Podcasts by Category

貝媽豆妹童樂會 Little Mandarin Party 🥳

貝媽豆妹童樂會 Little Mandarin Party 🥳

貝貝媽咪 BeiBei Mommy

歡迎一起參加貝媽豆妹"童"樂會!🎊 🎉
在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,適合海內外的小朋友一起來參加,在歡樂中學習,每個月的第一個童樂會我們也會幫當月的壽星朋友們一起來慶生! 歡迎大家一起來和很silly的貝媽和無厘頭的豆妹,一起來開童樂會喔!我們童樂會上見囉!🥳🥳
Welcome to Little Mandarin Party with Bei Ma and Do Mei. During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs (with English translation), chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes. Kids can sharpen their Mandarin skills during the party. Once a month we also celebrate our listeners' birthdays. Please come join silly Bei Ma and Do Mei! See you at the party! 🥳🥳 .

🎧貝媽另一個故事Podcast "中文故事屋" 歡迎來聽故事喔~ Please also check out Bei Ma’s story Podcast “ Little Mandarin Pod” https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/little-mandarin-pod中文故事屋/id1566500815

🍭貝‌媽‌和豆妹背‌景‌Background🍭 ‌
貝‌媽‌來‌自‌台‌灣‌,‌在‌美‌國‌當‌臨‌床‌藥‌師‌,‌最‌歡‌樂‌的‌時‌間‌就‌是‌和‌小‌朋‌友‌說故‌事‌,天馬行空聊天,‌和‌孩‌子‌一‌起‌學‌習‌‌🥳。豆妹是一位6歲在美國可愛又無俚頭女孩🤩,口頭禪是「 and 再」(然後的意思) 😜Bei Ma aka BeiBei Mommy, originally from Taiwan, is a clinical pharmacist in the US. She loves telling stories to kids and learning with kids. Do Mei is a fun and loving 6 y/o girl in the US, who loves singing, being silly and tickling her baby brother. 😜

🎂生日慶生報名表birthday celebration sign up form : https://forms.gle/hnpqhiYtLFrzWCm79

🟦Facebook臉書: https://www.facebook.com/LittleMandarinPod 歡迎來留言給我們喔~😉

☎️貝媽豆妹語音信箱voice message line: https://open.firstory.me/voicemail/ckxvhbs6i5w3c09973lu3doow

📧各類合作Email: beibeimommy@gmail.com

Powered by Firstory Hosting

37 - EP 28【 玩唐詩】早發白帝城/三月慶生會/腦筋急轉彎冷笑話 【Tang Poem】March Birthday/ Brain teaser
0:00 / 0:00
  • 37 - EP 28【 玩唐詩】早發白帝城/三月慶生會/腦筋急轉彎冷笑話 【Tang Poem】March Birthday/ Brain teaser

    🥳 今天童樂會內容:✔︎ 玩唐詩-大詩人李白的早發白帝城 ✔︎早發白帝城的故事✔︎ 腦筋急轉彎冷笑話

    🥳三月慶生會壽星有: 在新加坡的 周佑恩, 在美國博瑟爾 的 林家信/Caleb  在美國密爾瓦基的 天天 Alexander, 在 美國三藩市 灣區 的 任永軒 Kepler,在加拿大多倫多的 王芊麗,還有所有三月的壽星們,生日快樂!Happy Birthday to: 周佑恩 (Singapore), Caleb (Bothell, USA), Alexander (Milwaukie,  USA), Kepler (San Francisco Bay Area, USA), Eleanor Qian-Li Wong (Toronto, Canada)  and all the March birthday friends!

    ☎️貝媽豆妹語音信箱voice message line

    🎧貝媽另一個故事Podcast "中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod" 歡迎小朋友來聽故事喔!Please also check out Bei Ma’s story Podcast “ Little Mandarin Pod” 

    🍭貝‌媽‌和豆妹背‌景‌Background🍭 ‌
    貝‌‌媽‌‌來‌自‌台‌灣‌,‌在‌美‌國‌當‌臨‌床‌藥‌師‌,‌最‌歡‌樂‌的‌時‌間‌就‌是‌和‌小‌朋‌友‌說故‌事‌,天馬行空聊天,‌和‌孩‌子‌一‌起‌學‌習‌‌🥳。豆妹是一位6歲在美國可愛又無俚頭女孩🤩,口頭禪是「 and 再」(然後的意思) 😜Bei Ma aka BeiBei Mommy, originally from Taiwan, is a clinical pharmacist in the US. She loves telling stories to kids and learning with kids. Do Mei is a fun and loving 6 y/o girl in the US, who loves singing, being silly and tickling her baby brother. 😜

