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1010 Thrive

1010 Thrive

1010 Thrive -- Home of the 1010 Podcast

A daily podcast each weekday sharing Biblical truth designed to help listeners find hope, meaning and fulfillment in life. Each weekday we will air a new episode that features a devotional grounded in our 10-10 principles.

875 - Episode 903: This Rock is Jesus
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  • 875 - Episode 903: This Rock is Jesus

    The Bible uses the imagery of a rock to describe the steadfast and reliable nature of God, particularly focusing on Jesus as the cornerstone of our faith. Just as a rock provides a secure foundation for a building, Jesus provides the foundation for our spiritual lives.   The parable of the wise and foolish builders illustrates the importance of building our lives on the teachings of Jesus. Those who hear and do His words are like the wise builder whose house stands firm in the face of adversity. In contrast, those who do not follow Jesus' teachings are like the foolish builder whose house collapses in the storm. This parable challenges us to examine our own lives and ensure that our foundations are built on the solid rock of Christ.   Furthermore, Jesus is the source of our salvation, providing us with the living water that sustains us spiritually. Just as the Israelites drank from the rock in the desert, we are called to drink from the living water of Christ, which is His word and Spirit. This living water quenches our spiritual thirst and gives us eternal life.   In a world of constant change, the unchanging nature of Christ offers us comfort and security. He is the immovable rock in our lives, our fortress and deliverer. We can rely on His unchanging love and faithfulness, no matter what challenges we face.   Finally, Christ is the cornerstone that aligns our lives. Just as the cornerstone determines the position and integrity of a building, so does Christ determine the direction and health of our spiritual lives. We are called to align every aspect of our lives with His teachings and character, ensuring that our thoughts, words, and actions reflect His lordship and design.

    Wed, 22 May 2024 - 10min
  • 874 - Episode 902: Unique Revelations in Matthew

    The Gospel of Matthew offers a unique perspective on Jesus, highlighting his fulfillment of Jewish prophecies and his role as the Messiah. It begins by tracing Jesus' lineage back to David and Abraham, establishing his royal heritage. Matthew alone recounts the visit of the Magi, demonstrating Jesus' recognition as king even by Gentiles. The flight to Egypt and return parallels the story of Moses, further reinforcing Jesus' special status.   Matthew's Gospel provides the most comprehensive account of Jesus' teachings, particularly the Sermon on the Mount, which presents Jesus as a teacher of a new law that fulfills the Old Testament. He also uniquely details Jesus' instructions on the church and its governance.   Matthew includes two parables not found in other Gospels: the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, emphasizing God's grace and generosity, and the Parable of the Ten Virgins, warning about the importance of spiritual preparedness. Additionally, Matthew's version of the Great Commission is the most explicit, highlighting the global mission of the disciples.   The Gospel concludes with a unique depiction of the final judgment, where Jesus separates people based on their acts of mercy, and with the powerful declaration of Jesus as Emmanuel, "God with us." These unique elements collectively create a distinct portrait of Jesus in Matthew's Gospel, highlighting his messianic identity, his teachings, and his fulfillment of prophecy.

    Tue, 21 May 2024 - 10min
  • 873 - Episode 901: The Gospel of Matthew

    In today’s episode, we transition from the Old Testament to the New Testament, specifically focusing on the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew, a former tax collector, is believed to be the author of this Gospel, although the exact date of its writing is debated. It's generally accepted that Matthew wrote for a Jewish-Christian audience, emphasizing Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.   The episode highlights Matthew's unique perspective as a disciple who witnessed Jesus' teachings and miracles firsthand. His transformation from a despised tax collector to a devoted follower serves as a testament to Jesus' inclusive ministry and the power of personal change.   After Jesus' ascension, Matthew continued his mission by sharing the gospel and establishing Christian communities. While the details of his later life remain shrouded in tradition and legend, his legacy as the author of the first Gospel remains secure. The Gospel of Matthew offers a unique blend of Jewish tradition and Hellenistic influence, serving as a teaching tool for early Christians while demonstrating how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecies.   The episode concludes by emphasizing the lasting impact of Matthew's relationship with Jesus, his commitment to discipleship, and his contribution as an evangelist and teacher for the early Church. His story serves as an inspiration for Christians today to embrace inclusivity, personal transformation, and active participation in sharing the gospel.

    Mon, 20 May 2024 - 10min
  • 872 - Episode 900: Jesus in the Old Testament

    It took us a year to wrap up the Old Testament portion of our series, “Jesus in Every Book of the Bible.” We explore how each of the 39 books anticipates Jesus through prophecies, types, theophanies, and more. From Genesis to Malachi, we uncovered the foreshadowing of His birth, ministry, death, and reign, demonstrating the continuity between the Old and New Testaments. Our journey highlighted the ways the Old Testament sets the stage for the New Testament, enriching our understanding of God’s overarching plan of redemption through Christ. As we transition to exploring Jesus in the New Testament, we carry forward these profound connections, deepening our appreciation for how the whole Bible reveals Jesus Christ.

    Fri, 17 May 2024 - 10min
  • 871 - Episode 899: The Last Prophet

    As the last prophet in the Old Testament period, Malachi courageously challenges his people to return to God and live lives of integrity and faithfulness. His prophecies point towards the coming Messiah, offering hope and preparing the way for the New Covenant. His message continues to resonate today, reminding us of God's unchanging love, calling us to authentic faith and obedience, warning against hypocrisy and complacency, and offering hope in the face of judgment. He urges believers to live lives that honor God and reflect divine love and justice.

    Thu, 16 May 2024 - 10min
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