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Média étudiant de Sciences Po Paris sur le campus de Reims ! Vie de campus, culture, sport, faits divers et bien plus encore au programme !

439 - THE BATTLE FOR WASHINGTON -S2E3- Trump's coronavirus and presidential debate
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  • 439 - THE BATTLE FOR WASHINGTON -S2E3- Trump's coronavirus and presidential debate

    October has begun, this is the final push of the campaign and it also means that "the October surprise" could occur in the upcoming days. We couldn’t have dreamed up a campaign more chaotic, uncertain and violent… Nonetheless, it seems that we have reached a new landmark in the race for the White House... ALL THE AMERICAN ELECTIONS IN ONE PODCAST

    Tue, 06 Oct 2020 - 11min
  • 438 - THE BATTLE FOR WASHINGTON -S2E2- Supreme Court, ballots and transition

    After the death of Justice Ginsburg, another critical variable sprang up in the campaign. As Trump refused to commit for a peaceful transition, concerns are rising about the aftermath of the election... ALL THE AMERICAN ELECTIONS IN ONE PODCAST

    Sat, 26 Sep 2020 - 22min
  • 437 - THE BATTLE FOR WASHINGTON -S2E1- A summer in the US

    The Battle for Washington is back for an explosive season 2 until Election Day. Since the last issue, lots of things have occurred that changed the race to the White House. A summer in the US, or an insight into a chaotic 2-months-period by an American + Trump/Biden's town halls, vaccine, wildfires... ALL THE AMERICAN ELECTIONS IN ONE PODCAST

    Sat, 19 Sep 2020 - 21min
  • 436 - RECRUITMENT 2019-2020 ENG

    RECRUITMENT 2019-2020 ENG by RCB

    Thu, 05 Sep 2019 - 01min
  • 221 - L'interview - Kerill Theurillat

    « Le harcèlement policier envers les exilés n’est pas du tout nouveau » - Kerill Theurillat. Elisa est allée interviewer Kerill Theurillat coordinateur de terrain de l’association Utopia 56. Ils reviennent ensemble sur l’intervention policière du 23 novembre sur la place de la République où quelques 500 exilés soutenus par des associations avaient décidé d’installer symboliquement leurs tentes. Depuis le démantèlement du camp de Saint Denis, des centaines d’exilés se retrouvent sans solutions. Retour avec Kerill Theurillat sur la situation des exilés dans notre pays. Pour les 1A recherchant un parcours civique, et pour tout autre personne intéressée l’association Utopia 56 a toujours besoin de bénévoles :

    Thu, 10 Dec 2020 - 15min
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