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Job Interviews

Job Interviews

Mike Barrett and Patrick Barrett, Test Prep and Admissions Experts and Auth

The right conversation can be life-changing, especially when it involves learning from someone else’s choices, regrets, successes, and mistakes. Unfortunately, these kinds of profound, helpful conversations are hard to come by--you’re lucky if you have 2 or 3 of them as a young adult, and lots of people never even get to have a single one. Job Interviews is here to fill that void with honest, real, direct advice about school and careers from real people with real experiences. We conduct thorough, lively, funny interviews (or at least, we think they’re funny :) ) with all kinds of people. We find out about the work and school choices they made, how it all worked out for them, and what they would recommend to a young person in their field. You get the benefit of their life experiences without having to spend years learning hard lessons. Every single episode--just like every single life--includes twists, unexpected insights, and useful, concrete, actionable ideas you can start applying in your own quest, right now. We made this podcast to be the kind of resource that we wish had been available for us. We hope you like it, and we hope it helps you.

11 - #11 | So Many Letters: Frank Hu on Being a Lawyer, Figuring Out Your Story, and Why Companies Love Data So Much
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  • 11 - #11 | So Many Letters: Frank Hu on Being a Lawyer, Figuring Out Your Story, and Why Companies Love Data So Much

    Frank Hu is a corporate lawyer with a bunch of certifications and responsibilities, which is surprising because through high school and college he wasn't really focused on any particular goal, and he wasn't interested in much besides gaming and hanging out with his friends. But at the urging of his parents, he figured out what was important to him—and found a path to prosperity for himself, and help for others as well. Plus the brothers say some stuff too.

    Wed, 07 Apr 2021 - 3h 09min
  • 10 - #10 | Order After Chaos: Nesha Zackery on Permission, Funnels, Engineering, And That Time Maya Angelou Saw Into Her Soul

    Nesha Zackery grew up around the Army Corps of Engineers, and was eager to enter FEMA so she could help out after disasters. But her negative experiences in the wake of Hurricane Katrina set her on a different path, allowing her to make an impact in ways she never foresaw. In this episode we talk about the Toastmasters, whether anyone is paying attention to you, and what Nesha advises students to do before they enter adulthood, among many other things.

    Tue, 23 Mar 2021 - 2h 53min
  • 9 - #9 | Good with Words: Kris Sharma on Screenwriting, Performing, Selling, Laughing, Crying, and Other Stuff

    As a student, Kris Sharma officially wanted to be an international lawyer, mostly because he thought it sounded good. But a passion for writing, performing, and improv led him to take his chances in LA. Along the way, he discovered a talent for sales, got into law school but decided not to go, joined the Peace Corps… well, it’s a long story, and stories are kind of his thing, so we’ll let him tell you the rest. You’ll learn about balancing passion with practicality, and you’ll hear about a film legend who inadvertently shifted Kris’s perspective on success. Plus: crying in Boise, the brothers wax philosophical on the default human state, and the heartbreak of moving.

    Tue, 09 Mar 2021 - 2h 47min
  • 8 - #8 | Schools Within Schools: Shirin Foroudi on Making a Career in Education, Finding Meaningful Work, and Becoming Who You Are

    After college, Shirin Foroudi became disillusioned with the legal field. Through a couple of chance encounters, she was inspired to change career paths and become an English teacher in New York City. She went on to work in different capacities in several different programs, including KIPP and The New York City Teaching Fellows. Along the way, she has coached other educators, counseled hundreds of students on their next moves, and learned a lot about what makes for a good fit in a career or a school. In this interview, she explains how she finds new jobs and why not going to her top-choice school was one of the best things that ever happened to her, among lots of other things. Plus one of the poorest intros we've ever done for this podcast, and a polite refusal to predict the future.

    Tue, 23 Feb 2021 - 3h 16min
  • 7 - #7 | Just the Facts: Reporter Breanne Williams Finds Her Calling in Journalism

    Breanne Williams wanted a way out of her small hometown that would also serve a greater purpose in helping other people. For a long time, she thought nursing was the only way to do that. After she realized she hated nursing, she didn't know what to do—and then a barely-remembered meeting with a mysterious college adviser changed everything. Find out how Breanne discovered her passion for journalism, and what she's doing with it.

    Tue, 09 Feb 2021 - 3h 29min
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