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The Italian Citizenship Podcast

The Italian Citizenship Podcast

Italian Citizenship Assistance

The Italian Citizenship Podcast is a project dedicated to the subject of Italian citizenship hosted by Italian attorney, Marco Permunian, head of the US office of Italian Citizenship Assistance and video podcaster known for his video podcast series Not Your Average Globetrotter & dual citizen, Rafael Di Furia. 

In this podcast series Marco and Rafael share all their experience and expertise while discussing various topics related to Italian citizenship; citizenship by descent (Jure Sanguinis / Jus Sanguinis), Italian citizenship by naturalization (by marriage / Jure Matrimonii), as well as Italian Citizenship through a 1948 court case and more. The Italian Citizenship Podcast is here to demystify some seemingly complicated aspects of the process in order to help people better understand what they need to do, the steps they need to take, determining if they are eligible for citizenship and how to proceed... In short, the ABC’s and 123's of Italian citizenship and what is involved during every step of the process and beyond.

The Italian Citizenship Podcast is presented by

To contact ICA -

For more from Rafael Di Furia - &

115 - AIRE Update Q&A for Italian Citizens Residing Abroad
0:00 / 0:00
  • 115 - AIRE Update Q&A for Italian Citizens Residing Abroad

    Following recent changes to the AIRE registration rules, we received a flurry of questions highlighting a collective eagerness to understand the implications of these updates for Italians living abroad. This interest points to a broader theme: the significance of maintaining a legal and cultural connection to Italy, no matter one's location around the globe. The discussion, inspired by these inquiries, subtly peels back the layers of how such regulatory adjustments influence the Italian diaspora's ability to engage with their homeland's bureaucratic and civic life. It underscores the importance of being informed and proactive about one's status as an Italian citizen overseas, reflecting on the broader ideas of identity, belonging, and the practicalities of navigating between two worlds. Through this lens, we aim to enrich the understanding of our global Italian community, emphasizing the enduring bond that links them with Italy, despite the physical distances. In this episode of The Italian Citizenship Podcast, hosted by Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and Dual Citizen Expat Podcaster Rafael Di Furia, we’ll cover questions asked in hopes to shed light on the current situation for Italian citizens residing outside of Italy.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:

    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:

    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    1:00 - How do you know if you’re registered in the AIRE?

    5:35 - Are there any other signs to know if you’re already registered in the AIRE?

    6:42 - Why was this law made?

    8:40 - Why is it important to be registered with the AIRE?

    10:50 - Do you have to update your file every time you move?

    12:45 - How can someone confirm if they are automatically registered or if they registered themselves when they received citizenship confirmation?

    14:17 - As an Italian living abroad, what rights are do you have?

    15:36 - If someone has trouble with online registration, are there other options?

    16:13 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

    Wed, 14 Feb 2024
  • 114 - Giving Birth in Italy - Italian Healthcare

    Moving to Italy and embracing expat life there offers families a unique blend of cultural richness and supportive healthcare policies, making life in Italy particularly appealing for those expecting a new addition. The Italian healthcare system, renowned for its accessibility and quality, significantly reduces the financial burden of childbirth, a key consideration for expats in Italy contemplating the costs of welcoming a new family member. With options ranging from public healthcare services at minimal costs to private care facilitated by affordable insurance plans, living in Italy provides a comforting assurance of quality prenatal and postnatal care. Moreover, Italy's generous maternity leave policies reflect a deep commitment to family welfare, ensuring parents can enjoy precious early moments with their newborns without financial worry. While Italy does not automatically grant citizenship by birthright, it actively supports the children of expats through residence-based pathways to citizenship, ensuring a smoother integration process for international families. This comprehensive approach to healthcare, family support, and residency options makes moving to Italy an attractive prospect for expats seeking a nurturing environment for their families, blending the joys of expat life in Italy with the practicalities of raising children in a supportive community. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast hosted by Italian attorney, Marco Permunian and dual citizen expat podcaster, Rafael Di Furia, we'll learn more about the Italian healthcare system and giving birth in Italy, offering invaluable insights for anyone considering making Italy their new home.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:

    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:

    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:43 - How can someone join the Italian healthcare system and what are the costs for a family planning to have a child?

