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Your Bookkeeping Matters

Your Bookkeeping Matters

Lisa Turner

Your Bookkeeping Matters is a no fluff, short and sweet podcast with weekly snackable tips about all matters bookkeeping and your business to guide you to do things the right way.

88 - Why Is Running a Small Business Right for You?
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  • 88 - Why Is Running a Small Business Right for You?

    Small business isn’t for everyone but it might just be the perfect path for you. Although there are many perks of being your own boss, running a small business also comes with a variety of challenges that many people aren’t willing to take on. We all have different expectations for what we want out of life, which is why the decision to run a small business needs to be made with a lot of thought and care. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, or perhaps you have an existing business and you...

    Wed, 20 Mar 2024
  • 87 - Understanding the Basics of Small Business Structures

    Today, we're going to dive into a fundamental aspect of running a small business in Australia – understanding business structures. The structure you choose will define how your business is organised, how it's managed, and of course, taxed.Choosing the wrong structure can cause headaches down the road so it’s important to be informed before making a decision. If you have made the wrong decision though, don’t panic! I’ve been there myself, and while it costs some time and money, you can definit...

    Wed, 13 Mar 2024
  • 86 - Effective Strategies to Crush Debt

    If you've ever struggled with managing loans, ATO bills, superannuation, or credit card payments, then today’s episode is for you! I’m taking on the topic of debt and sharing strategies to empower you in managing and crushing your debt. Taking a proactive approach is crucial for setting yourself up for long-term success. Here are some techniques to consider: 1. Budgeting and Cash Flow Forecasting:Creating a budget for your business will help you stay on top of your debt obliga...

    Wed, 06 Mar 2024
  • 85 - The Power of Personalised Reminders to Get Paid Quicker

    Are you facing late payments from clients, and getting that panicked feeling about having to chase them up? I get it - and I know so many other business owners do too. In an earlier episode, I took you through my exact process for timely payments. Today, I’m diving a little deeper to discuss the power of personalised reminders and guiding you through the process to get paid quicker. The first step in creating an effective reminder system is to turn on automated reminders in your accounti...

    Wed, 28 Feb 2024
  • 84 - 5 Ways to be a Better Business Owner

    Welcome to another short and snackable episode of Your Bookkeeping Matters. Today we're looking at some core practices that can take your business from good to bad. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting, these actionable strategies will equip you with the tools and insights you need to elevate your business game.1. Mastering Your Numbers:Understanding your financial metrics can be transformative for your business. Start with your Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet...

    Wed, 21 Feb 2024
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