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Coast to Coast AM

Coast to Coast AM

George Noory

Coast to Coast AM airs on more than 600 stations in the U.S., as well as Canada, Mexico and Guam, and is heard by nearly three million weekly listeners. With hosts George Noory, George Knapp (weekend), and guest weekend hosts, it is the most listened to overnight radio program in North America. A media phenomenon, Coast to Coast AM deals with UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death, and other unexplained (and often inexplicable) phenomena. Coast to Coast AM is overnight talk radio with daytime ratings.

677 - The Ocean's Complexity ET Channeled Messages
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  • 677 - The Ocean's Complexity ET Channeled Messages

    In the first half, writer and critic James Bradley shared awe-inspiring observations about our oceans, and how they're connected to the whole tapestry of life on Earth from the surface to the depths. He noted how the Apollo astronauts' photos of Earth depict it as a blue planet, a stunning testament to the oceans' prominence and importance. They drive and sustain life on the planet, and moderate and regulate temperature, he remarked. Bradley spoke about the intricate nature of fish and their sensory abilities. Specifically, he highlighted how dolphins use sonar as a fantastic detection system to view things in the water. "If a dolphin is looking at you with sonar, it can look straight through your body in a completely different way to us," he added.
    More and more science is revealing that fish in general are highly social and intelligent. They communicate, look after their young, have emotional eyes, and some can even recognize themselves in a mirror, he cited. Bradley bemoaned the detrimental impact of human activities on marine life, such as the ever-growing problem of plastic pollution. He joined Dr. Jennifer Lavers on her expedition to the Cocos Islands to study the harmful effects of plastic debris. Bradley also touched on how the oceans serve as the engine of the global economy, with 11 billion tons of goods moving around on container ships, as well as natural disasters related to oceans like tsunamis.
    Toni Ghazi, also known as 'The Antarean-Heart,' is a channel and spiritual guide, who works through the Praying Mantis beings and the Antares Stargate to bring messages of unconditional love. In the latter half, he spoke about his personal awakening, and the powerful messages he has received. The image of a praying mantis first came to him during a past-life regression, and then in 2020, he saw several "light ships," which "would spin as pure light, and then...become this sphere that was metallic." He recognized that this was the ship of the beings he had begun communicating with. According to a reading he had with Debbie Solaris, Ghazi had a previous life as one of the Praying Mantis beings, and has come to Earth in his current incarnation to assist in humanity's ascension.
    The Antares Stargate, he explained, is a mysterious portal that connects us to interdimensional and extraterrestrial beings. He has gone through it during channeling sessions and said, "It's really these infinite openings within openings...of this intelligent consciousness energy." Rather than a doorway, you become a form of energy interacting with the whole fabric of the universe, [and] all parallel universes, he added. Ghazi also described his creation of unique crystal skulls modeled after the Praying Mantis beings, which he believes may hold codes for ascension. During the last hour, he channeled the beings, and they briefly spoke through him, detailing how we are all multi-dimensional and composed of frequency and vibration.

    Sun, 14 Jul 2024 - 33min
  • 676 - Power Grid & EMP The Creator Matrix

    In the first half, author Hugh Simpson and EMP expert Rich de Sabatino outlined possible scenarios that could take out the power grid and how to protect yourself against the aftermath. Simpson highlighted the potential dangers of solar storms and the need for preparation and investment in alternative energy sources (he is a big proponent of solar power). Recent coronal mass ejections (CMEs) have affected the US, and Simpson said that one in May was more powerful than the Carrington Effect of 1859. He also mentioned a cycle where the Earth undergoes a magnetic flip every 6,000 years and said it could happen between 2038 and 2040 and lead to tsunamis all over the world.
    Beyond CMEs damaging the power grid, de Sabatino's bigger concern was that flares and EMPs (electromagnetic pulses) from a 'Planet X' coming in closer to Earth could wreak havoc. He recommended the use of EMP surge protectors on power grids and other critical systems. These are relatively inexpensive and can help filter out EMP pulses, he explained. In the event that the power grid goes down, "be prepared, not scared," Simpson advised. Additionally, de Sabatino touched on his company, KryptAll, which makes iPhones more secure by encrypting call records, which is particularly applicable in combating corporate espionage.
    Nurse and integrative health coach Cathleen Beerkens is the founder of A Wellness Revolution, an institute for integrative nutrition. In the latter half, she shared her idea of developing your own 'creator matrix,' as well as the science behind manifesting-- how we can influence the quantum or universal field and change our materialistic world. She detailed her personal journey of realizing the power of thoughts in creating one's reality, which led her to the creator matrix concept, emphasizing individual responsibility in shaping life. Through such practices as meditation, one can become more conscious of their thoughts and choose positive ones to manifest desired outcomes, as these thoughts go out into the universal field, she said.
    The universal field could be thought of as a realm of possibility, a sort of "vibrating strings and strands of energy that we influence by our thoughts, by our emotions," she noted. By being more intentional about our thoughts and getting in touch with joy and amazement, we can move out of lower frequencies sometimes associated with illness, Beerkens indicated. She discussed combining quantum mechanics and cell biology to understand the human body and its healing potential. The new science of epigenetics, she asserted, shows us how our choices and actions influence gene expression, allowing us to overcome genetic fate.

