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Marwadi Talks

Marwadi Talks

dharmendra sundesha

मारवाडी ऐतिहासिक समाज, संस्कृति, धरोहर और कहानियों की रोचक बाते !!

3 - Leila Majnu Ri Amar Prem Kahani
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  • 3 - Leila Majnu Ri Amar Prem Kahani

    Kaish Amari comes from a wealthy Islamic family. At the tender age of six he is sent to school and gets friendly with a young girl named Laila. Both of them become close friends, so much so that Kaish gets himself punished and beaten for her. They mature in age so does their love much to the chagrin of Laila's dad, who wants her to marry a wealthy Arabian, Bahksh, a noble Prince. Now the region is aflame with their love story, Kaish, who is now known as Majnu, cannot get Laila out of his mind and roams around the desert semi-senile, without food or drink, while Laila is getting wed to the man of her father's choice. The question remains will love triumph in the end or is this young couple fated to be separated for the rest of their lives.

    Mon, 19 Jul 2021 - 11min
  • 2 - Gogaji bawashi #Jaharpeer #Goga_peer #Panchpeer

    #Hindu_muslim_unity #folklore #idea_of_rajasthan_Marwad #Marwadi #Proud_Marwadi. गोगाजी राजस्थान के लोक देवता हैं जिन्हे 'जहरवीर गोगा जी' के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। राजस्थान के हनुमानगढ़ जिले का एक शहर गोगामेड़ी है। यहां भादों शुक्लपक्ष की नवमी को गोगाजी देवता का मेला भरता है। इन्हें हिन्दू और मुसलमान दोनो पूजते हैं। वीर गोगाजी गुरुगोरखनाथ के परमशिष्य थे।

    Mon, 05 Jul 2021 - 14min
  • 1 - Panch Peer, Baba Ramdevji, Ramsa.

    Ramdev was a fourteenth-century ruler, said to have miraculous powers, who devoted his life to the upliftment of the downtrodden and poor people of society. He is worshiped by many social groups of India as Ishta-deva. He is regarded as an incarnation of Vishnu. #Hindu_muslim_unity #folklore #idea_of_rajasthan_Marwad #Marwadi #Proud_Marwadi.

    Wed, 13 Jan 2021 - 10min