodes are a bit more free wheeling and can have some more harsh language. If you like The Quash you should support it. THAT'S what free markets look like. Go to and become a member. You get entire bonus shows, bonus material, early access and more. AND you put your money where your mouth is. So go sign up. Here’s the RSS LINK

295 - When did we "consent" to the govt creating a dystopia?
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  • 295 - When did we "consent" to the govt creating a dystopia?

    In this episode I use a clip from a huge media personality in the con/con movement to show people once again that the STRUCTURE of our govt that we're TOLD exists makes NO sense. NOBODY would ever consent to a govt empowered to destroy them. If you like The Quash you can get the education of a lifetime. Go to and become a member. I have more than 400 timeless shows explaining how this system actually works. The Quash comes out on Sundays for the public. AH episodes like this have more harsh material and language.

    Sun, 05 May 2024 - 44min
  • 294 - Spooner on THE LAW

    In this episode I begin covering another great Spooner essay to show people how badly fooled everyone is on what LAW actually is. Law is a control system now. Nothing more. If you like The Quash you can get a lot more of it by becoming a member. Go to and sign up. You will get a legal education that isn't available anywhere else. The Quash comes out on Sundays.

    You can follow me at Legalman @UScrimeReview on Twitter.

    Sun, 28 Apr 2024 - 48min
  • 293 - AH Govt Hearings are NOT real, they are a SHOW

    In this episode I once again try and show people that all of these "investigations" and hearing are NOT REAL they are ludicrous. They are there to keep the fools believing in a fantasy about the govt. If you want to keep having The Quash in your life then go over to and become a member. I've made this show available to the public for years now. It's a lot of work. I don't know how much longer I will continue to to that. I have 100's and 100's of shows in patreon. I make 2 shows a week. It's becoming very clear to me that my show doesn't grow and that's fine. But I will not continue to beat my head against a wall forever.

    You can follow me on Twitter I'm Legalman@UScrimeReview.

    Mon, 22 Apr 2024 - 49min
  • 292 - Mass compliance in Covid and WW1

    In this episode I discuss the mass compliance of people against the backdrop of WW1. If you like The Quash you should become a member. Got to You get two new episodes a week AND you get access to my hundreds and hundreds of back episodes that are timeless. You will get an education in the system that is not available anywhere else. The Quash comes out on Sundays.

    Sun, 21 Apr 2024 - 44min
  • 290 - Con/cons Torturing Bastiat to defend the Tyranny

    In this episode I use a clip from a con/con ExPErT to show people how they twist and distort everything to make people think they are for "natural rights" and limited govt while ACTUALLY defending the tyranny of the arbitrary govt rules we live under. If you like The Quash and want to get more and learn how the actual system works then go on over to and become a member. I have 100s & 100s of shows explaining the system. It's an education that's not available anywhere else. The Quash comes out on Sundays.

    You can follow me on Twitter I'm Legalman@UScrimeReview.

    Sun, 07 Apr 2024 - 46min
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