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Healing & Dealing

Healing & Dealing

Charlotte Estrada

This podcast is a space for anyone who is looking for healing themselves and/or their family system. We will discuss a range of topics including: Trauma, parenting, addiction, blended family issues, relationship dynamics, healing past dysfunction, codependency, inner-child healing, grief, and more. We will connect with each other through shared experiences and provide advice and solutions to help create shifts in peoples lives. We will ignite change in ourselves as well as the world we live in.

31 - 30. Unveiling Authenticity: A Journey to Self-Discovery with Elizabeth Goncal
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  • 31 - 30. Unveiling Authenticity: A Journey to Self-Discovery with Elizabeth Goncal

    In this new episode of the Healing and Dealing podcast, Elizabeth Goncal joins me to share  her personal journey of self-discovery and healing. Her self-discovery started after college, but the root of the issue goes back to childhood, and they realize they need to heal through it. She delves into the internalized societal expectations and their impact on self-perception. She touches on her tendency to seek external validation and people-pleasing behaviors and her realization of abandoning her true self and the impact it had on her life. She recognizes the need to love and be with herself, overcoming the anxiety associated with being alone, and learning to provide self-love and validation.


    Overall, this episode emphasizes the importance of self-love, authenticity, and breaking free from patterns of seeking external validation to live a more fulfilling and genuine life.


    Key takeaways:

    Discovery of Coaching: After four months, Elizabeth stumbled upon a coach, leading her to realize that her struggles dated back to childhood, prompting her to embark on a healing journey.

    Abandoning the True Self: Elizabeth reflects on a moment when she looked at a childhood photo and cried, realizing how much she had abandoned her true self in relationships, seeking external validation.

    Recognizing the pattern of needing external validation not only in relationships but also in other aspects of life, including her business and the importance of noticing and addressing these patterns.

    The impact of societal pressures, especially from social media, where individuals feel compelled to conform to certain standards, affecting self-perception and behaviors.

    Elizabeth advocates for being gentle with oneself and cultivating self-compassion, highlighting the significance of changing self-talk and treating oneself with kindness.

    The challenges of maintaining authenticity in a society that often promotes conformity and external validation, urging individuals to embrace their true selves.

    Elizabeth emphasizes that patterns in relationships often overlap with patterns in other areas of life, such as work and business, underscoring the interconnectedness of personal development.


    Connect with us:

    Instagram: healinganddealing.podcast

    Facebook: Healing and Dealing Podcast


    Wed, 20 Dec 2023 - 39min
  • 30 - 29. Beyond the Mirror: A Journey from Body Dysmorphia to Self-Love with Ashley Beeman

    Welcome to another episode of the Healing and Dealing podcast. In today’s episode, Ashley Beeman joins me to talk about her journey from battling addiction and body image issues to achieving personal and professional success, and highlights the transformative power of mindset shifts and self-acceptance. She touches on the ADHD management, body dysmorphia, and the impact of multi-level marketing (MLM) culture on self-perception and the importance of balance, sustainable approaches to health, and the rejection of restrictive ideologies, whether in dieting or other aspects of life. Overall, the emphasis of this episode is on creating a positive, empowered mindset that extends to all aspects of life, including personal development, relationships, and overall well-being.


    “I realized that in the anti-diet space, I had just as many rules as I did when I was in the diet culture space. And I remember crying to one of my friends on the phone being like, I just want to order a scale, but I'm not supposed to, I'm not supposed to want to change my body, I'm not supposed to want to do any of that. And she reminded me that, you know, this is your life, actually, you can do what you want. And that's when I started breaking all of the rules. And I found my happy little like, gray area, the magical gray area is what I like to call it. And I went on this journey of just trusting myself, trusting my decisions, and really coming from a space of love and not hate”- Ashley Beeman


    Key highlights from this episode:


    Ashley shares her weight loss journey after becoming a mother, discussing the emotional toll, unhealthy practices, and struggles with addiction to Adderall. She emphasizes the turning point when she decided to heal her relationship with herself.

    The shift from the yo-yo diet culture to the anti-diet and body positivity space. While initially liberating, she later realized the presence of restrictive rules in this space as well.

