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Piath Flaix phonemes

Piath Flaix phonemes

Piath voice

Humans, World, Thoughts, Intuitions through phonemes...

37 - Ahad
0:00 / 0:00
  • 37 - Ahad

    Hace miles de años, en un lejano rincón del universo, existía un misterioso planeta llamado Nabiru, que ocultaba secretos y maravillas más allá de la comprensión humana. En este mundo, nació un ser excepcional llamado Ahad, cuya historia trascendía el tiempo y el espacio.

    --- Send in a voice message:
    Mon, 29 Apr 2024 - 03min
  • 36 - Dignidad

    "True dignity is not asserting your worth to others, but quietly living in a way that shows you know it."

    --- Send in a voice message:
    Fri, 26 Apr 2024 - 01min
  • 35 - Courage

    "The courage of the Lord, an inexhaustible inner strength, is the key that unlocks the divine treasure of the spirit. Like the sun illuminating the sky with its bright and warm light, so is the courage of the Lord, a radiant guide for your life. With brave heart and firm conviction, you will unlock hidden and precious treasures, divine connections, and miracles that will elevate your spirit in exquisite ways. Take a step forward with confidence, confront your fears and insecurities, for the courage of the Lord is infinite, and turbulence cannot make it waver. In every moment of your journey, under the radiant sun of His courage, you open yourself to a world of fullness and peace, an enlightened and wise existence. Let this courage surround you like a protective and guiding cloak, and you will always walk towards fulfillment, under divine benevolence with fervor. Thus, always remember the wisdom that the courage of the Lord is the great treasure; embracing this sacred truth, your life will shine and flourish forevermore."

    --- Send in a voice message:
    Fri, 26 Apr 2024 - 03min
  • 34 - La verdad

    "Cuando tus labios hablen con honradez, mis riñones exultarán de satisfacción, sabiendo que las verdades se han pronunciado."

    --- Send in a voice message:
    Thu, 25 Apr 2024 - 01min
  • 33 - Echoes of the Soul: Lanterns in the Darkness

    "In the stillness, with the lantern extinguished in his hands, Piath felt his name reaching him from afar, mingled with the wind and the roar of the ocean. In the darkness before him, he saw the lights of many lanterns crossing paths, each one lost on a singular journey along the edge of the storm. In his mind, there was neither unease nor fear. Suddenly, a tranquil lake had burst within his soul. It had the same sound as a familiar voice." --- Send in a voice message:

    Thu, 25 Apr 2024 - 02min
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