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Big Compute

Big Compute

Big Compute

Celebrating innovation in a world of virtually unlimited compute power, one story at a time.

38 - The Helicarrier: When Movies Ignore Natural Law
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  • 38 - The Helicarrier: When Movies Ignore Natural Law

    We’ve all been there – Sitting inside a movie theater, fully engrossed in the film, when suddenly something happens on screen that is so far-fetched that we suddenly remember we’re sitting in a theater seat. This is the experience Rescale’s Edward Hsu had back in 2012 when he was watching the movie, The Avengers. As an aviation enthusiast, everything was well and good until he saw the epic sea structure called the Helicarrier take to the skies, and it was blatantly clear to him that the incredible piece of high budget visual effects would probably – in fact – kill its own jet pilots.  And while it was just a movie, the scene lingered in Edward’s mind for years, until the day Sandeep Urankar – an engineer with a knack for computational investigations – was able to run simulations to prove if Edward’s hypothesis was true, and consequently fueling the question – how accurate should big budget movies really be when it comes to natural law?

    Tue, 26 Sep 2023 - 1h 11min
  • 37 - A Better Life: The Case for Cloud

    With high performance cloud computing usage expanding quickly in research & development, there are still some organizations who hesitate to dip a toe. In this episode, Ernest and Jolie talk through common fears of moving workloads from on premises to the cloud, and what those fears mean in 2023. They also speak to a trailblazer in this space: Anand Kumar – Global Director of IT for UD Trucks – who moved his entire company’s full array of computational operations from on prem to the cloud in just a few months, with the help of partners like Microsoft Azure, represented in this episode by Rachel Pruitt.  Hear how UD Trucks sprinted to their fast-approaching cloudy finish line, earning them the label of being true cloud evangelists.

    Thu, 06 Jul 2023 - 1h 13min
  • 36 - Protecting Football Players’ Brains

    It hasn’t even been two decades since the discovery was made -- Small repetitive hits to the head over time accumulated in football games and practices can build up into something significant and scary:  chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE.  But with no sign that American football is going away anytime soon, the question remains of what can be done to better protect players against life-altering injuries like this?  In today’s episode, Jolie and Ernest speak to Tate Fonville of Liberty University about a new approach to designing a football helmet that is more likely to protect against damage to the brain -- by using computational simulation.

    Tue, 30 Nov 2021 - 1h 08min
  • 35 - Digital Twins Will Change the World

    Imagine you had a digital twin -- a computational model of yourself with not only all of your physical and physiological characteristics uploaded into it in real time, but also your thought patterns, personality traits, and opinions.  Suddenly, doctors would know exactly what treatments would be best customized for you if you got sick or experienced emotional trauma, or even what medical abnormalities could be in your future and how to prevent them in advance.  While it’s the kind of material screenwriters latch on to for TV episodes and movies, the day may be on the horizon where we can drop the “fiction” in this type of “science fiction.”  In fact, this kind of technology is already being used to track machines and systems in fields like aerospace, automotive, energy, utilities, and building design, with enormous advancements around the corner.  In this episode, we speak to Dr. Karen E. Willcox -- an expert on digital twins -- about what digital twins can do for us in the present, and how they could greatly change the world in the future.

    Tue, 08 Jun 2021 - 46min
  • 34 - The Computational Science of Drug Development

    At the beginning of 2020, while a pandemic of epic proportions shut down most of the world, the life sciences industry was kicked into high gear, pushing to do what had never been done before – create a vaccine in less than four years.  Thankfully, modern day computational science lended a hand, making the previously impossible, possible.  In this episode, we speak to someone on the front lines of vaccine and drug development – Steve Mehrman of Johnson & Johnson, who harnesses computational power on a daily basis to elevate one of the most important aspects of our lives – human health.

    Tue, 15 Nov 2022 - 1h 10min
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