    Breaking free from rigid rules, finding a balanced approach, and embracing the "magical gray area” and the importance of trust, self-love, and decision-making from a positive mindset.

    Discussion on ADHD, her coping mechanisms, and the importance of self-awareness and personalized strategies for managing daily tasks.

    Past struggles, including addiction, withdrawal from Adderall, and the commitment to share her story to help others.


    The conversation transitions to body dysmorphia, with Ashley defining it as perceiving one's body differently from reality. She shares her personal struggle,emphasizing the importance of deep work, self-love, and acceptance.

    The intensification of body dysmorphia to her involvement in multi-level marketing (MLM), where the focus on body transformations for business purposes contributed to negative body image.

    Mindset Shift, moving from detachment to embracing and appreciating her body for its capabilities and the experiences it allows.

    Connect with us:

    Instagram: healinganddealing.podcast

    Facebook: Healing and Dealing Podcast


    Wed, 13 Dec 2023 - 48min
  • 29 - 28. Beyond the Scrubs: Michelle Gordon's Tale of Recovery and Renewal

    In today’s episode of the Healing and Dealing podcast, Michelle Gordon joined me to talk about her journey as a happy nurse whose mission is to help women take control of their lives, step into their power and rediscover their passion and confidence. She also talks about her experience in overcoming burnout and achieving a healthier, more fulfilling life. She delves into the impact of burnout on physical and mental health and the importance of solitude and self-reflection, shifts in perspective, embracing emotions, and making lifestyle changes. Michelle's story highlights the transformative power of reconnecting with one's values, engaging in self-care, rebuilding relationships, and ultimately pursuing a career aligned with one's passions. This episode underscores the potential for positive change and growth even in the face of significant challenges.


    “Being on my own was a very foreign thing for me, because I constantly had surrounded myself with lots of people. And I think I had done that looking back very deliberately because I was people-pleaser, I needed validation. And that meant having people around me. So being on my own really helps me start to untangle a lot of my thoughts and process a lot of those thoughts and then start to really connect back with my feelings.”- Michelle Gordon


    Key highlights:

    Coping with burnout  by turning to alcohol as a means of escape, leading to a cycle of overworking, overcompensating, and people-pleasing.

    Seeking help from a life coach, shifting her perspective on life and taking back control over her destiny. 

    The healing process involved identifying and aligning with her core values, recognizing the importance of health, freedom, and family, which she had neglected while defined solely by her nursing identity.

    Through fitness, self-reflection, and reconnection with emotions, she regained mental clarity, leading to positive changes in her overall well-being.

    Michelle stopped using alcohol as a coping mechanism, faced the discomfort of feeling her emotions, and found solace in practices like weightlifting and beach walks. Her relationship with alcohol transformed, allowing her to enjoy a beer without the need for escapism.

    Learning to be present, savoring small moments, and appreciating the beauty around. This mindfulness contributed to her overall sense of joy and well-being.

    Michelle's personal experience enables her to empathize with others facing burnout, helping them navigate the challenges and rediscover a sense of self.


    Connect with Michelle:




    Connect with us:

    Instagram: healinganddealing.podcast

    Facebook: Healing and Dealing Podcast


    Wed, 06 Dec 2023 - 51min
  • 28 - 27. Blended Family Dynamics: Co-parenting and Effective Communication Strategies

    Welcome to another episode of the Healing and Dealing podcast! Brittney Phillips joined me in this new episode to talk about navigating the complexities of a blended family, the conflicts and the challenges. She delves more into the dynamics of a blended family based on her own personal experiences. We discuss co-parenting relationships, parenting styles, dealing with past traumas, creating memories as a blended family, and the importance of working through challenges to strengthen relationships within the family. We talk about balancing time between the biological and the stepchildren, sometimes feeling guilty when prioritizing time with our biological son over our stepsons. This episode underscores the significance of acknowledging and addressing past traumas, adopting effective co-parenting strategies, and working collaboratively to create a positive and nurturing environment for all family members. Overall, the takeaway is a message of resilience, growth, and the possibility of building fulfilling family dynamics in the context of blended families.


