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The People’s Court Podcast

The People’s Court Podcast

The People’s Court Podcast

The honorable Judge Marilyn Milian presides over the four-time Emmy award winning "The People’s Court." For more than two decades, Milian has dispensed justice and provided legal insight in the courtroom where justice and reality collide. And now, you can take the show on the go with "The People’s Court Podcast." "The People’s Court Podcast" draws on ordinary people who have filed grievances in civil court and have opted to have their cases heard and mediated by Judge Milian. Running the gamut from disputes between neighbors and family members, to dissatisfied customers suing businesses, Milian's decisions – based on current law – are final and binding. Joining Milian is multiple Emmy Award-winning investigative reporter Harvey Levin, who serves as the series’ host and legal reporter. In the courtroom, Milian is joined by court officer Douglas McIntosh. Doug Llewelyn interviews litigants after a decision has been rendered in their cases.

684 - 'Getting Physical with a Tenant' & 'Chauvinistic Pig'
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  • 684 - 'Getting Physical with a Tenant' & 'Chauvinistic Pig'

    First, the plaintiff rented a room in the defendant's apartment. The plaintiff alleges the defendant ransacked her room, rearranged her belongings, and even physically attacked her. The plaintiff moved out before something really bad happened. She's suing for a rent refund and security. The defendant explains she was only inspecting the plaintiff's unpacking. In terms of the attack, the defendant insists the plaintiff first threatened her with a pair of scissors. Then, the plaintiff foolishly sold his daughter's friend, the defendant, a vehicle. The defendant gave the plaintiff half the money up front and agreed to pay him $300 a month until it was paid off. Unfortunately, the plaintiff claims the car is still not paid off, so he's suing. The defendant argues the plaintiff is a creep who asked her out on a date and explained she wouldn't have to pay for the vehicle if they hit it off. They ended up dating for a few months, but the defendant broke it off. The defendant believes the plaintiff is only suing her because he's bitter. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Tue, 11 Feb 2025
  • 683 - 'Sideswiping a Girl' & 'Bailing on a Brother' & 'Failing to Make a Repair'

    First, the plaintiff noticed the defendant dropped his wallet and she caught up with him to tell him where it was. When she pulled up next to him, he knocked her side mirror off. She’s suing for the cost of the damaged mirror and missed work. The defendant told the plaintiff to send him an invoice, but she never sent him a document from a reputable repair shop. He thinks the plaintiff is conning him. Then, the plaintiff brings his two sisters to court. He says they both needed new phones and added them to his plan, but they never paid for the bills or cost of the phone, so he’s suing. The defendants argue the phones were just a gift. They think the plaintiff is suing because of a bigger family conflict. Plus, the plaintiff brought his VHS/DVD player to the defendant’s shop for repair. He says the plaintiff couldn’t fix the VHS portion and broke the DVD player, so he’s suing for aggravation and the cost of the machine. The defendant argues the VHS/DVD player was barely worth anything and he told him not to bother repairing it. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Mon, 10 Feb 2025
  • 682 - 'Brawling' & 'Keeping Too Much' & 'One Tough Cookie'

    First, the plaintiff and defendant used to be friends, but their relationship ended over a borrowed vacuum. They got into an argument and the plaintiff said the defendant kicked her car. Their fight turned physical, and then the plaintiff got arrested. She’s suing for false arrest and pain and suffering. The defendant argues the plaintiff never returned her vacuum. She claims she fought back in self-defense, so she’s countersuing for pain and suffering. Then, the plaintiff and her father rented a home from the defendant. She said the water was dirty and they ended up needing to change the water filter every month. When they moved out, the defendant, her landlord, deducted the cost from the security deposit, so she’s suing for her full deposit back. The defendant argues the water was tested and came back clean. He says the plaintiff clogged the septic system, and that’s the cost he deducted from the deposit. Plus, the plaintiff put a deposit down on an event hall for his engagement party even though the day he wanted was booked. He ended up booking a new venue, but now the defendant won’t return his money, so he’s suing. The defendant does not think she owes him. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Fri, 07 Feb 2025
  • 681 - 'Spreading Vicious Lies' & 'Causing a Crater' & 'Ripping-Off a Tenant'

    First, the plaintiff claims the defendant posted false and defamatory things on social media about her mothering skills. The plaintiff is suing for defamation and false allegations. The defendant, a pastor, says the plaintiff left her 1-year-old child home alone unattended, so she did the right thing and called social services. The defendant is countersuing for defamation and pain and suffering. Then, the plaintiff arrived home one day to find a hole in the cement in front of her house. An eyewitness told her a bus caused the damage. The defendant was supposed to come over and investigate the damage, but she never did, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant insists she did investigate the damage, but there's no way one of her buses caused the hole. Plus, the plaintiff rented an apartment from the defendant, but he didn't tell her the house was in foreclosure. The new owners kicked the plaintiff out. The defendant failed to return the plaintiff's security deposit, so she's suing. The defendant argues he sold the place the plaintiff lived in and let her live out the last month of rent with her security deposit. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Thu, 06 Feb 2025
  • 680 - 'Refusing a Refund' & 'Weaseling Out of a Loan' & 'Stinking up a Rental'

    First, the plaintiff gave the defendant a security deposit on an apartment he was renting. Before moving, the plaintiff learned the place broke multiple code violations, so the plaintiff is suing for his deposit back. The defendant argues she's been renting out the apartment since the 1980s and hasn't had any issues with previous tenants. Then, the plaintiff has been friends with the defendant for the past few years. She loaned him money to repair his transmission, but he hasn't yet paid her back, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant insists the plaintiff offered the money as a gift. Plus, the plaintiff rented his car to the defendant so he could drive for Uber. When he returned the vehicle, the plaintiff says it smelled of urine. The defendant also racked up a bunch of tickets and damaged the car, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant denies all the allegations and believes he doesn't owe a dime. The defendant is countersuing for false allegations, lost wages, and repairs. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Wed, 05 Feb 2025
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