    🎂生日慶生報名表Birthday celebration sign up form

    🟦Facebook臉書: https://www.facebook.com/LittleMandarinPod 歡迎來留言給我們喔~😉

    📧各類合作Email: beibeimommy@gmail.com

    贊助貝媽買故事/音樂/設備 Sponsor our Podcasts (to help purchase music/sound effects, stories, and equipment):
    Paypal @ beimom https://paypal.me/beimom
    monthly contribution: https://anchor.fm/beibeimommy/support

    🤣徵求笑話:如果你有好笑的笑話或是冷笑話,都歡迎大家email給貝媽 beibeimommy@gmail.com

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
    Mon, 01 Apr 2024
  • 36 - EP 27 【 玩唐詩】獨坐敬亭山/二月慶生會/腦筋急轉彎冷笑話 【Tang Poem】Sitting Alone in Jingting Mountain/ February Birthday/ Brain teaser

    🥳 今天童樂會內容:✔︎玩一首唐詩-大詩人李白的獨坐敬亭山 ✔︎李白和敬亭山的故事✔︎腦筋急轉彎冷笑話

    🥳二月慶生會 🎂 壽星有:在台灣竹北的 孟希sisley, 在美國三藩市的 任永薇 Elara, 在美國博瑟耳的 林巧俐Ellie,  在美國佛羅里達的 Jacob Lopez 周豪,  在美國紐澤西的 安雅, 在美國西雅圖的 李家信, 在新加坡的 Amanda , 還有所有二月生日的朋友們,祝你們生日快樂!Happy Birthday to  孟希sisley (Hsinchu, Taiwan), Elara (San Francisco, USA), Ellie (Bothell, USA), Jacob Lopez (Florida, USA), 安雅 (New Jersey, USA), Ocean Li ( Seattle, USA), Amanda (Singapore) and all the February birthday friends!

    ☎️貝媽豆妹語音信箱voice message line

    🎧貝媽另一個故事Podcast "中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod" 歡迎小朋友來聽故事喔!Please also check out Bei Ma’s story Podcast “ Little Mandarin Pod” 

    🍭貝‌媽‌和豆妹背‌景‌Background🍭 ‌
    貝‌‌媽‌‌來‌自‌台‌灣‌,‌在‌美‌國‌當‌臨‌床‌藥‌師‌,‌最‌歡‌樂‌的‌時‌間‌就‌是‌和‌小‌朋‌友‌說故‌事‌,天馬行空聊天,‌和‌孩‌子‌一‌起‌學‌習‌‌🥳。豆妹是一位6歲在美國可愛又無俚頭女孩🤩,口頭禪是「 and 再」(然後的意思) 😜Bei Ma aka BeiBei Mommy, originally from Taiwan, is a clinical pharmacist in the US. She loves telling stories to kids and learning with kids. Do Mei is a fun and loving 6 y/o girl in the US, who loves singing, being silly and tickling her baby brother. 😜

    🎂生日慶生報名表Birthday celebration sign up form

    🟦Facebook臉書: https://www.facebook.com/LittleMandarinPod 歡迎來留言給我們喔~😉

    📧各類合作Email: beibeimommy@gmail.com

    贊助貝媽買故事/音樂/設備 Sponsor our Podcasts (to help purchase music/sound effects, stories, and equipment):
    Paypal @ beimom https://paypal.me/beimom
    monthly contribution: https://anchor.fm/beibeimommy/support

    🤣徵求笑話:如果你有好笑的笑話或是冷笑話,都歡迎大家email給貝媽 beibeimommy@gmail.com

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
    Thu, 29 Feb 2024
  • 34 - 🐲龍年吉祥話 Dragon Year Blessings 🧨

    🧨在過年期間小朋友會到親朋好友家拜年,貝貝媽咪來教小朋友一些龍年的吉祥話,小朋友去拜年時可以用到喔 ~
    貝貝媽咪 祝福大家 鯉躍龍門,步步高升,心想事成,好運龍總來!😘

    🧧一起來做「蜜糖紅豆年糕」吧!!超級簡單呦,只要三個材料攪一攪,蒸一下,好吃的紅豆年糕就完成囉~ Try out this super easy semi homemade niángāo recipe. 影片連結video link:⁠https://youtu.be/P6dezUEvci0⁠

    🧧貼春聯美勞 Print out/ Spring decoration Print Out 

    🧧帶動唱:「恭喜恭喜」New year Song “Congratulations!”

