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Nutrition Burnout

Nutrition Burnout

Binge Eating Nutrition Coach- Christi Brown

NUTRITION BURNOUT is your home for Food & Body Obsession. Can't keep a certain food in the house without bingeing on it? Don't feel like you can get healthy without being on some sort of diet or wellness plan? Then you are officially burnt out, my friend! And I am here to help! Catch these hella-relatable stories and soul-searing episodes as you learn the tools and mindset you need to end mindless eating and start trusting yourself around food WITHOUT counting and tracking your life away. Put in the reps with me as we get mentally fit and balanced AF with our health. ⚠️ FAIR WARNING: This Podcast series will make you like yourself.

28 - 28. This is Why You Feel Out of Control Around Food
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  • 28 - 28. This is Why You Feel Out of Control Around Food

    From my very own personal experience... to a client who couldn't stop eating dessert every night... here's how we started feeling in control around food again.

    Here's my very relatable story about...

    Why I couldn't stop bingeing on the weekends but ate like a saint on the weekdays. Why I would get mad at my hubby for bringing home my favorite treat. Why I couldn't stop thinking about food or how I could earn it with more exercise. How I stopped allowing the number on the scale to rule my life and my food choices. How I habituated all the "junk" food I craved, into my everyday life so I can now eat it in amounts that feel good to me.

    If you've ever thought...

    "How do I stop thinking about food so much?"

    "Why can't I stop eating at night?"

    "Why am I addicted to sugar and sweets?"

    "How do I stop overeating?"

    "How do I only eat a little bit instead of the whole thing?"

    ...Then this episode is for YOU!



    📽️ Get the Taste of Food Freedom Workshop and Learn the 5 Steps to Food Freedom! *Includes live workshop replay and workbook! 📝 Download my FREE Plate-Building Template and gain access to my plate-building formula, balanced meal ideas, and meal-planning template! ☎️ Schedule your free, private Discovery Call and see what it would be like to Work with Me! 🥳 Join the Intuitively Strong Party on YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok ✅ Get Intuitively Strong Resources at your fingertips!


    Wed, 01 Nov 2023
  • 27 - 27. 5 Steps to Exploring Your Munchies Without Bingeing

    How do you use cannabis, get high, take a gummy (whatever you wanna call it)... and NOT binge?!

    How do you eat healthy when you're high?

    How do you stop eating after taking a gummy?

    It's no secret that THC makes you feel hungry, even if you're not. It can feel like this little hunger gremlin takes over and sabotages you and your efforts to eat balanced and intuitively... even if you're a seasoned pro! 🙋🏽‍♀️

    Let me take you through my 5-step process to snack confidently after using cannabis.

      Don't do this one thing before you get high Explore your "high snack" limits Don't use cannabis as a special occasion to binge Use my DIP20 Method to explore your munchies without bingeing or overeating Redirect your sensation using these techniques 



    📽️ Get the Taste of Food Freedom Workshop and Learn the 5 Steps to Food Freedom! *Includes live workshop replay and workbook! 📝 Download my FREE Plate-Building Template and gain access to my plate-building formula, balanced meal ideas, and meal-planning template! ☎️ Schedule your free, private Discovery Call and see what it would be like to Work with Me! 🥳 Join the Intuitively Strong Party on YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok ✅ Get Intuitively Strong Resources at your fingertips!


    Thu, 07 Sep 2023
  • 26 - 26. What To Expect When You Begin Eating Intuitively

    You're beginning your intuitive eating or balanced eating journey... and you have SO MANY questions!

    "How do I stop eating at a comfortable point?"

    "How do I eat my craving without going overboard?"

    "I am super stressed lately, how do I stop emotional eating?"

    "How do I stop eating out of boredom?"

    "I'm going out to eat tonight! HELP!"

    "How am I supposed to eat my dessert when I hate how my body looks?"

    "Can I still want weight loss to happen?"

    "How do I stop eating sweets at night?!"

    If you're struggling with a challenging thought, my clients have also struggled with it. All of your questions are answered here, through these handpicked, LIVE recordings of my replies to some of the trickiest and toughest questions you have about allowing all foods to fit in amounts that feel good to you.

    In this episode, you'll also learn...

    Mindful eating tips How to deal with a stressor instead of reaching for food My lotion trick to help heal your body image 😉 Ending emotional /stress eating What to watch out for when starting this journey What to do about sweets at night Pseudo Permission What to do when you can't satisfy a craving



    📽️ Get the Taste of Food Freedom Workshop and Learn the 5 Steps to Food Freedom! *Includes live workshop replay and workbook to get you started on your journey! 📝 Download my FREE Plate-Building Template and gain access to my plate-building formula, balanced meal ideas, and meal-planning template! ☎️ Schedule your free, private Discovery Call and see what it would be like to Work with Me! 🥳 Join the Intuitively Strong Party on YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok ✅ Get Intuitively Strong Resources at your fingertips!
    Fri, 11 Aug 2023
  • 25 - 25. How To Gain Control of Your Life

    Do you ever wonder why it seems so much harder to get motivated or even to get inspired to do the things you used to love? Do you feel like you've lost control of your life and want to find that spark again? I get it, you care about your health but also tell yourself you need to lose 10 lbs before you go back to the gym. If you feel stuck, lazy, uninspired, unmotivated, out of control around food, and just... depressed, this episode is FOR YOU! This unlikely antidote will rock your world once you hear it. And you can start RIGHT NOW.


    In this episode, you'll discover...

    Why you can't master your time Why you can't stop thinking about your to-do list What actually happens when you do live out your perfect life How to get out of this deep depression What to do when you can't get motivated to get out of bed Why we feel the need to procrastinate



    📝 Download my FREE Plate-Building Template and gain access to my plate-building formula, balanced meal ideas, and meal-planning template! ☎️ Schedule your free, private Discovery Call and see what it would be like to Work with Me! 🥳 Join the Intuitively Strong Party on YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok ✅ Get Intuitively Strong Resources at your fingertips! Get the books talked about in this episode! Four Thousand Weeks, by Oliver Burkeman, and Dopamine Nation, by Anna Lembke (PS these are not affiliate links. I just googled them, and this is what came up 😉)
    Fri, 14 Jul 2023
  • 24 - 24. The Ultimate Body Image Toolkit (Part 2/2)

    Bad Body Image Days suck. And if you've felt the debilitating hopelessness of standing in front of the mirror before going out, as you sob into your tenth outfit change... then this episode is for you! In this (Part 2) episode of our 2-part body image series, you'll finally be able to connect with your inner mean girl and understand the festering cause of your body shame, guilt, inadequacy, pain, unlovability, fear, insecurities, low self-worth, bitterness, jealousy, and hurt. These emotions are there to protect you in a weird way... so let's dive in! Then, I'll deliver the 14 proven ways to help you overcome bad body image episodes that will leave you feeling powerFUL instead of powerLESS.

    In this episode, you'll discover...

    Why you can't shut up the mean girl in your head Why you can't stop thinking about shrinking What actually happens when you start liking yourself How to redirect bad body image days What to do when you can't stop hating your body 14 proven ways to help you ditch the body image witch Jackpot affirmations and practical ways to use them without all the BS



    📝 Download my FREE Plate-Building System and gain access to my plate-building formula, balanced meal ideas, and meal-planning template! ☎️ Schedule your free, private Discovery Call and see what it would be like to Work with Me! 🥳 Join the Intuitively Strong Party on YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok ✅ Get Intuitively Strong Resources at your fingertips!
    Fri, 09 Jun 2023
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