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The honorable Judge Marilyn Milian presides over the four-time Emmy award winning "The People’s Court." For more than two decades, Milian has dispensed justice and provided legal insight in the courtroom where justice and reality collide. And now, you can take the show on the go with "The People’s Court Podcast." "The People’s Court Podcast" draws on ordinary people who have filed grievances in civil court and have opted to have their cases heard and mediated by Judge Milian. Running the gamut from disputes between neighbors and family members, to dissatisfied customers suing businesses, Milian's decisions – based on current law – are final and binding. Joining Milian is multiple Emmy Award-winning investigative reporter Harvey Levin, who serves as the series’ host and legal reporter. In the courtroom, Milian is joined by court officer Douglas McIntosh. Doug Llewelyn interviews litigants after a decision has been rendered in their cases.
- 684 - 'Getting Physical with a Tenant' & 'Chauvinistic Pig'
First, the plaintiff rented a room in the defendant's apartment. The plaintiff alleges the defendant ransacked her room, rearranged her belongings, and even physically attacked her. The plaintiff moved out before something really bad happened. She's suing for a rent refund and security. The defendant explains she was only inspecting the plaintiff's unpacking. In terms of the attack, the defendant insists the plaintiff first threatened her with a pair of scissors. Then, the plaintiff foolishly sold his daughter's friend, the defendant, a vehicle. The defendant gave the plaintiff half the money up front and agreed to pay him $300 a month until it was paid off. Unfortunately, the plaintiff claims the car is still not paid off, so he's suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff is a creep who asked her out on a date and explained she wouldn't have to pay for the vehicle if they hit it off. They ended up dating for a few months, but the defendant broke it off. The defendant believes the plaintiff is only suing her because he's bitter. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 11 Feb 2025 - 683 - 'Sideswiping a Girl' & 'Bailing on a Brother' & 'Failing to Make a Repair'
First, the plaintiff noticed the defendant dropped his wallet and she caught up with him to tell him where it was. When she pulled up next to him, he knocked her side mirror off. She’s suing for the cost of the damaged mirror and missed work. The defendant told the plaintiff to send him an invoice, but she never sent him a document from a reputable repair shop. He thinks the plaintiff is conning him. Then, the plaintiff brings his two sisters to court. He says they both needed new phones and added them to his plan, but they never paid for the bills or cost of the phone, so he’s suing. The defendants argue the phones were just a gift. They think the plaintiff is suing because of a bigger family conflict. Plus, the plaintiff brought his VHS/DVD player to the defendant’s shop for repair. He says the plaintiff couldn’t fix the VHS portion and broke the DVD player, so he’s suing for aggravation and the cost of the machine. The defendant argues the VHS/DVD player was barely worth anything and he told him not to bother repairing it. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 10 Feb 2025 - 682 - 'Brawling' & 'Keeping Too Much' & 'One Tough Cookie'
First, the plaintiff and defendant used to be friends, but their relationship ended over a borrowed vacuum. They got into an argument and the plaintiff said the defendant kicked her car. Their fight turned physical, and then the plaintiff got arrested. She’s suing for false arrest and pain and suffering. The defendant argues the plaintiff never returned her vacuum. She claims she fought back in self-defense, so she’s countersuing for pain and suffering. Then, the plaintiff and her father rented a home from the defendant. She said the water was dirty and they ended up needing to change the water filter every month. When they moved out, the defendant, her landlord, deducted the cost from the security deposit, so she’s suing for her full deposit back. The defendant argues the water was tested and came back clean. He says the plaintiff clogged the septic system, and that’s the cost he deducted from the deposit. Plus, the plaintiff put a deposit down on an event hall for his engagement party even though the day he wanted was booked. He ended up booking a new venue, but now the defendant won’t return his money, so he’s suing. The defendant does not think she owes him. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 07 Feb 2025 - 681 - 'Spreading Vicious Lies' & 'Causing a Crater' & 'Ripping-Off a Tenant'
First, the plaintiff claims the defendant posted false and defamatory things on social media about her mothering skills. The plaintiff is suing for defamation and false allegations. The defendant, a pastor, says the plaintiff left her 1-year-old child home alone unattended, so she did the right thing and called social services. The defendant is countersuing for defamation and pain and suffering. Then, the plaintiff arrived home one day to find a hole in the cement in front of her house. An eyewitness told her a bus caused the damage. The defendant was supposed to come over and investigate the damage, but she never did, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant insists she did investigate the damage, but there's no way one of her buses caused the hole. Plus, the plaintiff rented an apartment from the defendant, but he didn't tell her the house was in foreclosure. The new owners kicked the plaintiff out. The defendant failed to return the plaintiff's security deposit, so she's suing. The defendant argues he sold the place the plaintiff lived in and let her live out the last month of rent with her security deposit. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 06 Feb 2025 - 680 - 'Refusing a Refund' & 'Weaseling Out of a Loan' & 'Stinking up a Rental'
First, the plaintiff gave the defendant a security deposit on an apartment he was renting. Before moving, the plaintiff learned the place broke multiple code violations, so the plaintiff is suing for his deposit back. The defendant argues she's been renting out the apartment since the 1980s and hasn't had any issues with previous tenants. Then, the plaintiff has been friends with the defendant for the past few years. She loaned him money to repair his transmission, but he hasn't yet paid her back, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant insists the plaintiff offered the money as a gift. Plus, the plaintiff rented his car to the defendant so he could drive for Uber. When he returned the vehicle, the plaintiff says it smelled of urine. The defendant also racked up a bunch of tickets and damaged the car, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant denies all the allegations and believes he doesn't owe a dime. The defendant is countersuing for false allegations, lost wages, and repairs. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 05 Feb 2025 - 679 - 'Bugging Out' & 'Letting Down a Lady Friend' & 'Backing Out'
First, the plaintiff loaned her ex, the defendant, money while they were together so he could purchase a car and drive for Uber. Unfortunately, he failed to pay her back, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant insists he helped the plaintiff out by allowing her to live with him. They looked out for one another. Besides, the defendant is out more money than the plaintiff because she brought bed bugs to his place. The defendant is countersuing for cleaning, furniture replacement, and pain and suffering. Then, the defendant gave the plaintiff a car while they were still dating. The plaintiff agreed to pay the defendant money for insurance. Unfortunately, someone struck the car while it was parked. The defendant collected the insurance money and took off with the totaled car, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant insists he and the plaintiff broke up before the crash, and he argues the insurance was under his name. The money and car belong to him fair and square, according to the defendant. Plus, the plaintiff hired the defendant to stage his house to put it up for sale. However, the defendant quit the day before she was scheduled to work, so the plaintiff is suing for breach of contract. The defendant claims she was forced out of the deal by a competing realtor, and there was just too much drama. The defendant believes she is not responsible for the plaintiff's inability to sell his home in a bad market. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 04 Feb 2025 - 678 - 'Stiffing a Girlfriend' & 'Bad Hooptie' & 'Bugging a Tenant'
First, the plaintiff used to be friends with the defendant. However, the plaintiff gave the defendant money for a few summer trips, but she hasn't paid it back, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff begged her to go on the trips even though she informed her she couldn't afford it. The plaintiff knew she wasn't going to pay her back, so she shouldn't have paid for the trips if she wanted the defendant to come. Then, the plaintiff claims the defendant knowingly sold him a vehicle with a bad gas gasket. The plaintiff is suing for the cost of the car. The defendant argues he gave the plaintiff a great deal, and he had not heard complaints until months later. Plus, the plaintiff rented an apartment from the defendant, but the place was infested with bed bugs, mice, and mold. The plaintiff moved out and is suing the defendant for a rent refund. The defendant argues the plaintiff brought the bed bugs to the apartment, and the landlord hired an exterminator. The defendant is countersuing for trash removal and remaining rent owed. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 03 Feb 2025 - 677 - 'Being Uncertified' & 'Grand Theft Auto' & 'Leading a Lover Along'
First, the plaintiff enrolled in the defendant's diving school and completed the first two dives in a swimming pool. He needed to just complete the last ocean test, but the defendant kept canceling on him even though he knew the plaintiff was leaving for a dive trip in Mexico in four days. The defendant gave the plaintiff papers promising he'd have no problems, but on his trip, the plaintiff wasn't allowed to dive. The plaintiff is suing for the cost of his trip and his lessons. The defendant claims he gave the proper paperwork for his trip. All the plaintiff had to do was one ocean dive in Mexico and he'd be certified. The defendant is countersuing for fraud and defamation. Then, the plaintiff used to date the defendant. Now that they've split up, the defendant won't return his car, so the plaintiff is suing for the value of the vehicle. The defendant argues the plaintiff gave her the car as a gift. The plaintiff loaned the defendant money to fix his tires while they were dating. Now that they're no longer together, the defendant hasn't yet paid back the money, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff gave him the money, and she never asked him to pay it back until after they broke up. Plus, the plaintiff loaned the defendant money to fix his tires while they were dating. Now that they're no longer together, the defendant hasn't yet paid back the money, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff gave him the money, and she never asked him to pay it back until after they broke up. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 31 Jan 2025 - 676 - 'Copping Out on a Cousin' & 'Fouling up a Friendship' & 'Being a Tool'
