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Quirks and Quarks

Quirks and Quarks


CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks covers the quirks of the expanding universe to the quarks within a single atom... and everything in between.

631 - Can we dump antacids in the ocean to soak up carbon dioxide? And more.
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  • 631 - Can we dump antacids in the ocean to soak up carbon dioxide? And more.

    Canaries in the coal mine — a report on Canada’s bird life is an environmental report card

    Using millions of observations, collected over 50 years, from bird watchers across the country, the conservation group Birds Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada have released a report called The State of Canada’s Birds. The big takeaways are that many bird species, such as grassland birds and arctic birds, are in trouble because of climate change, damage to habitat and other causes. The good news is that where we’ve made efforts at conservation, such as with birds of prey and waterfowl, it’s working.

    Ants farm fungus, and have been doing it since the dinosaurs died

    Many species of ant grow fungus for food in their colonies, feeding it on plant matter and carefully cultivating it to protect it from disease. And a new study, led by Smithsonian researcher Ted Schulz, has determined that this has been going on for at least 66 million years, and probably evolved as a strategy to survive the environmental catastrophe that followed the asteroid impact that annihilated the dinosaurs. The research was published in the journal Science.

    A Canadian group is exploring how to filter and destroy forever chemicals in our water

    PFAS, a group of 15,000 synthetic chemicals that are also known as forever chemicals, are a tricky problem because they’ve spread everywhere and are hard to destroy. But a group from the University of British Columbia, led by chemical engineer Johan Foster, has found a way to efficiently capture the chemicals from water and break them down into harmless components. The research was published in the journal Nature Communications Engineering.

    It’s two, two, two animals in one. Comb jellies can join their bodies together

    Scientists studying a jellyfish-like animal called a ctenophore, or comb jelly, were shocked to discover that, when injured, two individual animals could fuse together. University of Colorado biologist Mariana Rodriguez-Santiago and her team found that the animals melded their nervous systems, and even their guts, while retaining individual features. The research was published in the journal Current Biology.

    Using the sea to soak up our excess carbon dioxide

    We’ve released 1.5 trillion tons of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. We may slow our emissions, but the CO2 we’ve already released will warm our planet for thousands of years. Which is why scientists are now trying to understand how we might safely attempt to remove it on a vast scale. Journalist Moira Donovan explores research into marine carbon dioxide removal, and how scientists are trying to understand if we can fix a problem they’d hoped we’d never face. Moira speaks with: 

    Will Burt – Chief Ocean Scientist Planetary Technologies

    Katja Fennel – Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax

    Kai Schulz – Biological Oceanographer, School of Environment, Science and Engineering, Southern Cross University, Australia 

    Ruth Musgrave – Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax

    Fri, 18 Oct 2024 - 54min
  • 630 - Quirks & Quarks presents Galactic Trailblazers: Renegade Women

    A CBC Radio One Special:

    We are in a new space race and this one looks a lot different than the Apollo missions. More women are donning space suits, and more nations are aiming for the stars. What was it like for the women who broke the mold, and what challenges persist? Co-hosts Nicole Mortillaro and Jaela Bernstien get real with four trailblazing women: three astronauts who shattered the glass ceiling, and a space historian. We talk about sexism, awkward moments, hard-won achievements and what’s in store for Space Race 2.0.

    original air date: Monday, October 14, 2024

    Wed, 16 Oct 2024 - 49min
  • 629 - A Nobel for microRNA and more

    A Nobel prize for understanding how genes are turned on and off

    The early-morning call from Sweden came on Monday to American molecular biologist Gary Ruvkun for his work in discovering microRNAs, which are essential for regulating genetic activity in plants and animals. Ruvkun says that research based on this work helps us understand basic biology, but has also provided significant insight into disease and might even help us understand whether there is life on other planets. 

    Biologists discover a new microbial world in your bathroom

    Researchers have found a new biodiversity hotspot. Environmental microbiologist Erica Hartmann and her team sampled showerheads and toothbrushes in ordinary bathrooms, and found a host of bacteria and hundreds of previously unknown viruses. But don’t panic: much of this new life are bacteriophages — viruses that infect bacteria — which are harmless to humans and could be potential weapons against the bacteria that can cause human disease. The study was published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiomes.

    How we might zap an asteroid on a collision course with Earth

    A new experiment using the world’s most powerful radiation source has shown the way to deflecting asteroids with X-rays. The X-rays were used to vaporize some of the surface of a model asteroid, creating a rocket-like effect. Dr Nathan Moore, a physicist at the Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico, says it's a proof of principle for the concept of deflecting a real asteroid using X-rays generated by a powerful nuclear explosion. The study was published in the journal Nature Physics. 

    Exploring the origins of Australia's iconic, if controversial, wild dog

    The Australian Dingo has a fierce reputation as a predator, leading to European settlers attempting to exterminate it in the 19th century. But the dingo’s origin story has not been well understood. For years, it was assumed the dingo originated from India, given its similarities to the Indian pariah dog, or from New Guinea. Dr. Loukas Koungolos, a research associate at the University of Sydney, led the study looking at dingo fossils and found out where it likely came from, and how the domestic dogs of ancient people became a wild predator down under. The study was published in the journal Scientific Reports. 

    Can we treat autoimmune disease by manipulating the immune system? 

    Autoimmune diseases like Lupus can be a result of critical immune cells attacking our own bodies. New advances are pointing to ways we might be able to reverse this. 

    Researchers have repurposed a relatively new cancer treatment, called CAR-T therapy that can reprogram immune cells to attack cancer cells, to reset the immune system in patients with lupus to neutralize its autoimmune attack. Dr. Georg Schett and his colleagues, from the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen in Germany, were the first to use this immunotherapy to successfully treat lupus patients. That research appeared in the journal Nature Medicine with a follow-up in The New England Journal of Medicine.

