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News For Kids


News For Kids brings you easy stories in English, with Chinese translations to help students and second language learners here in Taiwan! Stories are written and recorded by ICRT correspondents, and uploaded every weekday morning.

559 - Dancing with Frogs
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  • 559 - Dancing with Frogs

    Dancing with Frogs Five, six, seven, eight! Let’s dance! Today is International Dance Day! 今天是世界舞蹈日,來一起跳舞吧! Let’s dance with some poison dart frogs! Poison?! 我們一起跟箭毒蛙跳舞! 什麼?! Yes. Don't touch them, but dance with them! These colorful frogs are very good at tap dancing! 沒有錯,記得不要碰牠們喔! 這些顏色鮮豔的青蛙很會跳踢踏舞。 Poison dart frogs have four toes on their feet. They can tap their long middle toes very fast. How fast? They can tap them about 500 times… in one minute! 箭毒蛙一隻腳有四個腳趾,牠們會用長的中間的腳趾快速敲擊地面,有多快呢?一分鐘可以敲500次。 Our eyes can't see their tapping toes! They're too fast! Watch out! These frogs are going to win all the tap dancing contests! 牠的速度快到我們看不清楚,這些青蛙可以成為踢踏舞比賽冠軍! Scientists in three countries are studying why poison dart frogs tap their toes. Some scientists found that the frogs may tap dance to find food. 來自三個國家的科學家研究為什麼箭毒蛙要用腳趾敲擊地面,他們發現有可能是為了覓食。 What do these frogs eat? They eat moving insects. When these frogs tap dance, insects nearby move. When insects move, it's easier for the frogs to see… and catch them! 原來箭毒蛙專吃活動的昆蟲。敲打地面會讓附近的昆蟲動起來,箭毒蛙就更容易看到獵物。 Maybe poison dart frogs tap dance for food. Can we dance for our dinner too? Then we won't need money to pay for it! Quick! Let's dance to find out! Happy International Dance Day! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 箭毒蛙跳踢踏舞,可能是為了找食物。 1. find 尋找 Look! A dancing bird. 你看,一隻跳舞的鳥。 Wow, you’re right! 哇,你說得對。 It IS dancing.牠確實在跳舞。 I think it’s trying to find a mate.我想牠在努力找伴侶。 2. nearby 附近 But I can’t see another bird. 但我看不到另外一隻鳥。 She must be nearby. 牠一定在附近。 How do you know it’s a “she”? 你怎麼知道另一隻是母鳥? Usually the male bird does the mating dance. 通常是公鳥跳求偶舞。 3. win 贏得 To win her heart? 好贏得牠的芳心? Yeah, you could put it that way. 對,可以這麼說。 4. move 移動 He’s moving his feet so fast! 牠的腳動得有夠快! Right, and it’s working. See, there she is. 對,很有用喔。看,牠出現了。 今天的單字你記得嗎? find尋找 nearby附近 win贏得 move移動 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What do poison dart frogs tap? a. Arms b. Nose c. Toes 2. How many times can poison dart frogs tap in one minute? a. 50 b. 500 c. 5,000 3. What kind of food do poison dart frogs eat? a. Dry b. Moving c. Cooked Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. b

    Sun, 28 Apr 2024
  • 558 - From Cow Poop to Clear Water

    From Cow Poop to Clear Water In India, many communities need to clean their dirty water. It's not easy. Many cleaning systems use chemicals and energy. They need workers. 印度有很多人需要淨化髒水,這個工作可不容易。汙水處理系統需要化學物質跟電力,也需要人手。 A man wanted to make a new system. But he didn't want his system to use chemicals, energy, or workers. 有一名男子想要研發新的系統,但是他不希望用到化學物質、能源跟人力。 The man had an idea. A cow's stomach has four parts. Each part has a special job. His system has four parts. Each part has a special job. 他想到讓系統跟牛的胃一樣,有四個部分而且每一個部分都有特殊功能。 Cow poop is in part one. Yes, smelly cow poop! This is smart. Brown water goes in. The poop's bacteria clean the water. Next, in part two, other bacteria clean it. 第一個部分要用到牛的糞便,因為裡面的細菌可以淨化水質。第二部分有其他的細菌來處理。 Then in part three, sand and small stones clean it. Last, in part four, plants clean the water! And clear water comes out! 第三部分需要沙子跟石頭,最後一個部分用植物來淨化水質,於是清水就出來了! The man's cleaning system works! People can use this water for plants and toilets. More than three hundred communities use this system now. It has cleaned two billion liters of water. That's a lot of water! 他成功了!淨化出來的水可以澆花或當作馬桶水。目前有超過300個社群團體用這個系統,一共清了20億公升的水。 The man's system is easy, and it's good for the Earth. Now many communities can clean their dirty water! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 這個淨化水質的系統,大大節省人力和電力。 1. bacteria 細菌 My God! I'm so tired! 天哪,我累死了! Oh, there's cool spring water here,這裡有很涼的泉水。 Hey, you can't drink that! 你不可以喝泉水! There are lots of bacteria in the water.水裡有很多細菌。 2. clear 清澈的 Really? But it looks so clear.真的嗎?可是它看起來很清澈。 No, you have to boil it first. 不,你一定要先煮沸。 3. idea 主意 But I can't do that now! 但是我現在沒辦法煮啊! I know. I have an idea. 我知道,我有個主意。 4. need 需要 I'll tell those climbers we need water. 我去告訴那些登山客我們需要水。 What if they ignore you? 要是他們不理你呢? They won't. I'll beg. 不會的。我會哀求。 來跟我一起讀單字。 bacteria細菌 clear清澈的 idea主意 need需要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What needs to be cleaned? a. Air b. Water c. Bacteria 2. What animal stomach gave the man the idea for his cleaning system? a. Cow b. Horse c. Sheep 3. What does the man's cleaning system use? a. Energy b. Chemicals c. Plants Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. c

