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The Balkan Perspectives Podcast

The Balkan Perspectives Podcast

forumZFD Western Balkan Program

The Balkan Perspectives podcast is forumZFD's audio format on Dealing with the Past and Peace Education in the Western Balkans. The podcast is produced in four languages (Albanian, BHCS, Macedonian and English) by the forumZFD offices in Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia. For more information visit

32 - Balkan.Perspectives Podcast: Interview with Shkëlzen Maliqi
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  • 32 - Balkan.Perspectives Podcast: Interview with Shkëlzen Maliqi

    Within the framework of the 23rd edition of Balkan Perspectives Latif Mustafa is interviewing Shkëlzen Maliqi about art, culture, and dealing with the past. In the 1990s, when Kosovo society started to organize its life in parallel way, just as it was organized like that in many social spheres, it was likewise unavoidable for art and culture to be thus organized within their realm. The interview puts a critical eye on several events from the 1980s, 1990s to date with some perspectives, either historical, critical, or paradigmatic.

    Thu, 06 Jul 2023 - 51min
  • 31 - Balkan.Perspectives Podcast: TV Series as Soft Power in Serbia

    In this episode of the Balkan.Perspectives podcast in Serbia, Bojan Marjanovic, editor of Liceulice speaks with Milena Kvapil, a director and creative director from Belgrade with over twenty years of work experience in media and advertising industry, about the regional cooperation and coproduction regarding the TV series in the past twenty years. Milena’s area of expertise is soft power and influence of culture, showbiz and arts to geopolitical topics.

    Thu, 06 Jul 2023 - 1h 13min
  • 30 - Balkan.Perspectives Podcast: Utjecaj pop kulture na procese suočavanja sa prošlošću i izgradnje mira u Bosni i Hercegovini

    U osmom izdanju Balkan.Perspectives podcast-a u produkciji forumZFD u BiH razgovarali smo o ujecajima popularne kulture na procese suočavanja sa prošlošću i izgradnje mira i kako se ona koristila za spajanje a kako za razdvajanje, prije, tokom i nakon rata sa fokusom na BiH i ex-YU prostor. Đorđe Krajišnik u ovom izdanju razgovara sa Marijom Simanić Arnautović, novinarkom i Minelom Abazom, aktivistom i novinarom.

    Thu, 06 Jul 2023 - 24min
  • 29 - Балкански.Перспективи подкаст: „Родови перспектии и култура во Северна Македонија”

    Balkan.Perspectives Podcast: „Gender Perspectives and Culture in North Macedonia" The seventh issue of the Balkan.Perspectives podcast deals with the topic of gender issues and culture in the Western Balkans and North Macedonia. We are reflecting on the historical role of women in the creation of the Macedonian institutions, the current situation with womens rights as well as the the socio – economic position of the women in North Macedonia. For this epsiode, RadioMOF team talked with Simona Mladenovska, Political Scientist and a Master of Science in New and Social Media. Балкански.Перспективи подкаст: „Родови перспектии и култура во Северна Македонија" Седмиот број на подкастот Балкански.Перспективи се занимава со темата на родовите прашања и културата во Западен Балкан и Северна Македонија. Говоревме за историската улога на жената во создавањето на македонските институции, актуелната состојба со женските права како и социо-економската положба на жената во Северна Македонија. За оваа епизода, тимот на РадиоМОФ разговараше со Симона Младеновска, политиколог и магистер на науки по нови и социјални медиуми.

    Thu, 30 Mar 2023 - 20min
  • 28 - Balkan.Perspectives Podcast: This is unbearable!

    The seventh edition of the Balkan Perspectives podcast of forumZFD in Kosovo tackles gender perspectives and dealing with the past in Kosovo. In this edition journalist Serbeze Haxhiaj discusses with Lura Limani and Aulonë Kadriu journalists and civil society and human rights activists. In this conversation Lura Limani and Aulonë Kadriu elaborate the key questions at the moment about gender movements in Kosovo and their role in shaping women activism in the critical times of Kosovo resistance and its fight for liberty. They also pointed out the gendered impacts of armed conflict and how it carved the war narrative and gender perspective. By explaining the trajectory of past and current social movements on gender and feminism they presented a picture of women's role plagued by denial and elusion.

    Wed, 29 Mar 2023 - 42min
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