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Nauti Nerds

Nauti Nerds

Nautilus Marketing

A weekly must-listen podcast hosted by Nautilus Marketing founder, Tom Jauncey. A show full of marketing and business insights for the true nerd in you! Tom shares stories on business, marketing and the life of being the Head Nerd at Nautilus Marketing along with useful actionable marketing tips each episode.

172 - Shady Agency Tactics
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  • 172 - Shady Agency Tactics

    Prepare to protect yourself against shady agency practices!

    In this episode, I tell a chilling real-life horror story from one of our American event venue clients. I share how their former agency's unethical tactics wreaked havoc on their business. I break down the alarming strategies this 'cowboy agency used,' such as holding the client's Google ad account hostage and making them buy back their data.

    I reveal the unethical practices going on in the marketing world and highlight why our full-service approach prioritises client trust and transparency.

    Nauti Nerds is produced and managed byUrban Podcasts.

    Fri, 14 Jun 2024 - 07min
  • 171 - How Retargeting Ads Can Transform Your Business

    Have you ever wondered why some products seem to follow you around the internet?

    In this episode, I'll explain the essentials of retargeted ads and share how this ad strategy can help you maximise your marketing budget while keeping your brand top-of-mind for potential customers.

    I'll also share the technical details as I break down the nuts and bolts of setting up retargeting campaigns on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and more while explaining how to effectively use pixels and data analytics to re-engage those elusive visitors who didn’t convert the first time.

    Nauti Nerds is produced and managed byUrban Podcasts.

    Fri, 07 Jun 2024 - 07min
  • 170 - Mastering Digital PR

    Unlock the secrets to skyrocketing your brand's online presence through the power of digital PR.

    In this episode, I share how we transformed our business by responding to journalist requests on platforms like Harrow and Featuredcom. This hands-on approach has significantly increased our domain authority and rating, as well as high-profile brand mentions on major sites.

    Whether you're a marketer or a curious business owner, this episode will demystify link-building and provide actionable advice to elevate your brand's authority and visibility.

    Nauti Nerds is produced and managed byUrban Podcasts.

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 07min
  • 169 - Conquering Imposter Syndrome

    Stepping onto the stage at SEO Vibes in Poland, I was hit by an unexpected wave of doubt. Surrounded by industry giants, my confidence wavered—was I worthy to be here?

    In this episode, I share the reality of imposter syndrome, as I confess to grappling with it before delivering our agency’s presentation. Despite the jitters, we not only won over the crowd but also found ourselves in the midst of a game show that tested our SEO knowledge, sprinkled with a dose of laughter.

    Nauti Nerds is produced and managed byUrban Podcasts.

    Fri, 24 May 2024 - 08min
  • 168 - The Truth About Ethical SEO & Agency Relationships

    Have you ever been lured by the siren song of an agency promising the moon, only to be left adrift in a sea of broken dreams? We've all been there, and in this episode, I navigate the treacherous terrain of digital marketing agencies with an unflinching eye.

    I share the story of a skincare startup's quest for online dominance and the harsh realities of the ad spend they were told could make them kings. I explore the value of honesty and realistic goals in building a client-agency relationship that creates a lasting legacy of success.

    Nauti Nerds is produced and managed byUrban Podcasts.

    Fri, 10 May 2024 - 10min
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