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
    Fri, 09 Feb 2024
  • 33 - EP26 出糗丟臉🤣怎麼辦? What to do when we have embarrassing Moments / 一月慶生會January Birthday


    🥳 一月慶生會 🎂 壽星有: 在馬來西亞檳城的Jenny Yang, 在美國Nashville的 Jasmine, 在美國夏洛特的 Jason康鳴謙, 還有所有ㄧ月的壽星們,生日快樂!Happy Birthday to Jenny Yang (Penang, Malaysia), Jasmine ( Nashville, USA), Jason ( Charlotte, USA) and all the January birthday friends! 

    ☎️各位朋友你有出糗過嗎? 歡迎語音留言給貝媽和豆妹你出糗的經驗喔~貝媽豆妹語音信箱voice message line

    🎧貝媽另一個故事Podcast "中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod" 歡迎小朋友來聽故事喔!Please also check out Bei Ma’s story Podcast “ Little Mandarin Pod” 

    🍭貝‌媽‌和豆妹背‌景‌Background🍭 ‌
    貝‌‌媽‌‌來‌自‌台‌灣‌,‌在‌美‌國‌當‌臨‌床‌藥‌師‌,‌最‌歡‌樂‌的‌時‌間‌就‌是‌和‌小‌朋‌友‌說故‌事‌,天馬行空聊天,‌和‌孩‌子‌一‌起‌學‌習‌‌🥳。豆妹是一位6歲在美國可愛又無俚頭女孩🤩,口頭禪是「 and 再」(然後的意思) 😜Bei Ma aka BeiBei Mommy, originally from Taiwan, is a clinical pharmacist in the US. She loves telling stories to kids and learning with kids. Do Mei is a fun and loving 6 y/o girl in the US, who loves singing, being silly and tickling her baby brother. 😜

    🎂生日慶生報名表Birthday celebration sign up form

    🟦Facebook臉書: https://www.facebook.com/LittleMandarinPod 歡迎來留言給我們喔~😉

    📧各類合作Email: beibeimommy@gmail.com

    贊助貝媽買故事/音樂/設備 Sponsor our Podcasts (to help purchase music/sound effects, stories, and equipment):
    Paypal @ beimom https://paypal.me/beimom
    monthly contribution: https://anchor.fm/beibeimommy/support

    🤣徵求笑話:如果你有好笑的笑話或是冷笑話,都歡迎大家email給貝媽 beibeimommy@gmail.com

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
    Sun, 28 Jan 2024
  • 32 - 學貓叫 Learn to Meow 歌曲 (Song Only)

    🥳學貓叫 Learn to Meow歌曲 (Song Only)  ,貝媽烏克麗麗伴奏,貝媽豆妹牛牛合唱版。完整節目和帶動唱請聽EP 25( Please check out EP 25 to learn about the song)
    📌學貓叫Learn to Meow歌詞列印連結 lyrics print out link 

    ☎️貝媽豆妹語音信箱voice message line

    🎧貝媽另一個故事Podcast "中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod" 歡迎小朋友來聽故事喔!Please also check out Bei Ma’s story Podcast “ Little Mandarin Pod” 

    🍭貝‌媽‌和豆妹背‌景‌Background🍭 ‌
    貝‌‌媽‌‌來‌自‌台‌灣‌,‌在‌美‌國‌當‌臨‌床‌藥‌師‌,‌最‌歡‌樂‌的‌時‌間‌就‌是‌和‌小‌朋‌友‌說故‌事‌,天馬行空聊天,‌和‌孩‌子‌一‌起‌學‌習‌‌🥳。豆妹是一位6歲在美國可愛又無俚頭女孩🤩,口頭禪是「 and 再」(然後的意思) 😜Bei Ma aka BeiBei Mommy, originally from Taiwan, is a clinical pharmacist in the US. She loves telling stories to kids and learning with kids. Do Mei is a fun and loving 6 y/o girl in the US, who loves singing, being silly and tickling her baby brother. 😜

    🎂生日慶生報名表Birthday celebration sign up form

    🟦Facebook臉書: https://www.facebook.com/LittleMandarinPod 歡迎來留言給我們喔~😉

    📧各類合作Email: beibeimommy@gmail.com

    贊助貝媽買故事/音樂/設備 Sponsor our Podcasts (to help purchase music/sound effects, stories, and equipment):
    Paypal @ beimom https://paypal.me/beimom
    monthly contribution: https://anchor.fm/beibeimommy/support

    🤣徵求笑話:如果你有好笑的笑話或是冷笑話,都歡迎大家email給貝媽 beibeimommy@gmail.com

    Powered by Firstory Hosting
    Sun, 28 Jan 2024
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