    7:15 - What is maternity leave like in Italy?

    9:30 - What is the cost of delivering a baby?

    10:10 - What are the legal aspects of having a baby in Italy? (e.g. birth certificate)

    14:19 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

    Wed, 07 Feb 2024
  • 113 - AIRE - *Major Update* for Italian Citizens Residing Outside of Italy

    The recent update to the AIRE, a crucial registry for Italians living abroad, marks a significant shift in the landscape of Italian citizenship, particularly for those who acquired it through descent. This change underscores the importance of compliance with registration requirements, as it now carries the possibility of fines for those who delay or neglect this duty. The AIRE's role is more than just a formality; it's a linchpin in accessing a broad array of consular services that facilitate maintaining one's connection with Italy from afar. This development highlights the evolving responsibilities that come with Italian citizenship, urging individuals to engage more proactively with their administrative obligations to avoid potential penalties, thereby ensuring their rights and privileges remain intact across borders.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:

    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:

    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:57 - What is AIRE?

    6:29 - What concerns are there for someone not signed up to the AIRE?

    10:00 - A practical example...

    12:26 - Does this rule apply to everyone or are there any exceptions?

    14:14 - How is the fine amount determined?

    15:55 - To whom and how should this fine be paid?

    16:51 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

    Wed, 24 Jan 2024
  • 112 - Making an Appointment to Get Italian Citizenship by Descent (Consulate & in Italy)

    Securing an appointment at a consulate, comune, or court is essential in the Italian citizenship recognition process, encompassing various avenues like citizenship by descent (jure sanguinis), court cases for Italian citizenship, and the practicalities of moving to Italy. Each route presents unique protocols and requirements, making the journey distinct based on specific circumstances and locations. For applicants, understanding the process's intricacies, from the jure sanguinis to legal proceedings, is crucial. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast hosted by Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and dual citizen expat podcaster Rafael Di Furia, we'll explore the essential strategies and insights for navigating the Italian citizenship recognition process effectively.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:

    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:

    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Timestamps & Topics:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:56 - Do you need to schedule an appointment or can you go directly to the municipal offices (Comune)?

    6:24 - Do you have to apply for residency at the town hall and then apply for citizenship in order to get the actual residency permit?

    8:13 - How does it work for those who weren't able to get a citizenship appointment at a consulate outside of Italy?

    9:10 - What does the process for a 1948 case look like?

    10:55 - How does making a claim for citizenship by descent at the consulate work?

    15:34 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

    Wed, 10 Jan 2024
  • 111 - 3 Tips for Gathering Documents for Italian Citizenship by Descent

    The process of obtaining Italian citizenship by descent includes a critical phase of document gathering, where understanding certain nuances can be pivotal. In this context, there are three essential tips that prove immensely helpful. These tips are not just recommendations; they are strategic insights that guide applicants through the maze of bureaucratic requirements and specific document-related complexities. Adhering to these tips can significantly ease the process, ensuring that all necessary documentation is correctly prepared and presented. They serve as a beacon for applicants, illuminating the path towards a successful citizenship application. By embracing these insights, individuals can streamline their journey, effectively overcoming potential hurdles and bringing them closer to achieving their goal of Italian citizenship.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:

    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:

    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0.00 Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0.38 What format do your documents need to be if you’re applying for Italian citizenship?

    2.59 How old can these documents be?

    4.34 What is the correct type of certification?

    5.52 What is a “certified copy” and where can it be obtained?

    7.28 Are there any additional requirements?

    8.54 What intermediate steps are there before applying for apostilles?

    10.00 What is an apostille?

    11.36 Who is eligible to request vital records?

    15.10 Are there any eligibility requirements when applying for apostilles?

    15.43 Closing Thoughts & Outro

    Wed, 27 Dec 2023
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