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「基督生命堂」的钢琴前奏曲 [Piano Prelude]

「基督生命堂」的钢琴前奏曲 [Piano Prelude]

Pastor Vincent

On this channel, I am sharing the piano arrangements that are arranged by various Christian artists. I am currently a church pianist at the Singapore Life Church and Missions. Some years ago, I started to play a piece of piano arrangement of a hymn weekly before the Sunday service to prepare the hearts of the congregation to enter into worship. I started my collection of hymn piano arrangements since then. I started recording the arrangements in the recent years. I hope that people can listen to these great hymn arrangements and be blessed through the music. These podcasts are recordings of my own playing. However, I am not the composer and hold no rights for the distribution of the music for any commercial purposes. If any arranger who owns a piece of an arrangement here and thinks that I should not distribute your music in this podcast channel, please inform me.

2598 - 靠主膀臂
0:00 / 0:00
  • 2598 - 靠主膀臂

    靠主膀臂 1. 何等的深交,何等的欢喜,倚靠主耶稣永远膀臂, 何等的平安,何等的福气,倚靠主耶稣永远膀臂。 副歌: 倚靠,倚靠,平安稳妥,恐惧平息, 倚靠,倚靠,倚靠主耶稣永远膀臂。 2. 何等的甜美,行走这天路,倚靠主耶稣永远膀臂, 何等大荣光,照亮我旅途,倚靠主耶稣永远膀臂。 3. 我何用畏惧,我何用惊慌,倚靠主耶稣永远膀臂, 主在我身旁,我满有平安,倚靠主耶稣永远膀臂。

    Sun, 28 Apr 2024
  • 2597 - 我要歌颂我救赎主

    我要歌颂我救赎主 1. 我要歌颂我救赎主,并祂救我的奇爱; 祂在十架受尽咒诅,为要将我赎出来。 副歌: 歌颂,歌颂我救赎主!祂的宝血为我流! 十字架上受尽痛苦,还清罪债把我赎。 2. 我要歌颂我救赎主,已赎尽我罪愆; 祂有丰富慈爱怜悯,今将我罪全赦免。 3. 我要歌颂我救赎主,祂的大能我传达; 祂使我能得胜欢呼,胜过罪死和阴府。 4. 我要歌颂我救赎主,丰满救恩祂赏赐, 使我重生得享天福,与祂同作神后嗣。

    Sun, 21 Apr 2024
  • 2596 - 炼净过的生命
    Tue, 16 Apr 2024
  • 2595 - 颂赞主圣名

    颂赞耶稣圣名 1. 齐赞耶稣大能圣名,天使俯伏敬拜, 在主足前冠冕献呈,尊崇万有主宰, 在主足前冠冕献呈,尊崇万有主宰。 2. 亚伯拉罕属灵子孙,蒙主救赎大爱, 当感谢主无量洪恩,尊崇万有主宰, 当感谢主无量洪恩,尊崇万有主宰。 3. 普天之下万族万邦,当来向主敬拜, 尊贵荣耀都归羔羊,尊崇万有主宰, 尊贵荣耀都归羔羊,尊崇万有主宰。 4. 愿与圣徒汇集天上,在主面前伏拜, 永恒乐歌同声高唱,尊崇万有主宰, 永恒乐歌同声高唱,尊崇万有主宰。

    Sun, 14 Apr 2024
  • 2594 - 齐集主前

    齐集主前 1. 信主弟兄齐集主前,虔诚敬拜永活神; 我传福音,你为代祷,恳切祈求主施恩; 仅凭肉体难奏大功,除非圣灵亲临降; 请弟兄门恳切祈求,神必丰赐生命粮。 2. 举目环顾周遭罪人,昏然沉睡罪边缘; 死亡来临,地狱招手,你岂忍心不救援? 看父母亲,再看儿女,沉溺罪中将沦丧; 请弟兄门恳切祈求,神必丰赐生命粮。 3. 请姐妹们齐来相助,摩西之妹会帮他; 请帮助战栗悔罪者,彼在罪中苦挣扎; 相彼传讲基督救恩,寻必得着无欺诳; 请姐妹们 恳切祈求,神必丰赐生命粮。 4. 但愿彼此相爱相亲,更愿深爱至尊神; 愿爱罪人,为彼代祷,知道万物蒙更新。 至终蒙主召会天家,共享圣筵在天上; 基督必然亲临招待,颂赐甘美生命粮。

    Sun, 07 Apr 2024
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