    Other researchers are focussing on understanding — and possibly reversing — what triggers the immune cells to go awry in the first place. Dr. Jaehyuk Choi, from Northwestern University, said they found a molecule that lupus patients are deficient in. In cell culture they demonstrated that correcting this deficiency can reprogram certain immune T-cells to stop directing the attack on the body which they hope could potentially reverse the effects of lupus. His research was published in Nature.

    Fri, 11 Oct 2024 - 54min
  • 628 - The FBI's chief explosives scientist deconstructs bomb forensic investigations and more...

    Hurricane Helene’s killed hundreds, but the true death toll could end up in the thousands

    Hurricanes and tropical storms in the US kill about 24 people directly, but a new study looking at “excess deaths” suggests that in the affected areas the mortality rate is elevated for about 15 years. Rachel Young, a postdoctoral researcher from UC Berkeley, analyzed the long tail of these storms from 1930-2015. She found the true death toll ranges from 7,000 to 11,000 per storm. Her team suspects many factors feed into the excess deaths, including how rebuilding costs could impact funds for future medical care, damage to local health systems and exposure to pollution during the storm. Their study is in the journal Nature. 

    A new NASA mission will search for signs of life on a Jovian ice moon

    Next week NASA hopes to launch a major mission to one of Jupiter’s most fascinating moons. The Europa Clipper will visit the ice moon Europa, whose icy shell is thought to cover an ocean that could contain twice the water that's in all of Earth’s oceans. The fascination with Europa is based on the idea that water is an essential ingredient for life. As a result, Europa could be one of the most promising places in our solar system for life to exist. We talk about the upcoming mission with Cynthia Phillips, the Project Staff Scientist and Planetary Geologist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

    Tarantulas’ creepy hair is likely a defence against predatory army ants

    You would think that a venomous spider the size of your fist wouldn’t have too many natural enemies. But Dr. Alireza Zamani from the University of Turku, Finland says it's the arachnid's fuzz, rather than its bite, which discourages predatory army ants. A new study in the Journal of Natural History suggests the tarantula’s barbed hairs keep the ants from being able to attack the spiders, and also protects their eggs, which the arachnids coat in a generous helping of hair.

    Whales use underwater bubble blowing in sophisticated ways to trap prey

    Scientists have long known that humpback whales use bubbles to corral and concentrate krill and small fish to feed on. But new underwater cameras and airborne drones have provided an unprecedented view of how this is done, revealing how the whales use complex patterns of bubbles in different ways depending on the prey. Andy Szabo, a Canadian whale biologist and executive director of the Alaska Whale Foundation, said the humpbacks’ bubble-nets result in a sevenfold increase in the amount of krill they gulp up per lunge. The study was published in Royal Society Open Science. 

    The Bomb Doctor: after the explosion this investigator seeks out evidence in the rubble

    Explosive attacks often leave behind tragedy, carnage and chaos. But in the rubble is evidence that could provide vital clues for bomb forensic investigators. Kirk Yeager, the FBI’s chief explosives scientist, describes his work at crime scenes as “walking into hell blindfolded.” In his new book, called The Bomb Doctor: A Scientist's Story of Bombers, Beakers, and Bloodhounds, he explains how he and his colleagues tease out evidence from the scorched and smouldering aftermath of an attack.

    Fri, 04 Oct 2024 - 54min
  • 627 - Plastic: We need to understand the problem and the solutions, and more

    A Central American lizard creates a bubble of air underwater to breathe

    Semi-aquatic lizards in the western rainforests of Central America have the ability to hide from predators underwater by breathing from a bubble of air they form over their heads. In a new study in the journal Biology Letters, ecologist Lindsey Swierk from New York State University at Binghamton, found that the lizards with this bubble-breathing trick could stay underwater for 30 per cent longer than the lizards without a bubble. 

    A really weird fish walks on its fingers and tastes with them too

    The sea robin is a strange fish with wing-like fins and finger-like bony structures that it uses to prop itself up as it roams the ocean floor. New research from a team of scientists from Harvard and Stanford Universities, including Nick Bellono, looked at how these bizarre creatures use their legs to hone in on their prey. It turns out these funny finny fingers can also taste food in the sediment of the sea bottom. The research was published in the journal Current Biology.

    We can make our food production systems more stable by reintroducing nature

    A new study by a team of researchers at the University of Guelph suggests that removing large animals and destroying natural habitat is making our agricultural systems and fisheries more unstable and vulnerable to boom and bust cycles. But the study, published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, also suggests that restoring nature can help stabilize our food production to better feed the world’s billions. 

    Giant clams live off sunlight and could inspire solar power systems 

    Working in the protected reefs of Palau, Dr. Alison Sweeney, associate professor of physics and of ecology and evolutionary biology at Yale University, was intrigued by the iridescence of the giant clams. Her team discovered that the giant clams tissues are optimized to channel sunlight to photosynthetic algae that live inside them. They work like solar panels, but far more efficiently than manufactured versions, providing inspiration for bio-inspired energy technology. The study was published in the journal PRX Energy.

    Plastic: Understanding the problem, and the struggle for a solution

    Plastic is a miracle material, and one of the most useful innovations of the modern age. But its ubiquity and the durability that makes it so useful mean it’s also becoming one of our biggest waste problems. Twenty years after he discovered microplastics on beaches around the UK, marine biologist Richard Thompson has just released a new study looking at what we’ve learned about these pervasive plastics, and urges scientists to turn their research focus towards solving the problem. We also speak with RJ Conk from the University of Berkeley about his work on vaporizing plastics down to their chemical building blocks, which could finally make real recycling a reality.

    Fri, 27 Sep 2024 - 54min
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