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廣東話好書分享|Podcast 創業

「啟發思維,成為最理想版本的自己」 加入早餐會,日日有書聽

272 - 《百萬富翁快車道》如何快速實現財務自由?(好書推薦:《The Millionaire Fastlane》)
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  • 272 - 《百萬富翁快車道》如何快速實現財務自由?(好書推薦:《The Millionaire Fastlane》)


    The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco





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    Sat, 27 Apr 2024 - 11min
  • 271 - 《Outlive》如何健康地活到長命百歲?(2024全球最暢銷健康書籍)

    Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity by Peter Attia MD

    Wouldn’t you like to live longer? And better? In this operating manual for longevity, Dr. Peter Attia draws on the latest science to deliver innovative nutritional interventions, techniques for optimizing exercise and sleep, and tools for addressing emotional and mental health.
    For all its successes, mainstream medicine has failed to make much progress against the diseases of aging that kill most people: heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and type 2 diabetes. Too often, it intervenes with treatments too late to help, prolonging lifespan at the expense of healthspan, or quality of life. Dr. Attia believes we must replace this outdated framework with a personalized, proactive strategy for longevity, one where we take action now, rather than waiting.
    This is not “biohacking,” it’s science: a well-founded strategic and tactical approach to extending lifespan while also improving our physical, cognitive, and emotional health. Dr. Attia’s aim is less to tell you what to do and more to help you learn how to think about long-term health, in order to create the best plan for you as an individual. In Outlive, readers will discover:
    • Why the cholesterol test at your annual physical doesn’t tell you enough about your actual risk of dying from a heart attack.
    • That you may already suffer from an extremely common yet under-diagnosed liver condition that could be a precursor to the chronic diseases of aging.
    • Why exercise is the most potent pro-longevity “drug”—and how to begin training for the “Centenarian Decathlon.”
    • Why you should forget about diets, and focus instead on nutritional biochemistry, using technology and data to personalize your eating pattern.
    • Why striving for physical health and longevity, but ignoring emotional health, could be the ultimate curse of all.
    Aging and longevity are far more malleable than we think; our fate is not set in stone. With the right roadmap, you can plot a different path for your life, one that lets you outlive your genes to make each decade better than the one before.

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    Mon, 22 Apr 2024 - 08min
  • 270 - 《The French Art of Not Trying Too Hard》法國人 「不要太努力」的藝術

    The French Art of Not Trying Too Hard By Ollivier Pourriol

    Sick of striving? Giving up on grit? Had enough of hustle culture? Daunted by the 10,000-hour rule? Relax: As the French know, it’s the best way to be better at everything.
    In the realm of love, what could be less seductive than someone who’s trying to seduce you? Seduction is the art of succeeding without trying, and that’s a lesson the French have mastered. We can see it in their laissez-faire parenting, chic style, haute cuisine, and enviable home cooking: They barely seem to be trying, yet the results are world-famous–thanks to a certain je ne sais quoi that is the key to a more creative, fulfilling, and productive life. For fans of both Mark Manson’s The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and Alain de Botton’s How Proust Can Change Your Life, philosopher Ollivier Pourriol’s The French Art of Not Trying Too Hard draws on the examples of such French legends as Descartes, Stendhal, Rodin, Cyrano de Bergerac, and Françoise Sagan to show how to be efficient à la française, and how to effortlessly reap the rewards.

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    Sun, 21 Apr 2024 - 05min
  • 269 - 《Ikigai》日本生活美學:如何能健康又長壽?


    作者:Garcia, Hector/ Miralles, Francesc/ Cleary, Heather



    有醫學研究指出,工作可能會幫助你活得更久,多工作一年,會降低 11% 的死亡機率。


    每天早上繼續起床的動力,也就是 IKIGAI。



    忙碌與悠閒的平衡,或許就是快樂又長壽的終級配方。當我們面對一批批的老人屆齡退休卻突然對看似無事可做的未來感到恐慌、在壓力主宰日常的現在,IKIGAI 或許就是最佳解答。

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    Thu, 11 Apr 2024 - 06min
  • 268 - 《起床後的黃金1小時》64位成功人士的晨間習慣|第1章:起床大作戰(好書推薦:My Morning Routine)

    《起床後的黃金1小時》:揭開64位成功人士培養高效率的祕密時光,從他們的創意晨型活動中,建立屬於自己的高生產力、高抗壓生活習慣 My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired 作者: Benjamin Spall, Michael Xander 「想過什麼樣的人生,就過什麼樣的早晨!」 我們每天做的小事不但會影響自我成長,也會形塑我們的生活樣貌,決定我們成為什麼樣的人。 運用晨間時光的方式,會大大影響接下來一整天的生活。 早上起床後第一個小時內做的選擇,會決定我們當天做事的效率、能否擁有內心的平靜,或是擾亂我們的思緒。 謹慎運用早晨時光,不僅能讓你做好準備、計畫未來的可能性,還能幫助你釐清哪些是真正需要完成的事、哪些是可以暫時擱置的事、哪些是必須優先處理的重要任務。

    少了晨間習慣,你就像少了舵的船一樣,只是不斷變換方向,從來沒有真正航行在自己設定的生活航道上。 ●運用「起床後的黃金1小時」,做「最重要的事」 無論是早睡早起的晨型人,還是晚睡晚起的夜貓族(或是中間分子),「早晨」只會在起床後才開始,不管幾點,都會遇上起床後的「黃金一小時」,這段時間要「為自己做最重要的事」,為接下來一整天做好準備。 ●從成功者的創意晨活實踐術找靈感,打造屬於自己的晨間習慣 成功的人從起床到上班前都在做什麼?他們的成就跟習慣有關嗎? 堅守習慣蘊含著極大的力量,習慣也能協助我們臻至生產力顛峰。

    「我的晨型人生」(My Morning Routine)網站推出以來, 採訪了上百位世界各地的成功人士,發現他們都能充分掌握「起床後的黃金1小時」,而且愈來愈多網友對「如何善用早晨時光展開新的一天」感到興趣。 本書囊括了推特創辦人、藍瓶咖啡創辦人、麻省理工校長、美國先鋒集團董事長、四星上將、奧運游泳金牌得主、福斯電影公司總裁、奧運三金得主、皮克斯動畫工作室總裁,以及改變人生的日本整理教主近藤麻里惠等 64 位成功人士的晨活經驗,了解如何創造出一套積極、正面、專注又冷靜的晨間習慣,並堅持下去。 這本從睡眠模式、日常飲食、電子產品使用到運動習慣等 各式各樣可能的生活實踐術,既是使用說明、也是他人的創意日誌,從中可以窺見成功者一天之中最私密、最美好的時光,這些細碎的片刻不僅堆疊出我們的生活模式,也拼湊出我們最真實的樣子; 而且最終明白靠自己力量發展出合適的習慣,目標不是習慣本身,而是習慣為生活所帶來的快樂與高生產力。 ●建立晨間習慣的五項簡單步驟: 1.在舊習慣裡加入微小的變化。一次增加一個習慣,並把新習慣具體寫下來。 2.利用「起床」作為展開晨間習慣的觸發點,而習慣中每一個子元素都會提醒你進入下一個主元素。 3.從小地方開始(運動五分鐘聽起來比鍛鍊半小時容易,也沒那麼令人卻步)。 4.完成最困難的習慣後,給自己一點小獎勵。 5.每個加進晨間習慣的新元素,至少一到兩週的試驗期,觀察效果與自我感受。

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    Mon, 01 Apr 2024 - 08min
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