First, the plaintiff loaned money to his cousin, but she failed to pay it back and bought a vacation instead, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff offered the money as a gift, so she doesn’t owe anything. Then, the plaintiff has known the defendant for years. He claims he bought a car from the defendant, but the vehicle needed a new transmission and had a bad title, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff kept the car parked on the street for a month without gas in the tank and that’s what caused the damage. The defendant even fixed the car for free, so he shouldn’t have to give the plaintiff a refund. The defendant is countersuing for a tow and repairs. Plus, the plaintiff hired the defendant to transport his mechanic’s toolbox. The defendant literally dropped the box off his truck, damaging the toolbox, so the plaintiff is suing for the cost to get a new one. The defendant argues he didn’t cause any damage, and the plaintiff didn’t contact him until two days after. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 30 Jan 2025 - 675 - 'Letting Things Get Hot' & 'Failing to Control Her Big Old Dog' & 'Spoiling Milk'
The plaintiff hired the defendants to repair his air conditioning unit. However, the plaintiff alleges the defendants made unnecessary repairs, so he's suing for a refund. The defendants argue they fixed the air conditioning unit. When it broke again, the defendants allege the plaintiff assaulted them. The plaintiff was walking his dog when the defendant's canine attacked his. The plaintiff's dog sustained injuries and required surgery, so he is suing for vet bills. The defendant insists the plaintiff's dog snapped at hers and instigated the attack. The plaintiff says she parked her vehicle in a legal spot outside a grocery store. However, the plaintiff claims the defendant illegally towed her vehicle, so she's suing. The defendant insists he rightfully towed the plaintiff's car, so he denies owing. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 29 Jan 2025 - 674 - 'Getting Taken to the Cleaners' & 'Family Fallout' & 'Fowling up a Party'
First, the plaintiff sold his laundromat business to the defendant, but the guy still owes him money, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant doesn’t understand why he’s in court because he claims he has already paid for everything he owes. Besides, the defendant argues the plaintiff stopped paying rent on the business before selling it. Then, the plaintiff claims his niece, the defendant, stole his settlement check, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues she used the money to pay for the plaintiff’s attorney fees and used the rest for her family, which he told her to do. Plus, the plaintiff hired the defendant as a D.J. and an M.C. for her daughter’s birthday. The photo booth he brought was defective, so the plaintiff is suing for a refund. The defendant argues two of the plaintiff’s guests damaged the photo booth, and it worked just fine at the beginning of the party. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 28 Jan 2025 - 673 - 'Taking but Not Giving' & 'To Jail, Do Not Collect Money' & 'Blowing Off an Ex'
First, the plaintiff and defendant met on a dating website, and he believed they were a couple. He loaned her money and opened a credit card in her name, but then she never paid him back, so he’s suing. The defendant claims they were never a couple. She argues the plaintiff never said anything about needing to repay him. Then, the plaintiff worked for the defendant’s airport transportation company. She says the defendant didn’t pay her, so she’s suing for what she’s owed. The defendant argues she found out the plaintiff was a repeat felon and that the plaintiff claimed she was working when she was actually in jail. She’s countersuing for loss of revenue and projected loss of revenue. Plus, the plaintiff sold her ex-boyfriend a car. She says he never put oil in the car and the engine blew, but now he’s blaming her. She’s suing for the cost of the car and aggravation. The defendant argues the car was a lemon and he didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 27 Jan 2025 - 672 - 'Creating a Financial Disaster' & 'Not My Responsibility'
First, the plaintiff put down a deposit to rent the defendant’s condo at a resort, but then Hurricane Irma hit. He says the resort shut down due to the storm, so he didn’t end up staying at the condo. The plaintiff is suing for his deposit back. The defendant argues he always tells renters to get insurance, but the plaintiff didn’t get any this time around. He’s countersuing for resort fees. Then, the plaintiff let the defendant borrow her car, but then the defendant got rear-ended. She says the defendant won’t pay for the damages, so she’s suing. The defendant argues he isn’t at fault and he doesn’t owe her. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 24 Jan 2025 - 671 - 'Being Unfair' & 'Stiffing a Boss'
First, the plaintiff rented an apartment from the defendant’s leasing management company. She claims she left the house in perfect condition, but the defendant won’t return the security deposit, so she’s suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff trashed the house and then disparaged them on social media. She doesn’t think she owes the plaintiff because they needed to use the security deposit to pay for damages. Then, the plaintiff worked with the defendant and loaned him money when the defendant fell on hard time. He claims the defendant still owes him, so he’s suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff left the job and then hired him, but then wouldn’t pay him. He’s countersuing for unpaid wages. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 23 Jan 2025 - 670 - 'Take This Back or Else' & 'Not Grooming' & 'Not Being a Nice Landlord'
First, the defendant sold the plaintiff a vehicle with a warranty on the transmission. However, the transmission broke down a few weeks later, and the defendant refused to fix it. The plaintiff is suing for a refund. The defendant argues the plaintiff forged his name on a fake warranty. He’s countersuing for lost wages. Then, the plaintiff claims his neighbor’s trees damaged his fence, but the guy didn’t do anything about it, so the plaintiff is suing. His neighbor, the defendant, insists the plaintiff’s fence is the problem, not his trees. The defendant claims the plaintiff even trespassed on his property and cut down his trees, so he’s countersuing. Plus, the plaintiffs rented an illegal apartment from the defendant. The place was infested with black mold, and they were forced to move out to protect themselves, so the plaintiffs are suing for moving expenses, a security deposit, and lost wages. The defendant claims the plaintiffs don’t have a case and they actually moved out due to zoning laws. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 22 Jan 2025 - 669 - 'Hitting a Sour Note' & 'Mistreating a Tenant' & 'Unloading a Clunker'
First, the plaintiff owns a piano company and was hired by the defendant to bring his act to his venue once a month. The plaintiff claims the contract said the dates and pay were guaranteed. However, the defendant canceled a night and never paid, so the plaintiff is suing for wages owed. The defendant argues the plaintiff’s contract expired before the performance in question. Due to the weather, the defendant had to cancel. Then, the plaintiff rented an apartment, and in the middle of the lease, the defendant sold the building. The defendant refuses to return the security deposit, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant insists he’s keeping the plaintiff’s security deposit because she owes for parking fees. Plus, the plaintiff purchased a car from the defendant that turn turned out to be a piece of junk that leaked oil. The plaintiff believes the defendant knew about the damages and is suing for a refund. The defendant says the plaintiff ran over a large screw, and she fixed it for free. Then the plaintiff came back and demanded her money back for no reason, so the defendant denies owing. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 21 Jan 2025 - 668 - 'Stealing a Family' & 'Getting Into It With a Neighbor'
First, the plaintiff alleges the defendant stole her late husband’s Jet Ski out of a storage unit, so she’s suing. The defendant argues he used to work for the plaintiff’s husband, and the man offered the Jet Ski as partial payment, so he denies owing. Then, the plaintiff and the defendant are both board members at their condominium complex. The defendant physically assaulted the plaintiff one day and caused significant injuries, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant insists the plaintiff tripped and fell during a dispute they had regarding the building. The defendant insists he never touched the guy. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 20 Jan 2025 - 667 - 'Losing it On a Guy'
The plaintiff says the defendant attacked him and his wife while they were riding on his motorcycle. The cops came and the man ended up paying restitution for the injuries, but he didn’t pay it all, so they’re suing. The defendant says the plaintiff hit the window of his car and threatened his wife, so he punched him. He claims the plaintiff was the aggressor. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 17 Jan 2025 - 666 - 'Dissing a Daughter'
The plaintiff says the defendant is her mother, and they used to be close. Her own mother won’t reimburse the money she loaned her, so she’s suing. The defendant says the money was for a car they were sharing, and the plaintiff became selfish about the car. She denies owing a penny. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 16 Jan 2025 - 665 - 'Dissing an Old Friend' & 'Fudging the Details'
