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Revival Radio with John Miller

Revival Radio with John Miller

John Miller

Pastor John Miller's daily radio program featuring verse-by-verse Bible teaching that will help you grow in your understanding of God's Word.

2244 - Thanksgiving for a Troubled Church - Part 1
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  • 2244 - Thanksgiving for a Troubled Church - Part 1

    Jesus told His disciples that they were to be in the world but not of the world. This is true for all believers. In today's teaching, Pastor John begins unpacking Paul's letter to the Corinthian church. Corinth was a city that could be compared to Las Vegas. It was known as a hub for sin and debauchery. That lifestyle of sin had infiltrated the Church like water in a boat, threatening to sink it. Has this happened to you? Are you being influenced by the culture? Jesus is calling you to live a holy, set-apart life.

    Now, let’s join Pastor John in the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 1 as he begins his message, Thanksgiving for a Troubled Church.

    Fri, 20 Sep 2024
  • 2243 - Redemption - Part 2

    Ruth and Naomi were destitute. They were without hope and devastated by the circumstances in their lives. Yet, because they had a rescuer, their lives were redeemed. Today, Pastor John will teach how Jesus fulfills all the roles of the redeemer in your life and for all who believe. He, though God, became a man to be your kin, and through His perfect life, he was able to redeem you from sin. He was willing to do whatever He had to do to save you and, after His death, completed the work for all who’d believe.

    Now, let’s join Pastor John in the book of Ruth chapter 4 as he continues his message Redemption.

    Thu, 19 Sep 2024
  • 2242 - Redemption - Part 1

    Ruth’s story was filled with tragedy, difficulty, and plenty of uncertainty. But, because Naomi planted the seeds of faith in God, Ruth chose to believe and walk in faith in Him. And because of that, her story had a happy ending. What began with death and sorrow, God turned into great blessing and joy.   Today, Pastor John will remind you that you, too, can have a happy ending. Though your life may resemble Ruth’s troubles at times, you can trust God and walk in faith just like Ruth.

    Now, let’s join Pastor John in the book of Ruth chapter 4 as he begins his message Redemption

    Wed, 18 Sep 2024
  • 2241 - Finding Rest - Part 2

    It’s easy to follow God when He makes life comfortable and when things make sense. It can be much more challenging when things are difficult. When God’s will for your life isn’t exactly what you want, you may stumble. Your will and desires are always present and feel the most important. But, today, Pastor John will encourage you to submit your will to God. Ask Him what HIS will is for you, and then follow it. He’s got the best for you, even if life doesn’t make sense. Trust Him and follow Him, no matter what.

    Now, let’s join Pastor John in the book of Ruth chapter 3 as he continues his message Finding Rest.

    Tue, 17 Sep 2024
  • 2240 - Finding Rest - Part 1

    It’s all too easy to try to walk through life in your own strength, trying to control everything and forget to rely on God. This kind of life will wear you out and ultimately not benefit you. Instead, Pastor John teaches today, live under the providential care of God, rely on Him, and find rest in Him. He’s strong, when you’re weak. He’s wise when you’re foolish. As you seek to live under God’s care, you must be filled with His Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide and strengthen you and unite you with God.

    Now, let’s join Pastor John in the book of Ruth chapter 3 as he begins his message Finding Rest.

    Mon, 16 Sep 2024
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