    Thu, 25 Apr 2024
  • 557 - Protecting the Moon from Garbage

    Protecting the Moon from Garbage Over fifty years ago, the USA sent a rocket to the moon. An astronaut got out and walked! Whoa! How exciting! But after that, not many rockets went there. 五十多年前,美國發射火箭登陸月球,太空人還在月球上漫步。但是在這之後,登上月球的火箭沒那麼多。 Now many countries and companies want to go to the moon. They want to do many things. The USA wants to build houses on the moon! 很多國家跟公司現在都想要登陸月球,美國甚至想要在月球上蓋房子。 Some people are worried. Why? Well, soon, many people will go to the moon. Maybe they will take bad things there. And people make garbage too, right? Then they leave it. 有一些人擔心之後太多人登陸月球,會帶有害的東西過去,還會留下垃圾。 Look at the Earth. We have lots of garbage everywhere. We have garbage on the land and in the ocean. Yuck! We have garbage in space too! 看看現在的地球,我們在陸地上或是海洋中製造了大批垃圾,就連太空裡也有太空垃圾。 A space lawyer says countries need to make a law together. This law can protect the moon. People won’t be able to take bad things to the moon. People will be more careful about making and leaving garbage there too. 有一位太空律師說要一起制定法律來保護月球,這樣人們去月球旅行就必須小心,不會攜帶有害物質,也不會留下垃圾。 The space lawyer wants to protect the moon from garbage. The moon doesn't have much garbage now. It’s a great time to make this new law! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 人類汙染地球,現在有人擔心也會污染月球。 1. exciting 讓人興奮的 We’re going to land on the moon again! 我們又要登陸月球了! I can’t see why you find it exciting. 我不懂你為什麼那麼興奮。 People did it ages ago! 人類好久以前就去過了! 2. build 建造 This time it’s different. 這次不一樣。 They’re going to build houses up there. 他們要在上面蓋房子。 Just like in the movies! 就跟電影裡一樣! 3. astronaut 太空人。 Houses for whom? 替誰蓋房子? For the astronauts, of course. 當然是替太空人啦。 Why would astronauts want to live on the moon? 太空人為什麼要住在月球上? 4. protect 保護 To protect us from alien attacks? 好來保護我們不受外星人攻擊? You watch too many movies, Paz! 你看太多電影啦! Will you go to the moon someday? 來一起讀單字。 exciting讓人興奮的 build建造 astronaut太空人 protect保護 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. When was the first time someone walked on the moon? a. Last week b. 10 years ago c. Over fifty years ago 2. Who wants to go to the moon now? a. Many countries b. The lawyer c. Some worried people 3. What does the lawyer want to protect the moon from? a. Houses b. Garbage c. Laws Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. b