    Sun, 14 Jul 2024 - 34min
  • 675 - Angels & Essenes Afterlife Explorations

    In the first half, novelist, playwright, and marketing executive Penelope Holt shared her research on angels, reincarnation, and the metaphysical. Her exploration of the 1999 discovery of the 'Angel Scroll,' an alleged Dead Sea scroll that described a tour of heaven, along with apocalyptic imagery, sparked a sense of wonder and curiosity. Despite the Angel Scroll being more or less debunked, its ideas stimulated her interest in studying the ancient sect known as the Essenes, who lived near the Dead Sea, and the theory that Jesus was one of them. She noted that the Essenes were influenced by Egyptian mysteries and Hinduism and were oriented toward anti-violence. Some scholars claim that in Jesus' 'lost years,' he traveled to India, studied Buddhism, and believed in reincarnation.
    She also traced how the pagan Druids in England merged some of their ideas with the gospel of Jesus into an early form of Celtic Christianity after the biblical figure, Joseph of Arimathea, was said to visit post-crucifixion. On the possibility of an angelic realm, she related this to the work of philosopher and scientist Bernardo Kastrup, and physicist Donald Hoffman, who suggest that the nature of the universe is consciousness itself, and that our reality arises in consciousness. Holt believes that people who have expanded consciousness or perceptions may see angels or aliens who could inhabit a realm where there is no time-space or, past or future.
    Susanne J. Wilson, known as the Carefree Medium, is an educator, spiritual teacher, and medium whose abilities have undergone scientific study and validation. In the latter half, she discussed what she has learned about the afterlife and the phases the soul goes through on the Other Side. Where we go when we pass over "seems to be dependent upon our thoughts, words, and actions while we were in our bodies here on Earth," she remarked, adding that Swedenborg, in his book "Heaven and Hell," wrote about how souls are kind of automatically transported by their energy to where they belong on the Other Side. While Wilson does not believe in a hell per se, she noted that there is evidence certain deceased individuals might self-create their own version of that.
    Further, she continued, various deep trance and direct voice mediums, such as Leslie Flint, have suggested that heaven is more real than our existence here. In a sense, she said, we are living in a dream now, and we wake up when we die. Wilson, who works with spirit guides, said she sometimes refers to them as interdimensional allies. "I think that we have all kinds of friends and intelligent non-humans in the unseen world on standby, helping us," she said. While illness or pain leading up to one's demise can be awful, death itself is an ecstatic experience, she mused, and we need not fear being judged in the afterworld. "There's no fire and brimstone, no judgment, just an opportunity to review your life," she revealed. During the last hour, she offered readings to callers.

    Sun, 14 Jul 2024 - 33min
  • 674 - True Crime Cases Emergency Room Spirits

    In the first half, award-winning journalist Steve Fishman talked with host Richard Syrett (Twitter) about his new podcast The Burden, a series that covers the story of crooked cop Louis Scarcella. Scarcella became infamous for his high number of wrongful arrests, but before Fishman dove into the policeman's sordid tale, he told listeners of his own experience interacting with a criminal. As a young college dropout, he found himself in a serial killer's car while hitchhiking around his hometown. Luckily, he escaped without harm, and it wasn't even until he read the newswire at his first journalism job that he realized who the shady man was. Over the decades that followed, he was drawn to stories of both killers and the ones who put them away, which led him to research officer Scarcella of the NYPD. Fishman recounted a story about Scarcella escorting an alleged murderer on a flight, where he convinced this person that the plane was about to go down after hitting some turbulence. In a panic for his life, the handcuffed man confessed to a crime he may have not even committed. It was just one example of Scarcella's manipulative tactics, which appeared to be highly effective. According to Fishman, "He seemed to have lots of ways to get at people."
    It would take decades before Scarcella's dubious interrogation methods came to light. Fishman talked about a group of inmates who met by chance one day in a prison law library, discovering that Scarcella was the one who locked them all up. Their investigations revealed that the cop had written down never-spoken confessions in his reports during a time when suspect interviews weren't being recorded. The men's determination to expose Scarcella's injustices led to 22 people having their convictions overturned, costing the taxpayers of New York over $100 million in settlements. Fishman shared his admiration of the falsely accused who taught themselves law in order to bring forth a case. "I mean, they dropped out of high school… and now they are poring through the [prison's] law books. They're writing briefs that are really as good as anybody else's," he explained. He also credited New York Times reporter Frances "Frenchie" Robles for bringing the story to the public's attention. Fishman's podcast explores this incredible story in great detail. "I think what makes The Burden so compelling in the long run — I mean, because we have 10 episodes — is because it's a story that we can chase," he said.
    In the second half, Dr. Jeff O'Driscoll discussed his observations of souls separating from their bodies at the time of death, a phenomenon known as a "shared-death experience." Over the course of his medical career he has witnessed this many times, and his contact with spirits started as early as his teenage years. He recalled that one night while driving a Volkswagen too fast down a narrow, winding road, his younger self heard a disembodied voice telling him to slow down. "I didn't just hear it — it was like something that wrapped around my soul," he claimed. He slowed down just in time to avoid sustaining major injuries as he crashed into an oncoming Cadillac. "I think I probably would have died that night if I had not heard that voice," O'Driscoll admitted. "I later realized that it was my brother… [who] died in a farm accident a few years before." He spoke about the case of Jeff Olson, who survived a terrible car crash that took the lives of his wife Tamara and one of his sons. Tamara's spirit appeared in the emergency room, thanking O'Driscoll for caring for her family. He relayed that when Olson regained consciousness, he detailed how his soul rose up above the scene of the wreck and encountered his wife's departing spirit. Tamara told him he had to go back and raise their other son, who miraculously survived the accident.

