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Climate Wise Agriculture

Climate Wise Agriculture

Climate Wise Agriculture

Climate Wise Agriculture provides a forum for information and experiences to be exchanged in order to build a greater understanding of climate change as it relates to agricultural industries across the globe, and to inspire well-informed people to create positive change and help ensure resilient and sustainable farming and food systems.

3 - 3. Community work and the Philippines
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  • 3 - 3. Community work and the Philippines

    Shelia is a Climate Reality Leader from the Philippines who is passionate about working with communities and getting people working together.

    Thu, 30 Aug 2018 - 51min
  • 2 - 2. Climate change in Cambodia

    Anika sits down with Vannchhai in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to discuss climate change, deforestation and how young Cambodians like him are creating a bright future for thier country.

    Thu, 30 Aug 2018 - 41min
  • 1 - 1. Introduction to the Climate Wise Agriculture podcast

    An introductory podcast on Climate Wise Agriculture and what this series will cover. It also describes climate change 101, how it is impacting farming systems, and what we can do about it.

    Sun, 30 Apr 2017 - 15min