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Rachel Palmer

Become a Paid Subscriber: You don't need to take substances to feel high! If you're patient, and you listen to what truly makes you happy, this is when the magic happens! The highs are soo good. The lows can be low, so being able to recognise these signs, and catch yourself when you need to change direction is key. When life aligns because you're in your flow, that's when the highs come in! I'll teach you how to find these moments, and maybe, just through my babbling, I can inspire you to find your journey, and your breakthrough. And let me tell you; life is not working against you, it's working with you...

4 - Relaxing is SOOOO good for you!
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  • 4 - Relaxing is SOOOO good for you!

    Relaxing = health . Time slows down and time is for you. Don't underestimate the power of napping :)

    Mon, 10 Oct 2022 - 12min
  • 3 - How to make healthy choices

    This week I give you the advice that hopefully you've been searching for, to help you make some major changes in your life. Starting with diets and what I think of them, ending with what a crazy 24 hours I've just had!

    Tue, 04 Oct 2022 - 12min
  • 2 - Doing Things By Yourself

    Ever wanted to do that? What that other person is doing? Or ever been so curious but stopped yourself from exploring ANYTHING because you're scared and on your own? It's only the bravest of us who take a direction, which is sad, and if you're not one of those people I want you to be. Go on your own journeys and keep it private, or broadcast it to the world! Happy Monday, and follow for more. <3

    Mon, 26 Sep 2022 - 08min
  • 1 - Finding Your Happy

    Enough is enough, it's time to nourish the soul and find happiness in perhaps ways you never knew were possible. Let's start making time for ourselves. Sometimes the smallest things, can bring the biggest achievements. 

    Mon, 10 Aug 2020 - 04min