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X22 Report

X22 Report

X22 Report

X22 Report is a daily show that covers the economy, political and geopolitical issues. Join me and many others to fight what is rightfully ours.

1587 - Flynn/Clark – [DS] Is Panicking, Next Move Is A Cyber Attack, Patriots Are Winning The Information War
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  • 1587 - Flynn/Clark – [DS] Is Panicking, Next Move Is A Cyber Attack, Patriots Are Winning The Information War

    With more than 33 years of service in the United States military and current Chairman of America’s Future, General Flynn’s military career culminated as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and as the nation’s highest serving military intelligence officer. After retiring from the Army in 2014 and as a private citizen, General Flynn went on to serve in a variety of business, educational, and non-profit roles, to include supporting veterans’ organizations around the country, something he continues to do today. General Flynn is a National Bestselling Author, holds three master’s degrees, and is recipient of numerous military, intelligence and law enforcement awards. The conversation begins with General Flynn discussing the economy. Under Biden and Kamala the economy is imploding, and people are struggling. The [DS] has lost the people on the economy. We are in a war, the war is over information and the patriots are winning that war. Flynn lets us know that a cyber attack is on its way, Clay confirms this when he plays the recording of Klaus Schwab speaking about a cyber attack on the world. The patriots have countermeasures and they are prepared and ready for this type of attack.

    Sat, 14 Sep 2024 - 1h 05min
  • 1586 - Did ABC Interfere With Elections? Insurgency Exposed, People Are Walking Through The Door – Ep. 3450

    The people know that the economy is getting worse, the people are going to see very soon that the entire system was a gigantic illusion. Gold is acting like the economy is in trouble or a crisis is coming. Trump announce no taxes on overtime, inching his way to remove taxes and remove the [CB]. It is now being reported that [KH] got the questions and ABC assisted her in the debate, this is election interference, they should be prosecuted. The insurgency is being exposed, the people are now seeing the who are the liars and who are the truth tellers, soon people will see it all. More and more people are walking through the door that Trump opened and they are doing it on their own. The great awakening continues.

    Fri, 13 Sep 2024 - 1h 32min
  • 1585 - [DS] Sets The Stage For WWIII, No Third Debate, Sometimes You Must Show The People – Ep. 3449

    The ECB just did another rate cut, the Fed is next. The inflation rate is where they want it, its all based on fake data. Yield curve is turning down, more labor market weakness or layoffs coming. Trump makes a huge announcement, it's time to embrace crypto and leave the old banks behind, the shift is happening. The [DS] is now setting the stage for WWIII, they are going to allow long range missiles to hit Russia. The [DS] is preparing for the elections and now they are putting up Super bowl security around DC. Translation they are planning another insurrection. Trump has decided that there will be no third debate, sometimes you have to show the people, Talk is cheap.

    Thu, 12 Sep 2024 - 1h 35min
  • 1584 - Trump Entered Enemy Territory To Expose The Liars, She Took The Debate Bait, Game Theory – Ep. 3448

    The economy is imploding on itself, small businesses have now seen the earning drop. The inflation rate has been manipulated down to the point can now make the final decision of cutting the rate. Economist predict that the market will correct in Oct, people will panic, this will work in Trumps favor. The [DS] used everything they had for the debate. They gave [KH] the questions, they rehearsed over and over. The people saw it. It didn't look natural, it was like an actor reading lines. The people are seeing right through this. Trump entered enemy territory, he knew exactly what he was doing. He need to show the people how the fake news is the true enemy of the people. [KH] and the [DS] took the bait. Now, after the debate the people are calling out the lies and the fake news. They know the ganged up on Trump. Game Theory.

    Thu, 12 Sep 2024 - 1h 39min
  • 1583 - [DS] Cyber Attacks & White Supremist Threat Narrative, Trump Sends Election Message- Ep. 3447

    China's real estate stocks are crashing and they are below 2008 levels. Gavin Newsom panics, oil companies are leaving and he wants to stockpile oil.Yellen says don't worry its going to be a soft landing. The opposite is going to happen. The data is fake, the recession/depression is real. The [DS] is ready to push [KH] into the debate arena, they have trained just enough to get by and the fake news will pump it up to make it sound like she did a great job. The [DS] meanwhile is now preparing the cyber attack and the white supremist threat narrative. Trump sends another election message, countermeasures are in place.

    Tue, 10 Sep 2024 - 1h 26min
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