    Sun, 14 Jul 2024 - 35min
  • 673 - Psychic Detective Govt Conspiracies

    The family of a Louisiana woman who went missing last year has credited a psychic medium with helping them locate her remains. The remarkable case began in February 2023 when Theresa Jones mysteriously vanished. After a police search failed to find any sign of the missing woman, her desperate family turned to Wisconsin-based psychic medium Carolyn Clapper in the hopes that she could provide some answers. Clapper joined guest host Richard Syrett (Twitter), along with paranormal investigator Greg Lawson, to discuss the fascinating case.
    Clapper recalled receiving a late-night call from Theresa's daughters, Ashley and Brittney, seeking her help to locate their missing mother. During a 45-minute reading, Clapper received detailed information about Theresa's disappearance, including the location of her remains. She described specific landmarks and provided a map, directing Ashley to search a wood line near a pronounced log and a creek. Clapper's detailed visions guided Ashley and Brittney in their search, ultimately leading to the discovery of Theresa's body.
    Clapper revealed she contacted the Union Parish Sheriff's Office about the location of Theresa's body but was dismissed due to skepticism. The police ruled Theresa's death an accidental drowning and showed little interest in further investigation, Clapper said, noting inconsistencies and evidence suggesting otherwise. Lawson criticized the sheriff's office for not thoroughly investigating Clapper's crucial information, pointing out that law enforcement's dismissal of unconventional methods like psychic input can lead to significant oversights. He highlighted several investigative shortcomings, such as failure to perform basic forensic procedures or adequate follow-up on witness reports and other leads. He stressed the importance of thorough investigations to avoid appearances of incompetence or cover-ups.
    During the latter half of the program, author Bruce de Torres explained how expectations and intentions shape our interpretation of reality. He suggested that by expecting positive outcomes and trusting in the universe, people often experience synchronistic events. According to de Torres, this perspective fosters a sense of spiritual safety within our core selves. He emphasized the importance of staying centered, peaceful, and patient and using meditation and yoga to achieve this state. By doing so, individuals can experience life in a more positive and meaningful way, he argued.
    He examined how the principles of quantum mechanics could relate to events like 9/11. Our intentions and expectations might not directly cause specific events like 9/11 but rather influence our overall experience of reality, de Torres suggested. By viewing life as a series of intentional experiences, he explained, individuals can better process and take responsibility for their experiences, even in the face of tragedy. He delved into the philosophical implications of his views, particularly about historical and cataclysmic events, positing that if we are eternal souls who intentionally incarnate, then everything we experience is part of a larger intentional design.
    The conversation shifted to a discussion of JFK's assassination which de Torres believes was a calculated and symbolic act meant to traumatize the public and destabilize the nation. He delved into conspiracy theories about who was behind the assassination, from intelligence agencies to shadowy secret societies like the modern-day Knights Templar, and suggested JFK's killing was not just a political move but a ritualistic blood sacrifice to instill fear and helplessness among the populace. He emphasized that by recognizing the intentional and symbolic aspects of the assassination, individuals can reclaim a sense of agency and responsibility. This understanding can inspire people to resist oppressive forces and work towards creating a more transparent and accountable government, counteracting the fear and division sown by those in power.

    Thu, 11 Jul 2024 - 32min
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