First, the plaintiff and defendant have been friends since childhood. She and the defendant rented an apartment together and renewed the lease for a second year. The plaintiff says the defendant stopped paying rent, so she’s suing for bills, rent, and other money she is owed. The defendant argues she paid her fair share and doesn’t need to pay. Then, the plaintiff bought a used car from the defendant. She claims the defendant manipulated her and the sales papers to make it look like she paid less, which is fraud. The plaintiff is suing for her money back. The defendant argues he did not falsify any papers. He says the plaintiff paid monthly but then stopped, so he charged her for late fees. The defendant is countersuing for late fees, harassment, and defamation of character. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 15 Jan 2025 - 664 - 'Rubbing a Rug Cleaner the Wrong Way' & 'Trucking Up a Lyft Driver' & 'Slashing and Dashing'
First, the plaintiff was hired by the defendant to clean his raw hide rug. He and the defendant agreed on a price, but the plaintiff says the defendant stopped paying. He’s suing for his payment. The defendant argues the plaintiff didn’t do a good job on the rug because the stains didn’t come out. Then, the plaintiff drives for Lyft. He says the defendant crashed into his car and damaged it badly. He’s suing for the amount of his insurance deductible and lost wages. The defendant argues he was making a right turn and hit the plaintiff only because the plaintiff wedged his car next to the truck in an unsafe position. He doesn’t think he owes the plaintiff anything. Plus, the plaintiff says the defendant slashed her tire. She claims the defendant got her car confused with someone else he had a problem with. The plaintiff is suing for the cost of a tire replacement and lost wages. The defendant denies slashing the plaintiff’s tire but admits to slashing someone else’s tire. He doesn’t think he did it because he was drunk, so he doesn’t think he owes anything. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 14 Jan 2025 - 663 - 'Not Fixing Things Right' & 'Creating a Hairy Situation'
First, the plaintiff brings her father to court. She says the transmission blew on her car, so she took it to her father’s shop for repairs. She says her dad has been taking forever to fix her car and it still barely works. She’s suing for her money back. The defendant argues he spent a lot of money fixing it and the plaintiff cussed him out in front of his customers. He refuses to pay. Then, the plaintiff hired the defendant to put extensions in her hair. She claims the extensions started falling out after a few hours, so she’s suing for a refund. The defendant argues she was willing to fix the plaintiff’s hair, but now she doesn’t want to because the plaintiff started blasting her on social media. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 13 Jan 2025 - 662 - 'One Night Stand Theft' & 'Reneging on a Deal' & 'Rental Run-Around'
First, the plaintiff brings his neighbor to court. He says the defendant brought a guest over, and the guest stole the defendant’s key fob and then took the TV. He’s suing for the cost of the television. The defendant says he brought a hooker over to his apartment and the hooker also stole some of his property. He argues the plaintiff is suing the wrong guy. Then, the plaintiff says he hired the defendant to replace the shutters on his house and paid him in full, but then he only completed half the job. He’s suing him for what he’s owed. The defendant says the plaintiff ordered shutters that were the wrong size and wanted the defendant to rehire all his workers and go back a second time to install them for free. Plus, the plaintiff says she was parked on the street having Sunday dinner and heard a loud thunk outside. She claims the uninsured defendant backed into her car and dented it, so she’s suing her for the cost of a rental car. The defendant says she paid for the repairs, but now the greedy plaintiff is coming after her for the cost of a rental car. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 10 Jan 2025 - 661 - 'Stiffing a Former Boyfriend' & 'Being All Wet' & 'Rear Ending a Guy'
First, the plaintiff brings his ex-girlfriend to court. He says he loaned the defendant money to help her buy a new car, but now she won’t pay it back, so he’s suing for an unpaid loan. The defendant says she doesn’t owe him anything because they had an arrangement. She’s countersuing for a designer backpack and diamond ring. Then, the plaintiff rented a home from the defendants. He says the sprinklers never worked in the front yard and would water the sidewalk and not the grass. The plaintiff says he turned off the sprinklers because he didn’t want to waste water, but now the defendants won’t return his security deposit, so he’s suing. The defendants argue the plaintiff was responsible for the lawn and he never complained, so they don’t owe him. Plus, the plaintiff was rear-ended by the defendant while waiting at a red light. He claims his truck is destroyed and he lost sleep because of his back pain. He’s suing for loss of sleep. The defendant argues the plaintiff cut him off illegally, and he doesn’t think he owes anything. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 09 Jan 2025 - 660 - 'Bubbling Up a Lawsuit' & 'Having a Bad First Date' & 'Holding on Tight to the Cash'
First, the plaintiff brings his upstairs neighbor to court. He claims the neighbor used dish soap in the dishwasher, which caused a leak. The plaintiff says his electronic devices were ruined because of it, so he’s suing. The defendant admits he caused a leak but doesn’t want to pay because the plaintiff won’t show any examples of his damaged electronics. Then, the plaintiff went on a first date with the defendant. He says the defendant got drunk and got in the plaintiff’s car and crashed it. The car also hit an electric bike and wrecked it. He’s suing for car damages. The defendant argues the plaintiff let her drive the truck, but they were both drinking. She claims she never damaged his car because she just tapped the bike. Plus, the plaintiff and her boyfriend were looking to move into an apartment and the defendant was the broker. They signed the lease, but then she learned she would have to watch her mom’s dog, so she had to back out of the lease because of the apartment’s no-pet policy. She says the landlord gave her the money back, but the defendant refuses to return his commission, so she’s suing. The defendant argues the landlord told her about the no-pet policy a week before they were supposed to move in. He refuses to pay her back. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 08 Jan 2025 - 659 - 'Lousy Lawyering' & 'Don't Waste My Time'
First, the plaintiff hired the attorney, her good friend, to add her children’s names to the deed of her house. She says the defendant took forever to do it, but when she spoke with another attorney, they told her not to do that. She tried getting the deed changed, but now the defendant won’t give her a refund. The defendant argues he did a lot for her and has earned all the money she paid him. Then, the plaintiff brought her car to the defendant’s shop. He got a new alternator installed in her car, but the car problems persisted. She went back to the shop, and the defendant apparently said he would refund her. Now, he won’t give her the money back, so she’s suing. The defendant argues he already refunded the down payment. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 07 Jan 2025 - 658 - 'Stealing a Car From An Ex' & 'Going Poof In The Night'
First, the plaintiff brings his ex-girlfriend and mother of his child to court. The defendant put a car in her name, but the plaintiff says he paid for it and the defendant knows it’s his vehicle. He claims the defendant borrowed the car and refuses to return it, so he’s suing. The defendant argues she put money down on the car and she doesn’t owe him. She claims the plaintiff will do anything to ruin her life, and she’s countersuing for car toll late fees. Then, the plaintiff paid the defendant to install a new skylight in his house. He claims the defendant took his money and ran. Now, he has a huge hole in his roof and squirrels keep coming in his house. He’s suing for his deposit back and extermination fees. The defendant argues the skylight company went out of business, and he sealed the roof. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 06 Jan 2025 - 657 - 'Stiffing an Ex' & 'You Left My Place a Dirty Mess'
First, the plaintiff and defendant dated for several years. He loaned her money to help her pay for car insurance, but then she broke up with him a month later. He says the defendant won’t pay him back, so he’s suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff cheated on him. She thinks the plaintiff is just mad at her, and she doesn’t owe him. Then, the plaintiff and his girlfriend rented an apartment from the defendant. He told the defendant they were moving out, but now the defendant won’t return his security deposit. He’s suing to get his money back. The defendant argues the plaintiff disappeared and left the apartment a complete mess. He says he’s owed money, so he’s countersuing for the balance of the repairs, harassment, and emotional distress. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 03 Jan 2025 - 656 - 'Your Money is Now Mine' & 'Not Fixing Things Right'
First, the plaintiff applied for an apartment and paid a deposit fee. She changed her mind about the apartment, but the defendant won’t give the plaintiff her money back, so she’s suing. The defendant doesn’t think he owes her anything. Then, the plaintiff brought his car to the defendant’s car because it wouldn’t start. He got the car back, but the problem persisted. He took his car to another repair shop, and that repairman said the first shop never fixed the actual problem. He’s suing for a refund. The defendant is countersuing for money he accidentally refunded. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 01 Jan 2025 - 655 - 'A Flim-Flam Furniture Man' & 'Leaving an Ex High and Dry'
First, the plaintiff was tricked into buying furniture, including a couch, from the defendant. She claims the items never got delivered, so she’s suing for a refund. The defendant argues the plaintiff got too impatient even though he told her the manufacturers deal with delays. He’s countersuing for defamation. Then, the plaintiff dated the defendant, and he loaned her money for a trip and to help pay for her electricity bills. He claims that when he asked for his money, she blocked him on all platforms. He’s suing for what he’s owed. The defendant argues he only started arguing with her about the money after they broke up. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 31 Dec 2024 - 654 - 'Being Too Motherly' & 'Dissing His Brother's Girl'
The plaintiff brings his mom to court. He says the defendant called the police to conduct a welfare check on him, and they broke the door and lock. He’s suing for the cost of repairs. The defendant argues her son’s grandmother was worried about him because no one heard from him for several months. She doesn’t think she’s responsible because the cops broke the door, and she is just a concerned mother. The plaintiff loaned her boyfriend’s brother money so he could buy Christmas presents. The defendant still hasn’t paid her back after three years, so she’s suing. The defendant argues he gave the money to his brother. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 30 Dec 2024 - 653 - 'Refusing to Accept Responsibility' & 'Tossing It All Away'
