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News For Kids

News For Kids


News For Kids brings you easy stories in English, with Chinese translations to help students and second language learners here in Taiwan! Stories are written and recorded by ICRT correspondents, and uploaded every weekday morning.

553 - Gambian Photographer Works for Her Dreams
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  • 553 - Gambian Photographer Works for Her Dreams

    Gambian Photographer Works for Her Dreams **Narrator: **One, two, three, say cheese! Do you like taking photos? You can take photos of people, places, food … anything you want! People who take photos are photographers. 你喜歡拍照嗎?不論是人、物或地方都可以拍,專業拍照的人叫做攝影師。 A young photographer loves taking photos of soccer games. She’s from the Gambia.* *Her dream is to be a sports photographer for the Gambia. 一位甘比亞的年輕攝影師很喜歡拍足球比賽。她的夢想是成為甘比亞的運動攝影師。 One day, she got a big chance. There was a men's soccer competition in another country. Teams from many African countries were playing. The Gambian team wanted her to work at the competition. For a short time, she was a sports photographer for the Gambia! 有一天,她的機會來了。有一場男子足球賽在另一個國家舉行,非洲有很多隊伍會參賽。甘比亞球隊請她當隨隊攝影師。 A few women photographers and many men photographers were there too. But she was easy to see. Photographer: I need my light pink headscarf and all of my brightest clothes. **Narrator: **場邊有很多男性攝影師,也有一些女性攝影師,但是她穿鮮豔的衣服,綁粉紅色頭巾,很容易就看到她。 She worked hard. She took amazing photos. Everyone loved them! 她努力工作,拍出很多精彩的照片,大家都很喜歡。 Now she has a bigger dream. She wants to go to the world's biggest soccer competition! She wants to be the Gambia's sports photographer there! 她現在有更大的夢想,她希望可以到全世界規模最大的足球比賽,為甘比亞球隊當攝影師。 This young photographer works hard to make her dreams come true. If you work hard, you can make your dreams come true too! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 這位甘比亞女孩,夢想總有一天會實現。 1. come true 實現 What’s your dream, Paz? 你的夢想是什麼? Opening up a bakery! 開一家麵包店! Wow, that sounds great! 聽起來真棒! When do you think it will come true? 你覺得什麼時候會實現? 2. hard 辛苦地 Maybe in five years.也許五年之內。 You’ll have to work hard. 你得努力工作。 Yeah, I’ll need to get up early every day. 是啊,我需要每天早起。 3. bright 鮮豔的 But you’ll make bright, beautiful and delicious cakes.但是你會做鮮艷漂亮又好吃的蛋糕。 I’ll make nice and soft bread too.我還會做柔軟的麵包。 4. biggest 最大的 My biggest dream is to have my own big room. 我最大的夢想是有自己的大房間。 With books, plants, and a big globe! 裡面有書,植物跟一個大地球儀。 What’s your dream, everyone? come true實現 hard辛苦地 bright鮮豔的 biggest最大的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What does the young photographer like taking photos of? a. Food b. Clothes c. Soccer 2. Where is the Gambia? a. Africa b. Asia c. Europe 3. What does the photographer wear that makes her easy to see? a. Green shoes b. A pink headscarf c. A yellow hat Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. b

    Thu, 18 Apr 2024
  • 552 - Flight Attendant Saves Flamingo Eggs

    Flight Attendant Saves Flamingo Eggs Have you been on a plane? Flight attendants work on planes. They bring food and drinks to people. They help people. One day, a flight attendant helped six… flamingo eggs!?! 你坐過飛機嗎?飛機上的空服員會給乘客食物跟飲料,也協助乘客。有一次空服員救了六顆紅鶴的蛋。 Flamingos are big pink birds with long, thin legs. A zoo needed flamingos. So a zookeeper was taking the eggs to the zoo. 紅鶴是一種腳又細又長、粉紅色的大鳥。有一個動物園需要紅鶴,於是飼養員帶了六顆蛋準備送到動物園。 The eggs were in a special machine. It kept them warm. But the machine stopped working… Oh, no! The eggs needed to be warm! The zookeeper asked the flight attendant for help. 這些蛋裝在一個特殊的孵蛋器裡面,讓他們保持溫暖。但是糟糕,機器突然壞了,飼養員請求空服員幫忙。 How did the flight attendant save the eggs? She had a smart idea. She put warm water in rubber gloves. Then she tied the gloves. The gloves kept the eggs warm. 空服員怎麼辦呢?她想到一個聰明主意,把橡膠手套裝滿熱水,綁起來,放在紅鶴蛋的周圍。 People around the zookeeper worried about the eggs. They put their coats on the eggs. 周圍的乘客也很緊張,紛紛用外套蓋住這些蛋。 After the plane landed, the zookeeper took the eggs to the zoo. One month later, six baby flamingos came out of the eggs! And the flight attendant went to see them! 飛機降落後,飼養員趕緊把蛋送到動物園。一個月後,成功孵出六隻紅鶴寶寶,那位空服員還去探望牠們。 The flight attendant's smart idea saved the eggs. Maybe your smart ideas will help something or somebody someday! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 聰明的空服員,讓六枚紅鶴蛋安然無恙。 1. drink 飲料 Hi, welcome aboard! 歡迎登機! Hi, Miss, could I have some food and drinks? 小姐,可以給我一些食物跟飲料嗎? We will bring food and drinks to you shortly. 我們馬上就會送食物飲料給你。 After we take off. 在起飛之後。 2. need 需要 But I really need to eat now. 但是我真的需要現在就吃。 I'm very hungry! 我肚子好餓! Can you please help me? 你可以幫我嗎? 3. save 拯救 I'll see what I can do.我看看能怎麼辦。 Here is a special meal for you. 這是特別給你的一餐。 Thank you! You saved me! 謝謝,你救了我! 4. ask 請求 Now can I ask for a glass of champagne? 現在我可以要一杯香檳嗎? No, I'm sorry. No champagne. 不,很抱歉。沒有香檳。 今天你學到哪些單字? drink飲料 need需要 save拯救 ask請求 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. Who saved the eggs? a. A zookeeper b. Flamingos c. A flight attendant 2. How were the eggs saved? a. Hot air in bags b. Ice in cups c. Warm water in gloves 3. What came out of the eggs? a. A machine b. Baby flamingos c. An idea Answers: 1. c 2. c 3. b

