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Spiritual Living With Francois Fineberg

Spiritual Living With Francois Fineberg

Francois Fineberg

Discover the Christian life as it was lived within the 1st Century. There really is more!

166 - 4 Suggestions To Withstand Satanic Influence
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  • 166 - 4 Suggestions To Withstand Satanic Influence

    Steal. Kill. Destroy. To this day, these are still the Satanic agendas of the Devil towards all people, and indeed the people of God. Scripture teaches numerous ways to stand against the negative influences of the Devil. However, our Lord Jesus Christ Himself modeled for us four things to inoculate us against the Satanic. These are humility, connection, peace, and truth.   Many of Francois' messages are delivered within the context of a spiritual formation school called, LEGACY School Of Discipleship. The emphasis of the school is to be trained within the realities of the accomplished work of Jesus Christ.  Visit LEGACY online for more information about the school or to support this work.

    Wed, 18 Sep 2024 - 43min
  • 165 - Swearing Self-Strength Spirituality

    Committing to our promises is a matter of integrity on a human level. However, on the spiritual plane, our self-imposed vows, promises, and commitments to God often lead to burnout in our performance-driven spirituality. The fulfillment of our promises to others is important, but we must question the origin of our supposed promises to God. Are they truly from the Holy Spirit? Or are they a product of our confidence in our own abilities?    Many of Francois' messages are delivered within the context of a spiritual formation school called, LEGACY School Of Discipleship. The emphasis of the school is to be trained within the realities of the accomplished work of Jesus Christ.  Visit LEGACY online for more information about the school or to support this work.

    Wed, 11 Sep 2024 - 57min
  • 164 - Manifestation Vs. Reality

    Our spiritual lives flourish in a healthy rhythm of intentional faith in God. This faith in God fortifies our inward man into the realities of the "kingdom of the heavens." However, it's possible that our outer manifestations may not always align with our inward realities in God. This discrepancy is not a cause for alarm. We are not at a loss, as the New Testament provides us with reassurance and guidance.    Many of Francois' messages are delivered within the context of a spiritual formation school called, LEGACY School Of Discipleship. The emphasis of the school is to be trained within the realities of the accomplished work of Jesus Christ.  Visit LEGACY online for more information about the school or to support this work.

    Wed, 04 Sep 2024 - 1h 01min
  • 163 - Christological Embodiment Spirituality

    The greatest sermon in Christendom, the so-called "Sermon On The Mount," perplexes many believers for its impossible standards of spirituality. And herein lies an unknown fact: it's not a sermon for us to live up to, but rather a description of Christ Jesus Himself. Instead of imitating the beatitudes, Francois teaches that Christ alone––who Himself is the embodiment of the "sermon"––can live it out. When we, His disciples, allow Him to live it in and through us, we practice "Christological embodiment spirituality." That's the goal of the "sermon."  Many of Francois' messages are delivered within the context of a spiritual formation school called, LEGACY School Of Discipleship. The emphasis of the school is to be trained within the realities of the accomplished work of Jesus Christ.  Visit LEGACY online for more information about the school or to support this work.

    Wed, 28 Aug 2024 - 25min
  • 162 - Experiencing Subjective Faith

    A deeper reading of the New Testament will reveal that Christ is not simply asking us to believe in Him versus other deities but to unite with His Person experientially because of faith. This experiential aspect of faith is crucial, because New Testament faith is not simply to believe in God at a distance, but rather for faith to realize God into our reality. Faith is more than our acknowledgment of God. It's a journey to “actualize” God, to experience God “tangibly.” According to Hebrews 11:1, faith is to “substantiate” God. It’s the difference between mere objective intellectual assent versus subjective tangible experience. This substantial kind of faith is what Christ is inviting us into.   Many of Francois' messages are delivered within the context of a spiritual formation school called, LEGACY School Of Discipleship. The emphasis of the school is to be trained within the realities of the accomplished work of Jesus Christ.  Visit LEGACY online for more information about the school or to support this work.

    Wed, 31 Jul 2024 - 16min
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