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The News from BuzzFeed News

The News from BuzzFeed News


Don’t get lost in the chaos. Join BuzzFeed News reporters every Saturday for news that’s smart, not stuffy.

27 - They Made Money Move 💰
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  • 27 - They Made Money Move 💰

    That sketchy 2016 Trump Tower meeting — you know the one — just got sketchier. Turns out, there was a flurry of money transferred just 11 days after the infamous meeting where Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort met with Russian officials to allegedly get dirt on Hillary Clinton. Editor-In-Chief Ben Smith sat down with investigative reporter Anthony Cormier about the big scoop. Then: Jane Lytvynenko tests host Julia Furlan on the fake news that’s flying around this week. And finally, we bring you recommendations from the newsroom. Because who doesn’t want to spend their weekend watching BuzzFeed News-approved content?

    Text our news bot, JoJo, for links to stories we talk about: 929-236-9577.

    This week’s JoJo prompts: TRANSCRIPT | TRAIL | RECS | QUIZ | WHOMST

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    Sat, 15 Sep 2018 - 26min
  • 26 - The Group Chat: Fake News, Real Violence 📰

    As anti-immigrant sentiment spreads, so does fake news. We look at how this resulted in very real violence in one small east German town with world editor Miriam Elder and reporters Lester Feder and Ishmael Daro. Then, we give you two stories you need to know about Hurricane Florence.

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    Wed, 12 Sep 2018 - 29min
  • 25 - The SCOTUS Confirmation Circus 🎪

    It was a wild week at Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings: Protestors! An auctioneer impersonation! So many power moves! Legal reporters Zoe Tillman and Chris Geidner move past the grandstanding to what it all means. Then: did you know that 40% of folks in France are anti-vaccines? Science editor Virginia Hughes and science reporter Dan Vergano talk about the anti-vaccine movement in Europe. And, because there is SO much fake news out there, we have a fake news quiz.

    Text our news bot, JoJo, for links to stories we talk about: 929-236-9577.

    This week’s JoJo prompts: HEARING | VACCINE | QUIZ | WHOMST

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    Sat, 08 Sep 2018 - 39min
  • 24 - Mangoes & Memories with See Something Say Something 😋

    This Wednesday we're taking a little break and introducing you to our friends, See Something Say Something! It's a podcast about being Muslim in America hosted by Ahmed Ali Akbar.

    This is the second episode in a three-part series called Meat, Mangoes, and Memory.

    In this episode, they explore why some people are willing to pay nearly $9 a pop for a taste of home. They talk to food writer Myles Karp about the complications Indian mangos have faced entering the US, from political bans to regulation to the plain old ravages of time and rot. Then, Ahmed calls up his cousin Medeeha who spent her summer in New Jersey as the middle woman for an international mango trade organized on WhatsApp. Plus: listeners and friends of the show share their relationship to the fruit.

    Listen to the rest of the series here!

    Read Myles' works on mangoes here.
    Follow Ahmed @radbrowndads
    Follow the show on Twitter (@seesomething), Facebook (, and Instagram (

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    Wed, 05 Sep 2018 - 40min
  • 23 - Never Let It Happen Again ✝️

    Millions of children say they were abused in Catholic orphanages around the world. For the last four years, contributing editor Christine Kenneally has been investigating one specific case: St. Joseph’s Catholic Orphanage in Burlington, Vermont, where residents allege nuns sexually, physically, and emotionally abused them for years. Plus, we look at a world where “deepfake” technology gets good enough to trick people, and examine the week in world news. 

    Text our news bot, JoJo, for links to stories we talk about: 929-236-9577.

    This week’s JoJo prompts: NUN | DEEPFAKE | TRANSCRIPT | WHOMST

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    Sat, 01 Sep 2018 - 42min
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