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Paramedic Drug Cards

Paramedic Drug Cards

Michael Egan

Readings of weekly drug cards based on the NREMT curriculum.

87 - Ketorolac
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  • 87 - Ketorolac
    Trade:Toradol Class:NSAIDMOA:inhibits the production or prostaglandins in inflamed tissue, which decreases the responsiveness of pain receptors. Indications:Moderately severe acute painContraindications: Patients with a hx of peptic ulcer disease or GI bleed, patients with renal insufficiency, hypovolemic patients, 3rd trimester pregnancy, nursing mothers, allergy to other nsaids, stroke or head trauma, having surgery within the next 7 days.  Side effects: headache, drowsiness, dizziness, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, N/V, Diarrhea.Dosing:


    IV 30mg

    IM 60mg 

    Senior (65 and older)/ Pediatric < 50kgs

    IV 15mg

    IM 30mg

    Thu, 22 Dec 2022
  • 86 - Morphine
    Trade: MorphineClass: Opiate agonist/Narcotic Analgesic MOA:Binds to the opiate receptors. Reduces stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system caused by pain and anxiety. Reduction of sympathetic stimulation reduces heart rate, cardiac work, and myocardial O2 consumptionIndications: moderate to severe pain including chest pain associated with ACS, CHF, and pulmonary edema.Contraindications: Respiratory depression, shock.Side effects: Respiratory depression, hypotension, N/V, dizziness, lightheadedness, sedation, diaphoresis, euphoria, seizures, cardiac arrest, anaphylactoid reaction.Dosage:


    2-10mg IV/IO/IM


    < 110 lbs 0.025 – 0.2mg/kg IV/IO/IM

    Thu, 22 Dec 2022
  • 85 - Fentanyl
    Trade:SublimazeClass:Narcotic Analgesic MOA:Binds to opiate receptors producing analgesia and euphoriaIndication:PainContraindication: Use caution in traumatic brain injury, Respiratory depression Side effects: Respiratory depression, apnea, hypotension, N/V, dizziness, sedation euphoria, Sinus bradycardia, sinus tachycardia, palpitations, HTN, diaphoresis, syncopeDosing


    50-100mcg IM/IV


    1-2mcg/kg IM/IV

    Thu, 22 Dec 2022
  • 84 - Diazepam
    Trade:Valium Class:BenzodiazepineMOA:Binds to the benzodiazepine receptor and enhances the effects of GABAIndications: Anxiety, Skeletal muscle relaxation, anticonvulsant Contraindications: Children younger then 6 months, acute angle glaucoma, CNS depression, alcohol intoxication. Side effects:  Respiratory depression, drowsiness, fatigue, headache, pain at the injection site, confusion, nausea, hypotension, cardiac arrest at high doses•Dosing:


    Anxiety: 2-10mg IV/IM

    Seizure: 5-10mg IV/IO


    Anxiety: 0.2 – 0.3mg/kg IV/IM

    Seizure:  Older then 5 years: 1mg IV/IO

    Older then 30 days less then 5 years:0.2 to 0.5mg IV/IO

                    Neonate: 0.1-0.3mg/kg IV/IO

    Thu, 22 Dec 2022
  • 83 - Carbamazepine
    Trade:Tegretol Class:  Anticonvulsant MOA:Binds preferably to voltage gated Sodium channels in their inactive conformation, which prevents repetitive and sustained firing of an action potential.Indications:Partial and generalized tonic – clonic seizures Contraindications: AV Block, bundle branch block, agranulocytosis, bone marrow supression, monoamine oxidase inhibitor therapySide effects: Dizziness, drowsiness, ataxia, N/V, blurred vision, confusion, headache, transient diplopia, visual hallucinations, life threatening rashes.Dosing:


    200mg PO


    6-12 years old: 100mg PO

            Less then 6: 10mg/kg PO

    Thu, 22 Dec 2022
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