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Theatr Iolo

Theatr Iolo

Theatr Iolo

Theatr Iolo is the leading Welsh children’s theatre company, creating high quality experiences that are stimulating, surprising and meaningful for children and their adults.Theatr Iolo yw cwmni theatr blaenllaw Cymru i blant, yn creu profiadau graenus sy’n symbylol, sy’n syfrdanu ac sy’n arbennig i blant ac i’w hoedolion.

24 - The Great Christmas Dinner Plot
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  • 24 - The Great Christmas Dinner Plot

    The Great Christmas Dinner Plot Gan \ By AlexA witty and heartwarming story about a Christmas emergency of epic proportions, The Great Christmas Dinner Plot tells of the lengths Santa and his elves will go to keep the spirit of Christmas alive... even when faced with a 20 mile per hour speed limit! Dyma stori ddoniol a thwymgalon am chwip o argyfwng Nadolig. Yn The Great Christmas Dinner Plot mae Siôn Corn a’r corachod yn gwneud eu gorau glas i achub ysbryd y Nadolig… hyd yn oed pan fydd terf...

    Wed, 03 Jul 2024
  • 23 - Y Freuddwyd Beryglus

    Y Freuddwyd BeryglusGan \ By SophieCome on a journey into Enfys’ dream world and discover those she meets on the way! Y Freuddwyd Beryglus will take you on a dangerous adventure through perilous mountains, lava lakes and ruinous castles, as Enfys fights to find a way back home to the real world.Dewch ar daith i fyd breuddwydiol Enfys, a darganfyddwch y cymeriadau y mae hi’n dod ar eu traws ar hyd y ffordd! Bydd Y Freuddwyd Beryglus yn mynd â chi ar antur drwy fynyddoedd gwyllt, llynnoed...

    Wed, 03 Jul 2024
  • 22 - Tu Ôl i'r Sgrin

    Tu ôl i'r Sgrin Gan \ By SionedTu ôl i'r Sgrin tells the story of two strangers who meet online and begin to form a deep connection and understanding of one another, despite their very different lives. But when their digital and real-life worlds collide, everything changes, leaving them with a different perspective and a valuable lesson that will stay with them forever.Stori dau ddieithryn sy’n cyfarfod ar-lein yw Tu ôl i'r Sgrin. Mae’r ddau’n ffurfio cysylltiad dwfn ac yn deall ei gilydd i’r...

    Wed, 03 Jul 2024
  • 21 - The Well-Known Wicks

    The Well-Known WicksGan \ By AliStori rybuddiol yw The Well-Known Wicks am effaith ddatfforestu ar gynefinoedd naturiol o amgylch y byd. Dyma stori ddoniol a thyner o safbwynt creaduriaid y goedwig, sy’n ein hatgoffa ni mor bwysig yw hi i ofalu am y byd o’n cwmpas.The Well-Known Wicks is a cautionary tale about deforestation and the damage it causes to natural habitats around the globe. Told from the perspective of the creatures who inhabit the forest, this funny and moving story is a gentle ...

    Wed, 03 Jul 2024
  • 20 - A Life in the Wild

    Creative Team / Tim CreadigolDirector / CyfarwyddShaili SathyuActors/ ActorionKvle LimaHannah McPakeShayontoni GhoshFaraz KhanSound Designer / Dylunydd Sainlan BarnardMusic composed by / Cerddoriaeth ganDyfan JonesWritten by / Ysgrifenwyd ganMabliThis project has been made possible thanks to a Connections Through Culture: India-Wales grant received from The British Council.Gwnaed y prosiect yma’n bosib diolch i grant Cysylltiadau Drwy Ddiwylliant: India-Cymru gan y Cyngor Prydeini

    Wed, 09 Mar 2022
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