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UAP Encounter

UAP Encounter

Dorothy Holder

Seeking answers and sharing true life experiences about UFO investigations, abductions, the Paranormal, secret societies, and ancient aliens. How have aliens and the belief in them moulded our world, politics and military objectives. Aside from Close enounters of the military kind, we seek to keep up with what science and governments are really doing, expose the cover ups and explore events from the past to the present.

99 - Do Aliens Exist? Apparently so!
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  • 99 - Do Aliens Exist? Apparently so!

    Once we settle the idea of other species that are as intelligent and probably with longer histories and greater technology we can address how we feel about it and get past the head in the sand phase. A few words on that from Professor Gary Nolan and British Astronaught Tim Peake.

    Gary Nolan mentions David Grush's tesimony to senate. If you haven't listened we discuss it and have a listen right here :

    Tue, 11 Jun 2024
  • 98 - UAPs, Aliens and teleportation and the future

    we hit a new season with the science, the future and potentials. are we a stage 1 yet? probably not.

    Mon, 03 Jun 2024
  • 97 - Avi Loeb on Alien Artefacts

    if we don't find aliens, maybe their tech will reveal what is what.

    Tue, 06 Feb 2024
  • 96 - Exploring UAP

    In an interesting journey today we go to russia, head back to the states and get the goss from Dr Loeb as a recap of where science meets politics in the UAP chase for the truth.

    Tue, 30 Jan 2024
  • 95 - UAP Then and Now

    what's up with the UAP disclosure act? Today we look to Ezekiels visions of thousands of years ago, and come up to December 2023 to the subterfuge of a government that seems to have a never ending resource in disinformation.

    Tue, 23 Jan 2024
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