First, the plaintiff claims the defendant's dog attacked hers, so she's suing for vet bills. The defendant feels bad about what happened, but the plaintiff's dog wasn't leashed at the time. Then, the plaintiff brings his ex-girlfriend to court. The plaintiff claims the defendant threw out his clothes and PlayStation, so he's suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff was a freeloader who never paid rent when they lived together. She tossed his stuff out because she couldn't stand to see it. The defendant believes they're even because of all the money the defendant owes her. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 27 Dec 2024 - 652 - 'Beauty School Drop Out' & 'Being All Wet'
First, the plaintiff paid to rent the defendant's cosmetology license so she could open a beauty bar. The defendant was supposed to register her business, but she didn't, so the plaintiff is suing for a refund. The defendant claims she was offered a manager position at the plaintiff's shop, but it never happened because the plaintiff didn't have her business properly registered. The defendant is countersuing for lost wages Then, the plaintiff brings her former tenant to court for an unpaid water bill she's suing him for. The defendant admits he was struggling financially at the time, but the plaintiff already took the water bill out of his security, so he doesn't owe her. The defendant is countersuing for the remaining balance on his security deposit. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 26 Dec 2024 - 651 - 'Not Tightening Things Up' & 'Give The Guy a Break'
The plaintiff took his car to the defendant's repair shop for new tires. The rear tire flew off shortly after, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff requested rims that were too big for his vehicle, so the defendant doesn't feel he's responsible for the damages. The plaintiff claims the defendant illegally towed his vehicle, and he's suing for the value of the car. The defendant says he was called by the plaintiff's leasing office because the vehicle was parked in someone else's spot. Unfortunately, the car was sent to auction because the plaintiff didn't pay the fee to get it out, but that's not the defendant's fault. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 25 Dec 2024 - 650 - 'Rug Burning a Customer' & 'Letting a Friend Down'
The plaintiff hired the defendant to install some new carpeting in his house. The plaintiff asked for some free leftover carpet to create some mats, but when he went to pick it up, the defendant charged him. The plaintiff also claims the carpeting has faded, so he's suing. The defendant argues it took him a lot of money and time to find the leftover carpet pieces. Additionally, the defendant insists the carpeting is not faded, and this lawsuit is meritless. The plaintiff loaned the defendant money to pay rent, but he hasn't yet paid it back, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues the loan was a gift, and the plaintiff is only turning it into a loan because he's obsessed with him or something. The defendant is countersuing for lost work. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 24 Dec 2024 - 649 - 'A Compost Conundrum'
The plaintiff built two composting receptacles on the defendant's property. However, the defendant failed to pay the plaintiff and threw away some of his tools, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff built the composting receptacles for the community and just used her property as a storage area. The defendant is countersuing for the cost to fix the damages to the side of her house. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 23 Dec 2024 - 648 - 'The Unhappiest Place On Earth'
The plaintiff secured a rental van on her credit card for the defendant, her cousin, when they were on vacation. The defendant failed to pay it back, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues the trip was a disaster because the plaintiff invited a strange man and caused damage to the rental car. The defendant insists the plaintiff is just trying to tack on the costs to her. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 20 Dec 2024 - 647 - 'Look Where You Are Going Lady' & 'Denting It Up Good'
First, the plaintiff was picking someone up at the airport when the defendant crashed into his car. The plaintiff is suing for damages. The defendant argues she looked before pulling out and as she did, the plaintiff changed lanes without warning and cut her off. The defendant is countersuing for lost wages. Then, the plaintiff is an Uber driver, and the defendant arranged for a pickup. The plaintiff claims the defendant smashed his door into a metal garbage can, damaging it, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant says the plaintiff refused to take him to his destination. When he got out of the car, the defendant gently opened the door. The defendant admits he lightly scratched the door but nothing more. The defendant is countersuing for counseling and lost wages. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 19 Dec 2024 - 646 - 'A Football Failure' & 'Doing Squat'
First, the plaintiff met the defendant on a dating app. He claims he loaned her money for car insurance, but the defendant failed to pay it back, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant insists the plaintiff offered her the loan as a gift. Then, the plaintiff paid the defendant, a contractor, money to buy materials for a construction job, but he quit and took off with the money. The plaintiff is suing for a refund. The defendant argues he did all the demo work, but the plaintiff never paid him for his services, only the materials. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 18 Dec 2024 - 645 - 'Breaking a Mother's Heart' & 'Give Me My Money'
The plaintiff brings her son into court because she bought him a car with the agreement he'd make payments. Unfortunately, the plaintiff says her son failed to put up the money, so she's suing. The defendant argues he shared the vehicle with his mother, but she never let him drive it, so he denies owing. The plaintiff sold furniture to the defendant, but she failed to pay in full. The plaintiff is suing for the remaining balance. The defendant insists she paid for all the belongings she agreed to buy. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 17 Dec 2024 - 644 - 'Being All Washed Up' & 'Where is My Pot'
The plaintiff brings his ex-wife to court because he claims she owes him money for a washer and dryer, as well as a dresser. The plaintiff claims all of the belongings in question are hers. The defendant is countersuing for harassment and lost wages. The plaintiff brings his friend to court because he claims she owes him money for a loan. The defendant says the money the plaintiff gave her was for an apartment he was going to move into after he was released from jail. The defendant is countersuing for an ounce of marijuana she paid for but never received. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 16 Dec 2024 - 643 - 'Pooping Out on a Party' & 'Crashed Right Into Me'
The plaintiff hired the defendant, a fashion designer, to create an outfit for her birthday party. When she received the outfit, the plaintiff was not happy and had to cancel her photo shoot, so she's suing for a refund. The defendant argues the plaintiff is just super picky, and he even made her two different outfits. Nothing would have made her happy, according to the defendant The plaintiff was driving her car when the defendant ran into her, causing damages. The plaintiff says the defendant doesn't have insurance, and she's suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff caused the accident, not her. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 13 Dec 2024 - 642 - 'Loosing it On a Phone' & 'Causing a Family Fallout'
First, The plaintiff alleges the defendants — her ex-husband and his new wife — stole her son's cell phone and destroyed it with a hammer, so she's suing. The defendants say the son in question isn't allowed to have access to the phone. Besides, they accidentally ran over the phone — they didn't destroy it on purpose. Then, the plaintiff brings her nephew to court because she gave him a loan to fix his car and buy a phone. However, the plaintiff's nephew hasn't yet paid back the money, so she's suing. The defendant claims he repaired the plaintiff's car for free, so he believes they're even. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 12 Dec 2024 - 641 - 'Bad Boarding' & 'Chickening Out'
The plaintiff had to board her dog at the defendant's facility. While there, the plaintiff's dog was bitten, and she didn't even find out until she picked up her pet. The plaintiff is suing the defendant for vet bills. The defendant argues the plaintiff's dog tried to steal food from another. The defendant checked the dog and didn't notice any serious injuries. The plaintiff hired the defendant to cater her birthday party. The food she tasted before the party was not the same quality as the food he served. The plaintiff is suing for a refund because her party was ruined as a result. The defendant says he was cooking the food when he received a call from a store saying the chicken was recalled. The defendant scrambled and had to find new chicken at the last minute. Besides, the defendant believes he provided great food and denies owing. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 11 Dec 2024 - 640 - 'Holding His Ground' & 'Going Round and Round'
First, the plaintiff hired the defendant to create custom T-shirts. When the plaintiff received the merchandise, he claims the printing was off and the sizes were wrong, so the plaintiff is suing for a refund. The defendant says the plaintiff wanted the shirts rushed, and the defendant did the best he could under the circumstances. Besides, the defendant told the plaintiff he doesn't give refunds. Then the plaintiff is suing the defendant because he claims he owes him a commission for a vinyl record sale he helped with. The defendant argues the plaintiff didn't earn his commission, so he owes nothing. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 10 Dec 2024 - 639 - 'Shortchanging a Guy'
The plaintiff prepaid the defendant for landscaping services, but the plaintiff changed his mind and hired someone else. The defendant said he would give him the refund, but he didn't, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant says the plaintiff went behind his back and hired some of his employees. The defendant also claims he returned the money minus the work and costs, so he doesn't believe he owes any more cash Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 09 Dec 2024 - 638 - 'Roaches Ruin Everything'