    “It's such a tricky position to be in to be the step parent. I think most of the time the stepmom is not trying to take over, they're just trying to be a person in their life. Right. And so having some understanding for that can be helpful. That's when we get in trouble is when we start to feel jealousy or like either way from the biological mom or from the stepmom. But what I recommend to my clients is like, let's get curious. Why are we feeling jealous? Are we feeling insecure? Like what's coming up for us? Because this actually isn't a problem over here. It's a problem here in my heart, in me that I need to deal with. So that's kind of the biggest suggestion I would make.” -Brittney Phillips


    Key takeaways:

    Blended families come with unique challenges, including navigating different parenting styles, addressing past traumas, and fostering new relationships.

    Open and honest communication is crucial in addressing issues within blended families. 

    Effective co-parenting is essential. This involves collaboration between parents to ensure consistency in parenting styles, discipline, and decision-making for the well-being of the children.

    Recognizing and addressing past traumas, both for parents and children, is important for healing and building a healthy family environment.

    Creating a positive and nurturing environment is a shared responsibility. Family members can work together to cultivate an atmosphere where everyone feels supported and valued.

    The discussion touches on the feeling of guilt that can arise when trying to balance time between biological and stepchildren. The speaker shares personal experiences of feeling guilty when spending time with her biological son and highlights the need to overcome societal judgments

    The need to balance different parenting styles, address feelings of favoritism, and navigate the dynamics of having both biological and stepchildren.

    The challenge of stepchildren interpreting requests or discipline differently than biological children.


    Connect with us:

    Instagram: healinganddealing.podcast

    Facebook: Healing and Dealing Podcast


    Wed, 29 Nov 2023 - 50min
  • 27 - 26. Breaking Chains: Navigating Teen Motherhood, Trauma, and Finding Empowerment with Portia Franklin

    In this new episode of the Healing and Dealing podcast, I am joined by my long-time friend of mine, Portia Franklin. She shares her inspiring journey from being a mother at the age of 14 to empowering women by recounting her story. She talks about her journey through teenage pregnancy, educational struggles, and the complexities of single motherhood. She delves into the importance of a strong support system, continuous learning, and breaking free from toxic patterns. Additionally, there is a focus on Portia's entrepreneurial spirit, her commitment to her children, and her rediscovery of purpose through her passion for working with women and children. The story overall conveys themes of empowerment, healing, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life despite adverse circumstances.


    “Maybe I hid my fears behind confidence, maybe I hid my insecurity behind confidence. Because I did have a lot of insecurities. I did have a lot of fears. But I always just showed up because I had to, I had no other choice but to show up and make things happen. Because if I wanted to have something I always had to do it myself, you know, and my mom did her very best, but she taught me and she showed me what hard work was and she showed me that you just get it done, you just make it happen. And so no matter what that looks like, whatever adversity comes your way you gotta keep trucking on because ain't no one come in to make the bed for you.”- Portia Franklin


    Hear more about:

    Portia emphasizes the importance of having a supportive network, particularly her mom and a teacher who played a crucial role in her journey. Having a support system during challenging times can make a significant difference.

    Portia reflects on her experience as a single mom and her approach to dating. She acknowledges the impact of past trauma and how it influenced her views on relationships.

    The importance of continuous learning and growth. She reflects on the evolution of her parenting style, recognizing the need for personal healing and breaking generational patterns.

    Passion for empowering women and supporting children is evident throughout her journey. From running a daycare to currently leading in kids' ministry at her church, she remains dedicated to these causes.

    Commitment to disrupting toxic patterns and ensuring a healthier environment for her children. This involves recognizing the impact of past experiences and actively working towards personal and familial healing.

    The challenges of blending families and the importance of communication and apologies in overcoming obstacles.


    Portia Franklin, Helping you discover your confidence to show up powerfully in your life & business


    Portia Franklin in San Diego, CA


    Free Womens Community Call:






    The Mindset Journal: 


    Connect with us:

    Instagram: @healinganddealing.podcast

    Facebook: Healing and Dealing Podcast


    Wed, 22 Nov 2023 - 1h 01min
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