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Agriculture as an extinction driver

1 - Agriculture is one of the biggest drivers of climate change and extinction
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  • 1 - Agriculture is one of the biggest drivers of climate change and extinction

    Work cited: Murray, Kyle E., et al. “Prioritizing Research for Trace Pollutants and Emerging Contaminants in the Freshwater Environment.” Environmental Pollution, vol. 158, no. 12, 13 Aug. 2010, pp. 3462–3471., doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2010.08.009. Lindwall, Courtney. “Industrial Agricultural Pollution 101.” NRDC, 31 July 2019, Montagnini F., Nair P.K.R. (2004) Carbon sequestration: An underexploited environmental benefit of agroforestry systems. In: Nair P.K.R., Rao M.R., Buck L.E. (eds) New Vistas in Agroforestry. Advances in Agroforestry, vol 1. Springer, Dordrecht. “Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse.” U.S Fish and Wildlife Services, Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office, Department of the Interior, November 29, 2017, Carson, R., Darling, L., & Darling, L. (1962). Silent spring. Boston : Cambridge, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin. “What Is Conservation Agriculture.” Conservation Agriculture Knowledge Portal, CU Conservation Agriculture Group, 2015, Whitaker Jr, J.O. & NatureServe. 2018. Reithrodontomys raviventris. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T19401A22385344. Downloaded on 20 March 2021.

    Sat, 24 Apr 2021 - 08min