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English 123 英文 123

English 123 英文 123

Jill Yang

Hello, welcome to the podcast “English 123,” where we share three useful English words or expressions in each episode, just for fun! I am Jill, an English learner who likes to explore interesting features of different languages, and I hope this podcast can bring you a sense of joy while learning English.

大家好,歡迎來到 英文123,我是Jill,我跟大家一樣都在學習英文。每一集的節目我會分享三個實用的英文用語,用輕鬆愉快的心情,跟大家一起探索英文的世界觀。

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3 - EP2. FIFA World Cup-錦標賽、小組賽、淘汰賽的英文,附贈:傷停補時、晉級16強怎麼說?
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