    Wed, 17 Apr 2024
  • 551 - This Guide Is a Penguin

    This Guide Is a Penguin At a zoo in England, a young penguin cannot see well. It was hard for her to do things. Sometimes she bumped into walls or other penguins. Oops! And sometimes she fell over rocks. Ouch! 英國動物園有一隻企鵝的眼睛狀況不佳,行動很不方便。有時候她會撞到同伴或牆壁,也會被石頭絆倒。 Getting food was scary. When it was time to eat, lots of hungry penguins ran to the food! They got food with their long, sharp beaks. 餵食的時候也很危險,很多企鵝會衝到食物前,用牠們長長、尖銳的嘴巴吃東西。 But she couldn't see their beaks! She didn't want to get hurt. She needed help! 但是這隻企鵝看不到同伴的尖嘴。她需要幫忙讓她不受傷。 Another penguin was shy. He didn't join the other penguins. But one day, this shy penguin became her friend. 另外一隻害羞的企鵝沒有加入其他的企鵝,反而跟她成為朋友。 Now he's her guide. He helps her walk around. He makes sure she doesn't bump into walls or other penguins. He helps her get food. 他會帶著她走,不會讓她撞到牆或其他的企鵝,也會幫忙拿食物。 With his help, she isn't scared anymore. This young penguin knows she can do things now, so she's more confident! From helping her, he isn't shy anymore. He knows he can do things now too, so he's more confident! 有了朋友的幫助,這隻企鵝不再害怕,也更有自信。幫助她的企鵝也不再害羞,同樣也增強了信心。 These good friends help each other! Do you help your friends? Do they help you? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 眼睛不好的企鵝有了朋友,生活大不同。 1. run 跑 Don't run so fast, Lisa! 不要跑這麼快,麗莎! You may fall. 你會跌倒。 But I'm going to be late. 但是我要遲到了。 You fell the other day and it hurt, remember? 你前幾天跌倒,很痛,記得嗎? 2. hurt 痛、受傷 Yeah, I remember. 記得。 I don't want to get hurt again. 我不想再受傷了。 Right, and it's still early. 對啊,而且現在還早。 3. make sure 確定 I just want to make sure I won't be late. 我只是想要確定我不會遲到。 I can't wait to see my friend. 我等不及要跟朋友見面。 4. friend 朋友 Who's this friend? 這個朋友是誰? It's Kate. We like to do things together. 是凱特。我們喜歡一起做事情。 來一起讀單字。 run跑 hurt痛、受傷 make sure確定 friend朋友 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. Where do these penguins live? a. England b. China c. Antarctica 2. What can't the young penguin do well? a. Hear b. See c. Smell 3. What does the shy penguin help the young penguin do? a. Bump into walls b. Fall over rocks c. Get food Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. c