The plaintiffs rented an apartment from the defendant. They had to move out due to a bug problem. However, the defendant is illegally withholding their security, so the plaintiffs are suing. The defendant insists the plaintiffs caused the cockroach infestation in addition to damaging the place. The defendant is countersuing for additional repairs needed. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 06 Dec 2024 - 637 - 'Letting a Dad Down' & 'Giving it All Away'
First, the plaintiff claims his daughter and her husband owe him money for an unpaid loan to help them pay rent, so he's suing. The defendants argue the plaintiff said they didn't have to pay back the loan. Then, the plaintiff pawned a valuable gold coin and necklace at the defendant's shop. The guy sold the plaintiff's stuff without permission, so he's suing. The defendant argues he gave the plaintiff the proper notice, so he denies owing a dime. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 05 Dec 2024 - 636 - 'Sinking a Friendship' & 'Refusing Vaccination'
First, the plaintiff used to be great friends with the defendant, and they purchased a boat together. However, the defendant sold the boat at a huge profit and refuses to give the plaintiff his fair share, so he's suing. The defendant insists he bought the plaintiff out of his share of the boat before selling it. Then, the plaintiff brings her cousin, the defendant, to court because she owes her money for flights she booked. The defendant had to back out of the trip last minute because she refused to get a vaccine, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues the trip was meant to be a gift. Besides, the defendant claims the plaintiff canceled on her. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 04 Dec 2024 - 635 - 'A Smelly Situation' & 'Painting a Customer Through The Roof'
First, the plaintiffs are a father and son. The son rented an apartment from the defendant, but the defendant had a problem with the plaintiff’s pet ferret. He had to move out, so he’s suing for the cost of the security deposit and a listing fee. The defendant argues the plaintiff never told him about the ferret and he had an allergic reaction to it. He says the animal stunk up their apartment. Then, the plaintiff brought her car to the defendants’ shop, and they did a terrible job. She says they never painted the roof and left drip marks on it. She’s suing for the cost of repainting the vehicle. The defendants argue they didn’t redo the roof because there weren’t any dents, so there wasn’t anything to fix. They claim they did everything they could to make the plaintiff happy, but she just wasn’t having it. They’re countersuing for unpaid work. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 03 Dec 2024 - 634 - 'Moving Mayhem' & 'Ticking Off a Tenant'
First, the plaintiff hired the defendant to move a piano out of her house. She says the defendant’s workers damaged her door and porch while moving it, so she’s suing for damages. The defendant admits he hit the piano on the door, but there’s no proof of the porch. He doesn’t think he owes her because she’s suing so many months after it happened. Then. the plaintiff’s kitchen flooded due to a clogged pipe and damaged the place. He claims the flood was a larger problem with the condo and not something specific with his unit. He had to clean up the mess, so he’s suing for legal and cleaning fees. The defendant argues the plaintiff caused the pipe damage, so the condo board doesn’t need to pay. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 02 Dec 2024 - 633 - 'Allowing an Overgrowth' & 'You Poisoned My Dog'
First, the plaintiff brings her neighbor to court. She argues the defendant’s vegetation is unruly and fell onto her patio. She says she’s asked him several times to get his plants under control, but he refuses. She’s suing for the cost of tree trimming. The defendant argues the plaintiff never called him in the first place, so he doesn’t owe. Then, the plaintiff brings her neighbor to court. She claims the defendant leaves rotten food outside and her dog ate it. She thinks the defendant poisoned the dog, so she’s suing for vet bills. The defendant argues she has been leaving breadcrumbs out for birds and would never harm a dog. She says the plaintiff’s dog is vicious and she even filed a complaint with animal control. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 29 Nov 2024 - 632 - 'Stiffing Her Ex In-Laws' & 'Doggy Dilemma'
The plaintiffs loaned the defendant money to help rent a wedding venue because the defendant was marrying a family friend who they think of as their son. They claim the defendant ran off the money and hasn’t paid them back, so they’re suing. The defendant argues her now-ex-husband stole the money, and she’s suing him to get it back. The plaintiff brought his dog to the park, and he claims the defendants’ dog attacked his dog. The dog got severely injured, so he’s suing for vet bills and pain and suffering. The defendants argue they told the plaintiff not to come near them with his dog, but he did it anyway. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 28 Nov 2024 - 631 - 'A Family Squabble' & 'Being in Denial'
First, the plaintiff brings his daughter’s stepfather to court. He says the defendant backed his car into his car and caused major damage, so he’s suing. The defendant argues he agreed to fix the damage that he caused, but the plaintiff wants him to fix every little detail, which he refuses to do. He’s countersuing for defamation. Then, the plaintiff was attending an event and claims the defendant’s dog bit him. He was in major pain and had to seek medical treatment. The defendant won’t pay for the medical bills, so he’s suing for pain and suffering and emotional distress. The defendant argues her dog sniffed the plaintiff but never bit him. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 27 Nov 2024 - 630 - 'Not Making Things Right' & 'Refusing to Mend a Fence'
First, the plaintiff owns a skin care business and was relocating from one state to another. She rented space from the defendant, but she claims the lease was fraudulent. She’s suing for a rent refund and her security deposit. The defendant says she painted and renovated the room for the plaintiff. She argues it’s not her fault the plaintiff backed out, so she refuses to pay. Then, the plaintiff was hired by the defendant to build a fence around his property. He claims the defendant’s neighbor got angry about it, and now the defendant isn’t paying him. He’s suing for what he’s owed. The defendant doesn’t think she owes anything because she wasn’t happy with the work. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 26 Nov 2024 - 629 - 'Breaking Things Up' & 'Copping Out on a Condo'
First, the plaintiff hired the defendant to move her things to a new home, but the movers damaged lots of her belongings, so she’s suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff saw everything go into the storage unit near her house and she didn’t say a word. He’s countersuing for money he’s owed on the move. Then, the plaintiff rented a condo from the defendant, but she didn’t end up going because of COVID-19 restrictions. When she made new accommodations with him, he told her he sold the condo and he wasn’t giving back her deposit, so she’s suing for the cost of her vacation. The defendant argues he let her reschedule three times and she had plenty of times to visit. He says it’s not his fault she kept changing her mind. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 25 Nov 2024 - 628 - 'Calling it a Wrap' & 'Porsche Problem'
First, the plaintiff hired the defendant to make a mixtape for his album. He says he paid for the defendant to mix 20 songs, but he only made a few of them, so he’s suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff slandered him online and he did, in fact, make all 20 songs. He’s countersuing for lost wages due to defamation. Then, the plaintiff bought a new car and brought the car to the defendant’s business for a repair. She claims the mechanic broke her seatbelt while her car was in for a different reason. Then, someone stole her fuzzy pink dice from her rearview mirror. She’s suing for damages. The defendant argues the mechanic took the dice off the mirror because it’s illegal to have them on, then left them on the seat. She doesn’t think she owes anything. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 22 Nov 2024 - 627 - 'Nasty Neighbors' & 'Vexing an Ex'
The plaintiff brings her neighbor to court. She says the defendant crashed into her car, and she thinks it was vengeance because they don’t get along. She’s suing for car damages. The defendant thinks the plaintiff is a troublemaker and she won’t leave him alone. He’s countersuing for pain and suffering. The plaintiff brings his ex-girlfriend to court. He says he loaned her money on several different occasions, but she hasn’t paid him back. He’s suing for what he’s owed. The defendant argues she gave him a lot of money when they were together. She thinks this lawsuit is just a way of harassing her. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 21 Nov 2024 - 626 - 'Treating a Tenant Terribly' & 'Doing Something Unethical'
First, the plaintiff rented a room in the defendant’s house. She says the house was disgusting because there were bugs and the septic tank overflowed. She moved out and is suing for her security deposit back. The defendant argues the plaintiff was the one who caused the septic tank to overflow, and she was a nightmare tenant. Plus, the plaintiff went to the defendant’s salon to get her hair straightened. She says the defendant used a chemical in her hair, and now her hair is ruined. She’s suing for three years’ worth of salon services. The defendant argues the plaintiff refuses to cut off her damaged hair, which is why it looks bad. He’s countersuing for business interference. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 20 Nov 2024 - 625 - 'Get That Beast Out Of My House' & 'Getting Hostile Over a Hostel'
The plaintiff rehomed her dog at the defendant’s house, but the defendant said the dog didn’t get along her own pet. When the plaintiff went to pick up the dog, he was bloody and injured. She had to take him to the vet, so she’s suing for medical bills. The defendant argues the dog was vicious and she never did anything to him. The plaintiff rented a room at the defendant’s hostel, but then his clothes were stolen. He’s suing for damages. The defendant says she can’t put cameras in rooms, but she did provide a locker with a lock for the plaintiff to put his belongings in, so it’s not her fault if he didn’t use it. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 19 Nov 2024 - 624 - 'Causing a Family Fall Out' & 'Dissing Her Sister'
