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甜點媽咪說故事學英文 learning English

甜點媽咪說故事學英文 learning English


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290 - 巫師的學徒The Sorcerer’s Apprentice #5 Sorcerer to the rescue
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  • 290 - 巫師的學徒The Sorcerer’s Apprentice #5 Sorcerer to the rescue

    圖書資訊: 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 on earth到底/究竟 catch one’s breath喘一口氣 galloping goblins失控的小精靈 boar野豬 in a flash 一瞬間 whizz快速的移動或做事 in for it 一定會被處罰 drain something away 排空液體 glare at 瞪著 meddle干涉 tricky 棘手的/難應付的 pause and think for a second 暫停然後想一下 disobey不服從 frogspawn 蛙卵 moat護城河 pupil 學徒 properly恰當的

    Mon, 22 Apr 2024 - 13min
  • 289 - 巫師的學徒The Sorcerer’s Apprentice #4 Double trouble

    圖書資訊: 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 A sign of relief鬆了一口氣 brilliant絕妙的/很聰明的 open wide開開的 be in trouble 主詞有麻煩了 glumly 悶悶不樂的 in no time 立刻/在很短的時間 trip 絆倒 miserably 痛苦悲慘地 furious 很生氣的 meanwhile在此同時 all the time 一直/不停地 reach 到達抵達某個地方或程度 knee 膝蓋 waist 腰部 chests 胸部 fling flung flung猛然做某事/猛投 shoot shot shot 很快速的移動 surf衝浪 warn somebody not to do 警告某人不要… … splutter 語無倫次地說 spit out water 吐出水 mutter B 咕噥 desperately絕望地

    Sun, 21 Apr 2024 - 08min
  • 288 - 巫師的學徒The Sorcerer’s Apprentice #3 Trouble ahead

    圖書資訊: 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 hop on his lap 單腳跳到他的大腿上mumble 含糊地說/咕噥 sleepily 睡眼惺鬆的 croak呱呱叫 the tank is overflowing水槽溢出 clatter 哐啷作響 take no notice 沒有注意到 puzzled困惑的 groan抱怨、呻吟 flick through 快速瀏覽 wail哭泣 chop 砍、切、剁 Good thinking.好點子 grab a hatchet抓一支小斧頭 lift something high above his hat 舉高某物高過頭 swing it down hard 用力往下揮 split使分開、劈開

    Fri, 19 Apr 2024 - 11min
  • 287 - 巫師的學徒The Sorcerer’s Apprentice #2 Max’s plan

    🍄Words & Phrases🍄 hop it跳走啦(叫人滾開) broomstick 掃把 perch 棲息 give somebody a brilliant idea給某人一個絕佳的點子 Come to life 活過來 concentrate 專注 how hard can it be 那會有多難? spoilsport 掃興的人 What harm can it do ?那會有什麼傷害take a deep breath 深呼吸 all at once 突然 twitch 抽動 shudder顫慄發抖 in no time 立即 set off出發 flap down in the sorcerer’s chair 重重坐在魔法師的椅子上 snooze 小睡打盹 yawn打哈欠 be fast asleep沉睡

    Thu, 18 Apr 2024 - 06min
  • 286 - 巫師的學徒The Sorcerer’s Apprentice #1 A task for Max

    圖書資訊: 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 sorcerer巫師 apprentice 學徒 polish 拋光 be fed up with 受夠了 stone staircase 室內階梯的時間announce 宣告 a shopping list 購物清單 be out of something 用光了某物goblin一種小的醜醜的生物會傷害人類 tube 管狀物 Pixie小精靈 earwax 耳垢耳屎 explore 探索 sit in the sun 坐在太陽底下 do nothing at all什麼也不做 todstool 菌菇 water tank 水箱 fetch water to fill the tank取水填滿箱子 It was such hard work這真是辛苦的工作 Keep somebody out of mischief 讓某人不要頑皮 bushy eyebrows農曆的眉毛 bristle豎起來 a flash of light 一道光 a puff of purple smoke一陣紫色的煙

    Tue, 16 Apr 2024 - 14min
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