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On Messianic Judaism

On Messianic Judaism

Daniel Nessim

On Messianic Judaism follows the amazing history of Messianic Judaism from the days of Ezra to modern times. Additional episodes treat the Theology and Philosophy of Messianic Judaism, as well as featured interviews of leading Messianic Jewish thinkers.

18 - S2 E18 The Writing of the Mishnah
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  • 18 - S2 E18 The Writing of the Mishnah

    What is the Mishnah, and why should Messianic Jews care? Who wrote it? When was it written? Why was it written? What does it mean to us today? 
    Join me as I get slightly controversial. Yes, the Mishnah is relevant. 

    Wed, 10 Aug 2022
  • 17 - S2 E17: Interview with Rabbi Joshua Brumbach on His Commentary on Jude

    In this episode we interview Rabbi Joshua Brumbach on his recent commentary on the New Testament letter of Jude. Jude, or more properly Judah, was Yeshua’s brother. He is one of two of Yeshua’s brothers to write books that are now in the New Testament Cannon. His letter to other Messianic Jews is essential for rehabilitating our understanding of the New Testament and its theology in its native, Jewish, context.  

    To order the commentary, go to

    Fri, 22 Jul 2022
  • 16 - S2 E16: After the Wars

    In this episode, we are going to look at some of the people, movements, and events that followed the second (or third as I argue in a previous episode) Jewish revolt. We will ask:

    What kind of interaction did Messianic Jews with the larger Jewish community?Who was the Jewish Christian Melito of Sardis, and why is he significant?What does the Didache, a first century manual for gentile disciples, tell us about the relationship between Messianic Jews and gentile Christians? What did these Messianic Jews expect of gentile Christians in these early days?By the time of Nicaea, what did gentile Christians generally expect of Jews who believed Yeshua was the Messiah?
    Wed, 13 Jul 2022
  • 15 - S1 E15: What They Said: Christian Writings and the Nascent Messianic Jewish Movement

    In this episode we look at attitudes and prejudices apparent in Christian writings mainly between the Second Jewish War and the Council of Nicaea. As we take a look at the key authors in particular, we will see a continued hardening of Christian attitudes towards Jews, an increasingly strident supersessionism, and the increasingly difficult theologies and attitudes that Jewish disciples in Yeshua would have to deal with if they were to have any dealings with the majority church. 

    In particular, we will look at Ignatius, Barnabas, Justin Martyr, Tertullian. This episode might seem to record the doom of the Messianic Jewish Movement, but have no fear. Future episodes will document their perseverance from other sources. 

    Fri, 12 Nov 2021
  • 14 - S1 E14: The Second Jewish War and the Birkat Haminim!

    In this episode, we ask questions about the Second Jewish War, its "messiah" Bar Koziba, and its rabbi, Akiva.

    What made the revolt so inevitable?What made it such a milestone in Jewish, including Messianic Jewish, history?Did this war really cause a parting of the ways between Christianity and Judaism?What happened to the Messianic Jews who lived at that time – the Nazarenes, Ebionites, and others?And – were the Messianic Jews really singled out as heretics in the curse on the “minim”?

    Fri, 02 Jul 2021
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