The plaintiff brings one of her sisters to court. She says the defendant broke her television and Xbox, so she’s suing for what she’s owed. The defendant argues the plaintiff’s husband put her in a chokehold, and he’s the one who fell on the TV. The plaintiff brings her two siblings to courts. She says she loaned her late brother’s car to her other siblings, but they crashed it, so she’s suing for the cost of the car and the tow. The defendants don’t think they owe her because it wasn’t their fault. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 18 Nov 2024 - 623 - 'Losing It' & 'Calling It Curtains'
First, the plaintiff rented an apartment to the defendant. He claims the defendant pushed him and injured him. He also says her boyfriend slashed his tires, so he’s suing for medical expenses, ripped tires, and pain and suffering. The defendant argues the plaintiff pushed her, so she pushed him back. She’s countersuing for emotional distress and moving costs Then, the plaintiff was hired by the defendants to clean and reinstall their drapes. He says they haven’t paid, so he’s suing for what he’s owed. The defendants claim they agreed to have the plaintiff clean the drapes but not replace the linings them. They think he’s committing elder abuse by upcharging them. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 15 Nov 2024 - 622 - 'Burning Rubber With an Ex' & 'Some People Can Never Be Satisfied'
First, the plaintiff claims her ex-boyfriend keeps slashing her tires, so she's suing. The defendant denies slashing the plaintiff's tires. He believes someone else must be causing the damage because it's not him. Then, the plaintiff hired the defendants to build her another bedroom in her house. The plaintiff alleges the defendants did a terrible job, so she had to hire someone else. The plaintiff is suing for a refund. The defendants insist they did an excellent job. They're countersuing for wages owed and supplies. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 14 Nov 2024 - 621 - 'Doing Squat' & 'Being All Wet'
First, the plaintiff hired the defendant to redo the bathrooms in his house. The defendant barely did anything and refuses to return payments, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant insists he put a lot of work into the plaintiff's house. The plaintiff failed to provide all of the materials he needed to complete the job, according to the defendant. Then, the plaintiff brought his car to the defendant's carwash. In the middle of the wash, the plaintiff's car crashed into another vehicle, so the plaintiff is suing for damages. The defendant defends himself and says the car in front of the plaintiff's applied their brakes. The defendant doesn't believe he or his business is responsible for the damage Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 13 Nov 2024 - 620 - 'The Rules Are The Rules' & 'Having a Vicious Propensities'
First, the plaintiffs rented a house from the defendant but decided not to renew the lease. The plaintiffs are in court because the defendant won't return the security deposit they're owed, so they're suing. The defendant argues the plaintiffs didn't give him 60 days' notice, so he doesn't owe anything. The defendant is countersuing for loss of rent Then, the plaintiff took a walk in her neighborhood when the defendant's dog bit her. The plaintiff had to get a shot and medication, so she's suing for medical costs. The defendant believes her dog just barked at the plaintiff. Her Yorkie would never bite anyone. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 12 Nov 2024 - 619 - 'Backing Up And Cracking Up' & 'Poor Pumbling Progress'
First, the plaintiff says the defendant backed into his car, so he's suing for damages. The defendant argues he has backup sensors on his vehicle and never even hit the plaintiff's car. Then, the plaintiff hired and paid the defendant to install some pipes, but he never did the job, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant is in court defending himself and says he went to the house three times, but the plaintiff never purchased the materials like she agreed to do. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 11 Nov 2024 - 618 - 'Unfriending a Friend' & 'Jumping The Gun'
First, the plaintiff says she and the defendant went to Hawaii, but the defendant is trying to get out of paying for her half, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues she has already given the plaintiff money, but she's trying to tack on extra expenses the defendant didn't agree to. Then, the plaintiff's son parked his car in front of the defendant's house. The defendant wrongfully towed the vehicle, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant insists he had every right to tow the car because it blocked his driveway. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 08 Nov 2024 - 617 - 'Blowing Off a Storm' & 'Creating a Moldy Situation' & 'Frying a Guy's Laptop'
First, the plaintiff paid for the defendant's DJ services for his wedding. However, a hurricane had different ideas, and the wedding was canceled. The defendant agreed to refund the plaintiff but never did, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant argues cancelations must be made 30 days before the event to get a refund, and the plaintiff canceled three days prior. Then, the plaintiff hired the defendant to inspect her house before she purchased it, and he gave her a clean bill of sale. After buying the home, the plaintiff hired another company, and they found toxic black mold, so the plaintiff is suing the defendant for a refund. The defendant says he reported issues when inspecting the house, but the plaintiff paid no mind to the defendant's report. Plus, the plaintiff brought his computer to the defendant's shop, and during the repair, it was damaged. The plaintiff is suing for the value of the computer. The defendant insists the plaintiff's computer had issues before he worked on it. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 07 Nov 2024 - 616 - 'Not Being a Model Businessman' & 'Not Losing it Fast Enough'
The plaintiff hired the defendant to create a costume for him for a runway contest. However, the defendant failed to deliver, so the plaintiff is suing for a refund. The defendant defends himself and claims he made two amazing jackets for the plaintiff, so he denies owing. The plaintiff went to the defendant, a weight doctor, to lose some pounds. Unfortunately, the plaintiff claims she didn't lose any weight, so she's suing for a refund. The defendant is in court defending himself and insists the plaintiff did lose 11 pounds in 14 days. She just didn't think it was enough, and then the plaintiff bailed on the program early. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 06 Nov 2024 - 615 - 'Making Mom Mad' & 'Letting The Music Die'
The plaintiff is in court suing her daughter, who she claims hasn't yet paid back a loan for a cell phone. The defendant argues the plaintiff gave her the loan as a "guilt gift." The plaintiff is in court because he claims he planned to hire the defendant to DJ a party. However, the job didn't pan out, but the defendant hasn't yet paid back the deposit, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant insists the plaintiff gave him the money to reserve his services. As a result, the defendant gave up other jobs, so he believes he owes nothing. The defendant is countersuing for lost wages. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 05 Nov 2024 - 614 - 'That's One Chilly Neighbor' & 'Tusseling With a Tenant'
The plaintiff parked her car at her boyfriend’s house, and one night during a rainstorm, a branch fell on her vehicle and damaged it. The tree is half on her boyfriend’s property and half on the defendant’s land, so she’s suing the defendant for half of the insurance deductible. The defendant thinks the plaintiff is trying to extort her because she didn’t say anything to her until five months later. The plaintiff rented a room in the defendant’s house. He says the defendant attacked him in the middle of the night, and the two men got into a physical altercation. He was handcuffed and the defendant changed the locks on him. He never got his property back, so he’s suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff was inappropriate with a female roommate. He says the plaintiff punched him in the face and had a knife with him, so he’s countersuing for hospital bills and pain and suffering. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 04 Nov 2024 - 613 - 'Doggy Disaster' & 'Telling a Feline-Fib'
The plaintiff was hired by the defendant to put her dog’s logo and picture on a jacket and shirts. She says the plaintiff was happy with the work, but now refuses to pay for the work, so she’s suing. The defendant thinks the plaintiff did a terrible job. She claims she got a receipt that the money went through, so she doesn’t owe anything else. The plaintiff, a real estate agent, found the defendants an apartment. She claims the defendants lied about having a pet, which caused the landlord to cancel their contract. She’s suing for the broker fee. The defendants argue they were willing to give their cat to someone else, but then the landlord changed her mind. They don’t think they need to pay the plaintiff’s commission. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 01 Nov 2024 - 612 - 'Cutting Off an IT Guy' & 'Short Changing a Guy'
The plaintiff was hired by the defendant to revamp his business site. He argues the defendant stopped paying, so he’s suing for what he’s owed. The defendant says the plaintiff is charging him a monthly maintenance fee, which he never agreed to pay. He doesn’t think he owes anything. He’s countersuing for the money he originally paid the plaintiff. The plaintiff, a handyman, was hired by the defendant to do work around his house. He says the defendant stopped paying him, so he’s suing for what he’s owed and pain and suffering. The defendant argues the plaintiff didn’t wear a mask to her house in the middle of the pandemic and he did a terrible job. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 31 Oct 2024 - 611 - 'Ripping Off A Kid' & 'Faking It'
The plaintiff says he rented the defendant’s townhouse sight unseen. Even though he moved out, the defendant won’t return what he’s owed, so he’s suing. The defendant says the plaintiff bounced a check and broke the lease. He’s countersuing for additional repairs The plaintiff says he watched the defendant’s dog, but now she’s stiffing him on his pay. He’s suing for what he’s owed. The defendant says she paid him everything he was owed, and he even threatened to keep her dog. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 30 Oct 2024 - 610 - 'Friends and Good Neighbors No More' & 'Doggone Disaster, Darn It!'