    Tue, 16 Apr 2024
  • 550 - No Phones in England's Schools

    No Phones in England's Schools Are mobile phones the most important thing kids have? 手機對小朋友來說很重要嗎? England's government doesn't think they are. With phones at school, many kids can't study well. They don't talk very much to others. They sit and use their phones. 英國很多小孩帶手機上學,讓他們沒辦法專心上課。他們也不怎麼一起聊天,都坐著滑手機。 So England's government will have a new rule: kids cannot use phones at school! They cannot use phones in class! They cannot use them during breaks! This means no phones between classes and no phones at lunchtime! 英國政府有了新規定,小朋友不可以在學校用手機,上課、下課跟吃飯時間都不可以用。 Schools can decide what to do with phones. They can tell kids to leave their phones at home. Or they can take kids' phones every day. Or they can let kids have their phones. But kids cannot use them. And they cannot let their phones ring! 學校可以決定怎麼處理手機。他們可以沒收,也可以要求學生把手機留在家裡。有的學校讓學生留著手機,但是不可以用,手機也要靜音。 Can this new rule help kids study better? Some teachers say no. Many schools have rules about phones now. And teachers say kids use their phones when they are not at school. 現在很多學校都有手機規定。這個新規定可以讓兒童更認真上學嗎? 有一些老師不這麼認為,覺得小朋友還是會在學校以外的地方用手機。 Soon kids in England won't be using their phones at school. What do you think? Can this rule help you study better? ________________________________________ Vocabulary 英國的學校對於手機有新的規定。 1. use 使用 Ms. Lee, can I use my cell phone now? 李老師,現在可以用手機嗎? Why do you need it, Lisa? 為什麼你需要用呢,麗莎? 2. well 好好的 Because my mom is not feeling well. 因為我媽媽身體不舒服。 I want to check on her.我想要問問看她的情況。 3. tell 告訴 Okay, tell me how she is after you call her. 好,你打過電話之後告訴我她怎麼樣。 Ms. Lee, my mom said she's much better. 老師,我媽媽說她好很多了。 That's good news! 那是好消息呢! 4. cannot 不能 But she also said she cannot go to work tomorrow. 但是她也說她明天不能上班。Can I stay at home too? 我也可以待在家裡嗎? 今天的單字都很簡單好記。 use使用 well好好的 tell告訴 cannot不能 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. Where can't kids use phones at school? a. England b. Ireland c. Scotland 2. What happens when kids use phones at school? a. They can't study well. b. They go home. c. They eat lunch. 3. What can schools tell kids to do with their phones? a. Throw them away b. Sell them c. Leave them at home Answers: 1. a 2. a 3. c

    Mon, 15 Apr 2024
  • 549 - This Cat Loves Salad

    This Cat Loves Salad A woman wanted a cat. She went to an animal shelter to get one. Animal shelters take care of animals with no homes. People can get a pet and take it home. 有一位女士想要養貓,於是她去動物收容所想要領養一隻。 The animal shelter had many cats. The woman saw a cute black cat. She liked him very much. He went home with her. 收容所有很多貓,她看到一隻可愛的黑色貓咪,非常喜歡就帶牠回家。 At home, she learned something about the cat. He ate a lot! And he wanted to eat more than cat food! 這隻貓進家門之後,女士發現牠很會吃,而且想吃的還不只是貓食。 One day, she ate a sandwich. The cat smelled the sandwich. He meowed and meowed loudly. 有一天她在吃三明治,貓咪聞到了味道,大聲的喵喵叫。 The woman cut up vegetables for a salad every day. The cat started to steal some. He took lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and avocados. 每天女士切蔬菜做沙拉。她的貓咪就會偷走像是生菜、番茄、胡蘿蔔跟酪梨。 Since then, the cat wants salad with his cat food! He loves vegetables and fruit. They make him very healthy! 之後這隻貓除了貓食之外,還一定要吃沙拉,牠很喜歡蔬果,這些食物也讓牠身體健康。 But sometimes the cat eats other food. He likes bread, hamburgers, cheese, and potato chips too! Uh-oh! Does the woman give these to him? Nope! He steals them from her! 這隻貓偶爾也吃其他的食物,牠也喜歡吃麵包、漢堡、起司跟洋芋片!是牠主人給牠的嗎? 當然不是喔,牠偷偷叼走的! The woman shares her salad with her cat. Every day, they eat healthy food together! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 這隻貓喜歡吃主人吃的食物。 1. sandwich 三明治 Hey, Jane, what's up? 過得如何? Not much, Paz. I just got myself a sandwich. 沒事,我剛買了一個三明治。 Want a bite? 要吃一口嗎? No, I ate a big hamburger half an hour ago.不了,我半個鐘頭前才吃了一個大漢堡。 2. hamburger 漢堡 A good hamburger? 好吃的漢堡嗎? Yeah, very good. 很好吃的。 It has tomatoes, cheese and beef. 有番茄,起司和牛肉。 3. vegetable 蔬菜 I thought you prefer vegetables and fruit.我以為你比較愛青菜水果。 I do. But I can't eat those things every day.我是啊,但是不能天天吃那些。 4. bread 麵包 I know what you mean. 我懂你的意思。 I like bread, and I have a different kind of bread every week. 我喜歡麵包,每個星期換吃不同的麵包。 今天的單字都是食物。 sandwich三明治 hamburger漢堡 vegetable蔬菜 bread麵包 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where did the woman get the cat from? a. The street b. An animal shelter c. Her home 2. What does the cat like to eat? a. Soup b. Chocolate c. Salad 3. What did the cat steal? a. A sandwich b. Vegetables c. Cat food Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. b

    Sun, 14 Apr 2024
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