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I have been in this world a few years and I have seen good things and good people. I love to speak about this good things and with these good people. They can be many but we do them one thing at a time.

15 - Doing the Impossible - Cycling 40,000 miles
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  • 15 - Doing the Impossible - Cycling 40,000 miles

    What does impossible really mean? Is anything truly impossible? I have a few things that I think have been BOLD. I considered them impossible. But finally I did it. I have not cycled for 40,000 miles. I consider it an impossible. I sat down with Elvis Munis who traveled by bicycle from Chile to Tanzania. He tells me the story of how he slept hungry for days. He reminisces taking coca leaves.  

    Humans can’t fly, but the Wright brothers proved an airplane could get us close enough. We can’t defy physics and teleport from one side of the world to another, but the internet made it possible to instantly bring the other side of the world to us.

    Mon, 23 Nov 2020 - 33min
  • 14 - How Friendship is Confusing

    This is my naive understanding of friendship: Friendship is letting someone come close to you: To the parts of me that remain hidden to the rest of the world. Letting you see the little potentialities lingering inside of me even those that are yet to be/or need to be actualized. For a while it has always meant something deeper: To let you, as a friend, to see with their very own eyes the darkness and light that compose me. 

    By doing so, I reveal to you the very essence of what it means to be human, what it means to be me.

    But I've failed to have such a person. I have come to realize that I cannot give that. So friendship remains something confusing.  I sat with Abby Achayo, a lawyer and a poet. We talked intimately friendship. We found some answers. But not all. 

    Mon, 23 Nov 2020 - 34min

    I have been wooed by a woman. In fact, she wrote me a letter and this did not happen last ten years ago. It happened last year.  Not once. I have always wanted to talk to a lady and hear how women woo men and the thinking behind it.

    And I got in touch with Sheila Sheila who told me a vivid description of how she wooed a man. She tells me how she asked for a number from a dude. And she got him.

    This is podcast is her story and our discussion around the issue.

    Thu, 22 Oct 2020 - 24min
  • 12 - Simply Speaking Up - When You need To

    I speak my mind all the time. Do you speak up when you feel you need to?

    You see something ethically questionable. Notice someone not being included. Run up against offensive speech. Disagree with an opinion that’s all too quickly become consensus. Want to add a different idea to the decision-making process.

    While we’d all like to think that if we saw something, we’d say something in these situations, we are strikingly bad at anticipating how we’ll feel in future circumstances and, for a whole host of cognitive reasons, it can be incredibly difficult to speak up in the moment. In fact, research suggests that most people tend to not act, and then rationalize their inaction.

    But it is important to realize how psychologically difficult — and worthwhile — speaking up can be.

    That is why I talked to Joyce Kayima, a smart and intelligent lady. Joyce is a member of my church, Allsaints Cathedral, and we talked at length about getting your voice. Speaking up.

    We chatted about her life as someone who used to speak but then took a step back. She took a step back because of judgements and perhaps because people needed her to speak less.

    Wed, 21 Oct 2020 - 31min
  • 11 - How I Feel As A Woman

    How do you ACTUALLY feel as a woman? This is the most intimate conversation I have had with a woman about being a woman in 2020, or in modern times. I wanted to have this conversation because I thought I needed to have it.

    I wanted to have it because woman confuse me - as they confuse many other men. I wanted to hear it because Amanda Grafe said something that is deep, really deep. She said…

    Being a woman has brought with it both heartache and joy, but mostly it  has shackled me to a role that does not fit who I am or what I am about.  Prejudice exists for both men and women and being recognized as a self —  one independent of these categories — might be impossible for most  because our evaluation of others integrates physical appearance,  emotional reactivity or sexual attraction, dictated by the roles  assigned to that specific sex or gender. It is the latter assessment  that gets me into trouble.

    Like most women, past and present, I have had  my fair share of struggles simply because I am female. My  unconventional personality, coupled with the adversity tied to my  gender, makes it that much more difficult to align myself with  expectations.


    Please enjoy!

    Sun, 18 Oct 2020 - 30min
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