The plaintiff says the defendant is a friend, but his kid scratched up her car and she needs to be compensated. She’s suing for the repair cost. The defendant says his kid never admitted to scratching it, but he offered to pay to have it buffed out. The plaintiff says the defendant let her dog roam the streets and attack her dog so badly that her pet needed emergency care to survive. She’s suing for the veterinary bill. The defendant says the plaintiff is suing her for things her dog didn’t do. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 29 Oct 2024 - 609 - 'Refusing To Take the Blame' & 'Getting Into a Sticky Situation'
First, the plaintiff says he brought he car to the defendant’s car wash, but he hit a huge pothole in the parking lot and it destroyed his tire. Since the defendant won’t cover the cost, he’s suing him. The defendant says he has no clue how the tire was punctured, and he’s not responsible. Then, the plaintiff says she hired the defendant to renovate countertops at her salon, but she did a bad job and left sticky resin and sharp corners. She’s suing for repair costs. The defendant insists she did a fine job, and the plaintiff still owes her money. She’s countersuing for the remainder of her fee. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 28 Oct 2024 - 608 - 'A Camper Calamity' & 'Causing Some Wedding Day Blues'
First, the plaintiff says she bought a camper from the defendant. When she went to the DMV to register it, they informed her the camper had never been registered before, so the defendant needed to fix that before she could get the title. The defendant is refusing to do so, so the plaintiff is suing for a refund. The defendant insists she told the plaintiff the camper had never been on the road, and it was an as-is sale. Then, the plaintiff says the defendant asked her to be a bridesmaid, so she spent money on a dress and the bachelorette party. The defendant changed her mind, and now the plaintiff is suing for the money she spent. The defendant says the plaintiff didn’t follow her rules and never showed up for fittings. She refuses to pay her anything. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 25 Oct 2024 - 607 - 'You Sold Me A Bum Bike' & 'Grave Mistake'
First, the plaintiff says he bought a motorcycle from the defendant, but it died 70 miles later. He claims the defendant used glue on the carburetor to cover up a defect, so he’s suing the man for repair costs. The defendant says the plaintiff only complained about the bike 10 months after he bought. He’s countersuing for defamation and harassment. Then, the plaintiff says the defendant’s mortuary mistakenly destroyed her deceased father’s personal belongings, and now she has nothing to remember him by. She’s suing for $10,000. The defendant admits he made a mistake and offered the plaintiff $500 for the items of clothing that were destroyed, but the plaintiff refused. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 24 Oct 2024 - 606 - 'Taxing The Tax Man' & 'Stealing From a Sister'
First, the plaintiff says he’s done the defendant’s taxes for years. He claims he used his own money to pay for an adjustment, but the defendant hasn’t repaid him and he’s suing. The defendant says the plaintiff messed up her taxes and the government took money directly out of her bank account. She refuses to repay a thing. Then, the plaintiff says she bought a bed for her mother, but the defendants — her brother and sister — took it and won’t pay up. She’s suing them for the cost. The defendants say the box spring was infested with bed bugs, so they bought her a new one. They claims they have no idea what the plaintiff is talking about, and they’re countersuing for defamation. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 23 Oct 2024 - 605 - 'Bothering A Babysitter' & 'Grazing a Woman'
First, the plaintiff says the defendant hired her to babysit her three kids, but she crossed a line with her behavior. The plaintiff claims the defendant would call her in the middle of the night to talk about sexual exploits. The plaintiff is suing for wages she’s still owed. The defendant says the plaintiff didn’t do a good job, and she’s not paying her any more. Then, the plaintiff says the defendant rear-ended her at a red light and won’t pay for the damages he caused. She’s suing for what he owes her. The defendant says he barely grazed the car and paid a body shop to fix it. He alleges the plaintiff’s son then began threatening him. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 - 604 - 'A Shoddy Hook' & 'You Sold Me a Real Hoopty'
First, the plaintiff says the defendant hung heavy artwork on her wall and smashed her marble table. Then another piece fell, causing damage, so she’s suing for the costs. The defendant owns a framing company and agreed to hang the art, but he says the plaintiff could have knocked it off the wall. He’s countersuing for unpaid framing work. Then, the plaintiff says she bought a car from the defendant, but it was a real lemon. She’s suing for all the repair costs. The defendant says she never had any issues with the car, and she’s not taking it back. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 21 Oct 2024 - 603 - 'A Terrible Tow' & 'Selling Hot Merchandise'
First, the plaintiff says the defendant towed his pickup truck and damaged it. He claims the defendant won’t take responsibility for it, so he’s suing him for damages. The defendant says the plaintiff blocked someone’s driveway, so the flatbed tow was warranted. He insists the plaintiff inspected the truck when he retrieved it and all was fine. Then, the plaintiff says he bought a PlayStation 5 from the defendant’s sneaker store, but the console was reported stolen. The defendant refused to give him a refund, so he’s suing. The defendant says he resells items, and he offered to replace the console, but the plaintiff never showed. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 18 Oct 2024 - 602 - 'Taking Advantage Of An Author' & 'Being Tough On a Tenant'
First, the plaintiff says she hired the defendant to edit a book she wrote about her life, but the woman changed it so much it was almost unrecognizable. She also claims the defendant put the book on Amazon so the money goes to her account. She’s suing for all she’s out, plus emotional distress. The defendant says she published the book on Amazon, which splits the profits with the author, not her. The manuscript was in bad shape, and she’s countersuing for lost wages. Then, the plaintiff says she rented a room in the defendant’s house, but she had to move out early when her sister had a medical emergency in another state. The defendant refuses to return the plaintiff’s prepaid rent, so she’s suing to get it back. The defendant says the plaintiff moved out in the middle of the night and left a nasty note, and she doesn’t think she deserves any money back. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 17 Oct 2024 - 601 - 'Causing A Guy Pain In His Privates' & 'Lighting it Up'
First, the plaintiff says the defendant’s dog leaped at him and bit his testicle when he walked into a store, then the man threw him out. EMTs brought him to several doctors and he was in pain for months. He’s suing for medical bills and pain and suffering. The defendant says the plaintiff was arguing loudly with a woman in front of his store and then came into his store. He says his dog was friendly, and the man started kicked the glass doors. Then, the plaintiff says he brought his car to the defendant’s shop for a new alternator, but the man failed to disconnect the battery while he worked and the car caught fire. He’s suing for the money he’s out. The defendant says he did take out the battery, and an issue with the fuel line caused a small fire, so he did nothing wrong. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 16 Oct 2024 - 600 - 'That Truck Is Junk' & 'Vexing an Ex'
First, the plaintiff says she and the defendant share a grandson. She offered to sell the defendant a truck she had, but the plaintiff still owes the balance, so she’s suing her. The defendant says she and the plaintiff are now enemies over the state of the truck. She’s countersuing for the money she has had to put into the vehicle. Then, the plaintiff says the defendant is his ex-wife. They remained friendly, so he loaned her some money when things were tight. She hasn’t repaid him, though, so he’s suing. The defendant says she had an agreement to work off the debt by driving her ex and his girlfriend to appointments. She claims she’s paid up. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 15 Oct 2024 - 599 - 'Not Fixing Things Right' & 'Not Cleaning House'
First, the plaintiff says he brought his laptop to the defendant for repair, but he’s had nothing but trouble since. Now it won’t even turn on and he’s lost all his data, so he’s suing for the state maximum. The defendant says the plaintiff doesn’t understand basics about software updates, and he claims the man is simply rude. He denies owing anything. Then, the plaintiff says she rented a room in the defendant’s house, but she moved out because no one ever cleaned it and it smelled like urine. Now the defendant won’t return her security deposit, so she’s suing. The defendant says the plaintiff got into a physical fight with her ex-girlfriend and the cops had to be called. He gave her a notice to vacate and she stopped paying rent. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 14 Oct 2024 - 598 - 'Kissing Cousins They're Not' & 'Control Your Dog'
First, the plaintiff says the defendant filed false accusations against her and it put her job in jeopardy. She says you can’t just go around making things up, so she’s suing the defendant for $5,000. The defendant says she and the plaintiff grew up together. She alleges the plaintiff is harassing her and making her life miserable, so she’s countersuing for $8,000. Then, the plaintiff says the defendant is her neighbor and they used to be friendly, but she claims his unleashed dog attacked her pet. Her dog was injured and broke a tooth, and she’s out a lot of money in vet bills, so she’s suing. The defendant says the plaintiff’s dog bit his dog on the nose, and that’s how her dog’s tooth broke. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 11 Oct 2024 - 597 - 'Hey, You Ruined Our Beautiful Building' & 'A Motor Meltdown'
First, the plaintiff says he bought a condo in the defendant’s building and put down a deposit to use the freight elevator. The defendant is accusing him of scratching the brass door frame and won’t return the deposit, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant says the plaintiff renovated the condo and violated multiple rules and caused damages, so he’s not getting the deposit back. He’s countersuing for legal fees and damages. Then, the plaintiff says the defendant showed up to tow his car, but the man started it and drove it onto his flatbed. Oil leaked everywhere and the motor is ruined, so the plaintiff is suing for the cost of a new engine. The defendant says the plaintiff’s car was already in engine failure and had 147,000 miles on it. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 10 Oct 2024 - 596 - 'Tripping Up' & 'You're a Dirty Stinker'