    Wed, 24 Apr 2024
  • 556 - Spider Webs with DNA

    Spider Webs with DNA Ahhh! What's that little monster with eight legs? Oh, it's a spider! Spiders can help scientists. They make spider webs. Spider webs are sticky! That’s how they trap flies, mosquitoes, and… DNA! 蜘蛛可以助科學家一臂之力,蜘蛛網很黏,抓得住蒼蠅、蚊子還有…基因! Maybe you know "DNA" from the K-pop song by BTS. All living things have DNA. It's the code that makes living things look and work in one way. 你大概有聽過DNA這首歌,生物都有DNA,它決定生物的模樣跟行為。 Getting DNA is important for learning about living things. Getting it from cats, dogs, and zoo animals is easy. But getting it from wild animals is hard! 要研究生物,取得它的DNA很重要。從貓狗或動物園裡的動物身上取得很容易,但是野生動物就有困難。 Hmmmm… spider webs are everywhere. And wild animals walk by spider webs! Their DNA may be on them. How? 野外到處都是蜘蛛網,野生動物經過,牠們的DNA遺傳密碼可能會黏在上面。 Well, DNA from the animals' skin, hair, or breath goes into the air. When the wind blows, sticky spider webs may trap it. Also, if animals touch spider webs, they may leave their DNA. 動物的皮膚、毛髮跟牠們呼出的氣體,都可能隨著風黏到蜘蛛網上,動物碰到蜘蛛網也會留下基因的資訊。 Scientists find and take spider webs. Then they study the trapped DNA. 科學家尋找蜘蛛網,並且研究黏在上面的生物分子。 With spider webs, scientists can get wild animals' DNA. It helps us learn more about these animals. The more we know about animals, the more we can understand them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 蜘蛛網能夠協助科學家研究各種生物的遺傳基因。 1. spider 蜘蛛 Yikes, a spider web! 蜘蛛網! I hate spiders! 我討厭蜘蛛! Spiders are good. 蜘蛛很好啊。 They eat mosquitoes.牠們吃蚊子。 I don’t care what they eat.我不在乎牠們吃什麼。 2. sticky 黏黏的 Why are you so afraid of them? 你為什麼那麼怕蜘蛛? Because spider webs are sticky. 因為蜘蛛網黏黏的。 And they are just ugly.而且牠們就是好醜。 3. trap 抓住 But look at these scientists' work. 但是你看看這些科學家的工作。 Isn't it amazing? 不是很了不起嗎? Studying the skin trapped by the webs? 研究被蜘蛛網黏住的皮膚嗎? It’s gross! 很恐怖! 4. scientist 科學家 You could never be a scientist. 你永遠當不成科學家。 No, and I don’t want to be. 沒錯,我也不想當。 你怕不怕蜘蛛? spider蜘蛛 sticky黏黏的 trap抓住 scientist科學家 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. Why can spider webs trap things? a. They're sticky. b. They're important. c. They're easy. 2. What is DNA? a. Baseball b. Code c. Monsters 3. What do scientists want from spider webs? a. Wild animals b. Wild animals' DNA c. Spiders' DNA Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. b

    Tue, 23 Apr 2024
  • 555 - Microplastics Are Everywhere

    Microplastics Are Everywhere Plastic makes our lives easy. We use plastic bottles for drinks and plastic bags for food. When we’re done with them, we throw them away! 塑膠製品像是塑膠瓶、塑膠袋讓我們的生活更便利。通常使用之後就把它扔掉。 Lots of plastic trash goes into the ocean. After some years, it breaks down into microplastics. Microplastics are very small. How small? They're smaller than 5 millimeters. 很多塑膠垃圾流入海裡。幾年後,就會被分解成塑膠微粒,微粒有多小呢? 小於5毫米。 Fish and other animals eat and drink microplastics. Sometimes microplastics are in our food and water. Microplastics can be everywhere! 塑膠微粒無所不在。魚類跟其他的海洋生物會把塑膠微粒吃下肚。還會出現在我們的食物跟水中。 Microplastics can be everywhere because we use too much plastic. This isn’t good. Some scientists think microplastics can make us sick! 我們用了太多塑膠製品,科學家擔心塑膠微粒會讓人生病! Microplastics are a big problem. But we can fix it together! How? We can use less plastic. We can use reusable water bottles and bags. We can recycle. We can put plastic trash into the bins for plastic! 塑膠微粒是個大問題,但是我們可以一起來解決。我們可以減少使用塑膠,改用環保杯跟環保袋,也可以做塑膠回收。 We can also stop plastic from going into the ocean. We can pick up trash on a beach. Then the plastic in the trash won’t become microplastics! 清理海灘上的垃圾,也會阻止塑膠流進大海,它們就不會變成塑膠微粒。 We can do these small things to make a big change. Let’s stop more microplastics from being in the ocean! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 海洋中的塑膠會分解成微小粒子,跑進食物鏈裡面。 • done 完成 Are you done drinking? 你喝完了嗎? Yeah. You want some water, too? 對啊,你也要喝點水嗎? No, I just want your bottle. 不,我只要你的瓶子。 • recycle 回收 Hey, you threw it away! 你把它扔掉了! No, I’m just having it recycled. 沒有,我只是回收它。 By tossing it in the trash? 扔進垃圾裡回收? • trash 垃圾 That’s not a trash bin. 那不是垃圾桶。 It’s a bag for empty bottles. 是放空瓶子的袋子。 But I may get thirsty later on.可是我等一下也許會口渴。 • change 改變 You should bring your own water bottle.你應該自己帶水。 So you want to fix the Earth’s problems now? 所以你現在要解決地球的問題啦? Just to make a small change. 只是做一點小小改變。 這些單字很常用。 done完成 recycle回收 trash垃圾 change改變 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz • Where does lots of plastic trash go into? • The ocean • Space • Forests • How small are microplastics? • 5 milligrams • 5 milliliters • 5 millimeters • How can we help fix the microplastics problem? • Recycle plastic • Use plastic bags • Throw away plastic Answers: • a • c • a

    Mon, 22 Apr 2024
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