First, the plaintiff says she gave the defendant money for a trip for her granddaughter, and she asked about trip insurance in case her passport didn’t arrive. Sure enough, there was a snag at the passport office, but the defendant didn’t buy the insurance, so she’s suing her for a full refund. The defendant says she got an airline credit and is still chasing the hotel. She blames the plaintiff for not paying for expedited passport service. Then, the plaintiff says he rented a room in the defendant’s house in a gated community, but the man cut off his ability to order food during the pandemic. He ended up moving out, and the defendant had the nerve to keep his security deposit, so he’s suing. The defendant says the plaintiff broke his lease and moved out with no notice. He’s countersuing for rent owed. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 09 Oct 2024 - 595 - 'Running Out On The Rent' & 'Getting Bounced Into Court'
First, the plaintiff says he rented a room in his house to the defendant, but the man fell behind on rent and ended up in rehab for a drinking problem. The plaintiff doesn’t know what to do with the defendant’s abandoned possessions and needs the rent that’s owed, so he’s suing. The defendant says he went to rehab and moved in with his girlfriend, so he denies owing anything. He’s countersuing for his possessions. Then, the plaintiff says she gave the defendant a deposit on a bouncy castle for a party, but her car broke down and she had to cancel because she couldn’t afford both. She’s suing to get her deposit back. The defendant says he lost out on another party because of the cancellation. He offered a partial credit for a future party, but the plaintiff refused. He’s countersuing for the balance owed. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 08 Oct 2024 - 594 - 'Stringing A Lover Along' & 'Renting a House of Horrors'
First, the plaintiff says she met the defendant on a dating site and they hit it off. She thought they were the real deal, so she rented him a car, bought him airline ticket, and sent him money, but now he won’t pay her back. She’s suing for what she’s owed. The defendant says the plaintiff bought the plane ticket because he caught COVID and she felt bad for him. He denies owing anything. Then, the plaintiff says she rented a horrible house from the defendant that had a crumbling ceiling and no heat. She claims the defendant violated the law by renting this home out, so she’s suing to get her money back. The defendant says the plaintiff is exaggerating the damage because she’s looking for a payoff. He claims he offered to fix the ceiling, and he turned off the heat because the plaintiff asked him to. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 07 Oct 2024 - 593 - 'Not Certifying A Student' & 'Trying to Pull the Old Switcheroo'
First, the plaintiff says she paid the defendant to train her in CPR certification so she could be an instructor, but he failed her. She claims he told her she could retake the course for free, but now he won’t return her calls. She’s suing for the cost of the class and textbooks. The defendant says he didn’t fail the plaintiff, and he claims he’s gone out of his way to help her. Then, the plaintiff says she moved out of the defendants’ condo after being an excellent tenant for five years. Now they’re keeping her security deposit, but the pictures of the damage they claim were taken in another unit, not hers. She’s suing for her money back. The defendants say the condo was a disaster when she left, so they were within their rights to keep half the deposit. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 04 Oct 2024 - 592 - 'Ending Things Too Abruptly' & 'Who Let the Dogs Out?'
The plaintiff says she was hired to style the defendant’s office and bedroom. She claims the job was 95% complete when the defendant hired someone else to finish the job. She’s suing for what she’s still owed. The defendant says the plaintiff botched the job and splattered paint everywhere. She’s countersuing for the amount she paid to have the job corrected. The plaintiff says the defendant’s dogs attacked her dogs unprovoked, and she’s suing for the vet bills. The defendant says there’s no way the dogs got out, and they were still chained to their doghouses when she got home. She insists it’s a case of mistaken identity. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 03 Oct 2024 - 591 - 'Scooting Around the Issue' & 'Hey! I'm a Nice Guy!'
The plaintiff says he rented out space in his garage for the defendant to park his scooter, but he didn’t pay for five months. He then agreed to buy the defendant’s scooter, but it was junk and didn’t work. He’s suing for what he’s owed. The defendant says he paid the plaintiff $100 a month and then put the scooter up for sale. He claims it always worked fine when he had it. The plaintiffs say they rented an apartment and the defendant is going back on his word about their security deposit. They’re suing for the return of their hard-earned money. The defendant says the plaintiffs stayed in the apartment after the lease expired, so he kept the deposit. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 02 Oct 2024 - 590 - 'Being Catty' & 'Swapping Parts'
First, the plaintiff says he put down a deposit on a male Bengal kitten from the defendant, but the cat turned out to be female. The plaintiff says he specifically wanted a male, so he’s suing for his money back. The defendant says the plaintiff picked out a male, but the kitten unfortunately died. He claims he referred the plaintiff to another breeder. Plus, the plaintiff says he hired the defendant to install a specific braking system on his vintage car, but the guy pulled a switcheroo and installed a cheaper version. He’s suing for his money back. The defendant claims the plaintiff agreed to the cheaper system and even came back for an adjustment. He has no idea why he’s being sued. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 01 Oct 2024 - 589 - 'Vexing an Ex' & 'Causing a Real Ruckus'
First, the plaintiff says she used to date the defendant, and he owes her for a bed she purchased for him. Now that they’ve broken up, he’s trying to weasel out of paying her back, so she’s suing him. The defendant says he paid the plaintiff back when they were still together, so he can’t understand why she’s suing. Then, the plaintiff says the defendant’s daughter knocked down her daughter and the defendant stood by and did nothing. She and her daughter are suing for assault and pain and suffering. The defendants say the plaintiff falsely accused the daughter of theft, and now they’re no longer friends. They’re countersuing for missing belongings, lost wages, and harassment. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, 30 Sep 2024 - 588 - 'Being Squirrelly' & 'This is One Big Love Triangle'
First, the plaintiff says she hired the defendant to fix her gutters and he subcontracted the job out. The new person told her the gutters were fine and only needed a minor repair. She claims the defendant cashed her check and did no work, so she’s suing for her money back. The defendant says his worker was scared by a squirrel nest on the roof, which the plaintiff did not remove, so he claims he owes nothing. Then, the plaintiff says the defendant is her ex-boyfriend. She says she co-signed a car loan and even gave him the down payment because he has terrible credit. Now he won’t pay her back, so she’s suing for what she’s out. The defendant says he was dating his now-wife and the plaintiff in a three-way relationship, and he says everyone contributed, so he doesn’t owe anything. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fri, 27 Sep 2024 - 587 - 'I Will Not Be Stiffed' & 'Pulling Out at the Last Minute'
First, the plaintiff says she was hired to photograph the defendant’s engagement and wedding, and now the woman is trying to back out of the deal. The plaintiff even photographed the engagement already, so she’s suing for what she’s owed. The defendant says the plaintiff was unprofessional and getting the photos was a hassle. She denies owing anything. Then, the plaintiff says she runs a day care and the defendant’s kids attended for a few months and then were pulled out suddenly. She says her facility requires two weeks’ notice and she got none, so she’s suing for the outstanding balance. The defendant says one of the teachers pushed his child to the ground and allowed other kids to trample him, so he removed his children and refuses to pay another cent. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Thu, 26 Sep 2024 - 586 - 'Dissing a Co-Worker' & 'Being Old Fashioned'
First, the plaintiff says he became friends with the defendant at work, but it turns out the guy’s a scammer and a con artist. He loaned him some cash, but the defendant refuses to repay him, so he’s suing. The defendant says the plaintiff loaned him money and he repaid him the following week in cash. He denies owing anything and is countersuing for defamation of character Then, the plaintiff says she and the defendant were like brother and sister and they bonded over a love for antiques. They fell out, and now the defendant won’t pay the plaintiff for installing a security system for him at his business, so she’s suing. The defendant says the plaintiff didn’t charge rent when she was a vendor at his shop, and she left one day with the security system, so he doesn’t owe a thing. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Wed, 25 Sep 2024 - 585 - 'A Parking Predicament' & 'Stiffing a Worker'
First, the plaintiff says she parked her car on the street and it was towed. She fought the ticket and won, and it turned out that the defendant’s driveway she parked in front of was illegal. He had no right to have her car towed, so she’s suing for damages. The defendant says he bought the house 13 years ago and the driveway was already there. He claims the plaintiff blocked his driveway for five days, so he finally called the police. He’s countersuing for aggravation. Then, the plaintiff says the defendant hired her to be chief of staff at his sports entertainment agency, but he made her feel uncomfortable when he lost his cool and said vulgar things. She’s suing for what she’s owed. The defendant says the plaintiff left him high and dry, and claims this is nothing but a money grab. He’s countersuing for tortious interference. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Tue, 24 Sep 2024
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